Coffee review

Why can coffee beans be divided into male and female? The difference between male and female beans the price of male beans is much more expensive than that of female beans.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) many people like to drink coffee, a number of oily coffee beans, contains a lot of modern refreshing secrets. But you know what? In fact, there are not only many kinds of coffee beans, but also gender differences. Coffee experts also said: the amount of public coffee is small, but the coffee is brewed.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Many people like to drink coffee. The bright coffee beans contain many refreshing recipes of modern people. But you know what? In fact, there are not only many kinds of coffee beans, but also gender differences. Coffee experts also said: the amount of public coffee is small, but the brewed coffee tastes better.

How to tell the male from the female of coffee beans? The method is very simple and has something to do with the appearance of coffee beans. After peeling off the peel and flesh of the coffee beans, there are three kinds of seeds in the coffee fruit. Except for the rare triangular beans, in a normal coffee fresh fruit, the spherical coffee seed is composed of two coffee beans together. Relative to the plane and curved to the outside, this common form of coffee beans is called flat beans, that is, the so-called mother beans, while a small number of seeds do not split, and raw beans that show complete oval particles are called male beans. It is said that public coffee tastes better, but because the quantity is too small, only one coffee bean in every 100 coffee beans is male. Generally speaking, coffee growers are not particularly singled out to sell, and this difference is really difficult to find if you do not directly hit or contact the scene of the place of origin. Every May is the maturity of Brazilian coffee, and it is time to actually understand the gender of coffee. As the saying goes, things are scarce, but of course coffee is expensive for the public.

Then why are the growth patterns of male beans different? Public beans (round beans) are classified as defective beans in botanical theory for several reasons: first, coffee beans suffer from diseases and insect pests before bearing fruit, or coffee trees may be caused by prolonged drought or malnutrition. In addition, coffee beans at the ends of branches also have a higher chance of forming round beans, which may be due to poor growth due to more opportunities to be exposed.

Indonesia is the second largest coffee producer in the world, and its golden coffee is famous overseas as Indonesia's national treasure. Coffee beans are divided into male beans and female beans, male beans slightly smaller, into jujube-shaped. The size of mother bean is larger than that of male bean, and its appearance is semi-jujube-shaped. Mother bean coffee taste slightly bitter, sour, coffee taste heavy, need to add a partner or milk to drink. Public beans taste mellow, there is no sour taste, like black coffee taste, male beans are the most suitable. In a coffee tree, the yield of public beans accounts for only 5-10% of the total output.

Is the male bean good or the mother bean good?

This may be what you all want to know, thinking that if it is a male bean grown at the end of a coffee, it will receive more light and calories, so the mother bean grown from the same tree will naturally be better. There is also a saying that because of its special shape, male beans are easier to tumble than mother beans, which is of great benefit to improving the uniformity of baking. Is it true that public beans are really better than mother beans? there is no final conclusion on this issue. In fact, the beans we often drink are mixed with female beans. In short, it is difficult to adjust the taste, and what we like to drink is the best. That can also be in daily life according to their own taste to buy some coffee beans to compare, taste.