Coffee review

Is organic coffee healthy? organic coffee has less caffeine? how to make organic coffee better?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) organic concept gradually in-depth promotion, organic food, organic skin care products, organic nutrition and health products and other organic products are gradually familiar with, and the widely loved coffee also has organic, then organic coffee will be healthier? Why do you say organic coffee?

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

The concept of organic is gradually promoted, organic food, organic skin care products, organic nutrition and health products and other organic products are gradually known by everyone, and the widely loved coffee is also organic, so will organic coffee be healthier?

Why is organic coffee healthier?

Organic coffee is grown without any insecticides and other chemicals, but uses natural methods such as natural composting, hedgerows and pruning to maintain the growth of coffee trees to ensure the health of coffee trees. These ways of growing coffee are conducive to maintaining a healthy environment and keeping the groundwater pure.

Compared with the usual planting mode, the yield of organic coffee is reduced by more than 50%. Organic coffee uses coffee beans planted in the shade, although the yield is not high, but its quality can reach the level of gourmet coffee. After the coffee is harvested, the coffee beans must be processed in an organically certified roaster. After professional roasting, there will be less caffeine left in the coffee, and other active ingredients in the coffee will be efficiently preserved. Therefore, organic coffee is healthier and more environmentally friendly than ordinary coffee.

The growth of organic coffee has a great impact on biodiversity and forest ecosystem protection, prevention of water pollution, soil quality and prevention of soil erosion. Because trees need good organic systems, large organic planting areas have created their own microclimate, which helps to reduce the impact of global warming and improve water resources management. Organic production ensures that no chemicals enter the coffee, and richer soil creates better tastes and healthier products. Organic coffee is grown to create jobs in most countries where there are fewer jobs. It creates more jobs throughout the year and makes employment more stable. It allows people to maintain small land and provide them with their own houses, food, construction and heating materials (wood) in a healthy environment. All this contributes to the creation of stable small rural communities. Learn why organic coffee cultivation is such a great idea and why it should eventually give you a better experience.