Coffee review

Hand-brewing coffee beginners need to pay attention to hand-brewing failure coffee very sour and bitter solution

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) hand brewed coffee (pour over) can be said to be the most basic and simple way of making fine coffee. There are no complex machines, just hot water, filter and coffee. A cup of fresh coffee can be made in just three minutes. Hand flushing is also a boutique coffee.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Hand-brewed coffee (pour over) can be said to be the most basic and simple way of brewing fine coffee. There are no complex machines, just hot water, filter and coffee. A cup of fresh coffee can be made in just three minutes.

Hand brewing is also the most exciting part of boutique coffee, by adjusting the different parameters of brewing, including: grinding degree, water temperature, water speed and time, enough to change the final taste of coffee. This article will introduce the basic concepts, so that you can have enough knowledge to start making the first cup of hand-made coffee after reading this article.

Starting with grinding, coffee beans have to be turned into coffee powder before they can be converted into a cup of coffee. There are mainly two kinds of grinders (bean grinders). One is to "split" coffee in a random way by rotating the blade at a high speed. The other is to grind the coffee beans systematically in the middle of the plate by turning two cutters. Some of these theories will not be discussed in detail here, now just keep in mind that fine coffee will only use the latter-cutter-type, taking its controllability and high average degree.

The roughness of grinding will affect the extraction of cooking. By adjusting the empty loophole between the two cutters, the finer the empty loophole, the smaller the powder. The finer the powder, the larger the area where hot water can come into contact with coffee. Hand flushing usually uses medium to young powder, probably between young salt and crude salt. Don't be too nervous about how to reach the right age. Learning to make coffee is actually learning to adjust your hands with your sense of taste. As long as you learn the theory well, you will know how to adjust it later.

After you have coffee powder, the next step is to prepare hot water, the temperature of which will affect the taste of pulled coffee. To simplify this article, set the temperature between 85 and 90 degrees to make your first cup of coffee. In the future, I will write another article to talk about the relationship between temperature and taste.

With coffee powder and hot water, we can pull out the aroma of coffee beans and turn them into our favorite coffee drinks. Coffee powder should be filtered to separate coffee from powder. Different filter designs have their own requirements for falling into the water, and under different requirements, the goal is to achieve the average taste of coffee powder.

The most common filter cup of boutique coffee is the Japanese Hario V60, V-shaped filter paper, which falls into the cup through a large water hole. The special type is a high degree of control, and the user can change the acquisition characteristics by changing the strength and direction of falling into the water. To get a cup of good coffee with V60, it is necessary to accumulate some experience and fully understand the effect of each cooking parameter on taste. We do not recommend new friends to self-study V60, because the road is more rugged than other filter cups.

With / body / flush / boil / square / case

Use Hario V60-02 filter cup

1. Grind 20 grams of coffee beans. The degree of grinding should be set to coarse particles, the coarse degree of grinding can withstand high temperature, not easy to extract, will improve the cleanliness of the product, let the coffee have a sense of transparency, but also make the rhyme more lasting.

two。 Prepare 300g of 93 degrees hot water, the proportion of powdered water we will cook will be 1:15.

3. The first time to inject water, inject 50 grams of hot water, steaming. After about 45 seconds, the water will completely flow into the sharing pot, and the second time to add water is when the hot water drops to the cup after the first time.

4. After steaming, inject 70 grams of hot water, so that the two injections enjoy a total of 120 grams, that is, 40% of the total water (this is the "4" in 4-6 techniques). These two steps can affect the acidity and sweetness of the product. If the amount of water injected in the first time is more than that in the second time, the fruit acid of the finished product will be brighter. On the contrary, the sweetness of the finished product will be more obvious.

5. The remaining 180 grams of hot water, we divided into three times, each time 60 grams, the last 180 grams of water, is 60% of the total hot water (4-6 techniques of "6"), it can determine the concentration of coffee. It should also be noted here that the water injected in the previous round must be fully flowed into the sharing pot before the next round of water injection can be carried out.

If you like the coffee a little stronger, you can also raise the hand pot a little higher to inject water, which will make the water fully stir the coffee powder layer and further increase the concentration of the product.

The whole filling time is controlled at about three and a half minutes, and then you can take the filter cup away and enjoy your delicious coffee. The coffee finished with this simple step has almost no bitterness and has just the right sour taste. After a sip, you can immediately realize the primal purity of the coffee, and even people who don't drink much coffee will think that this cup of coffee can drink.

"the joy of coffee is that there is no end to the brewing process. What I like most is tasting freshly brewed coffee. Why does it taste like this? There should be other ways to brew. Time to think and so on. "

Um, so let's take a look at another champion's way of brewing, ↓.

The stable center water injection method of the male god Wang ze

Wang ce's competition coffee may be difficult to replicate. after all, they use Panamanian rosy summer and have a set of perfect brewing deduction, each holding a pot of water fluently with both hands, elegant and delicate movements, and online appearance full of personal charm. However, his explanation of his own cooking plan and fixed parameters are still worthy of our reference.

With / body / punch / boil / square / case (part of his competition speech)

1. Choose the ceramic V60 filter cup, because it has better heat preservation effect, can make the coffee from hot to cold has a richer acid change, so that this cup of coffee is more refined. First let the temperature of V60 drop to room temperature, low-temperature ceramic material can enhance the aroma intensity of coffee. Use filter paper to make it taste clean and warm and wet the filter paper beforehand.

two。 I will use 15 grams of coffee, 250 milliliters of water, and finally get 220 milliliters of coffee liquid. I used a finer grinding degree, which can increase the alcohol thickness of the coffee. And once the filter cup is filled with water, the stable hand does not need to turn a few more times, and the coffee powder will roll on its own, just pour water into the filter cup.

The 1:15-1:16 ratio is common. In principle, the smaller the gouache proportion is, the stronger the coffee is, and the larger the coffee is, the more the flavor can unfold. Scorched bitterness and astringency are more likely to occur when using a larger gouache ratio, and each bean has a different state, so it is necessary to make the most appropriate proportion for the beans.

3. The temperature of boiling water is set to 93 degrees Celsius, and I will steam for 30 seconds to increase the sour and sweet feeling of this cup of coffee. After steaming, I will inject water into three stages, steadily injecting water into the middle to prevent unnecessary fine powder mixing.

Beginners often think that water temperature is very important, but water quality is more important. I like sour water for coffee, pH6.7 or so. The mineral content can be controlled through household filter kettles. The water temperature corresponds to the roasting degree of coffee. The deeper the beans, the lower the water temperature, and the shallower the beans, the higher. 88-92 is my usual temperature.

4. My total extraction time is 2 minutes, and the target TDS is 1.42, which makes my coffee cleaner and stronger in aroma and flavor.

The degree of grinding needs to correspond to the cooking time. The thicker the powder, the longer it takes, and the finer the powder, the shorter it is. The general household bean grinder scale # 3, I suggest 2 minutes, while the scale # 6 can be extended to 3 minutes and 30 seconds.

Finally, the male god suggested that we could use mindfulness to make the coffee taste better. "when I was grinding beans, I would focus on talking to the coffee," be good, be good. "