Coffee review

A complete set of knowledge about learning to make coffee varieties and flavor roasting

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, With the increasing pressure of life, coffee seems to have become a refreshing drink for modern people, but it has also lost the original intention of tasting coffee. Whether it is early afternoon, tasting a mouthful of strong coffee should be the most relaxing time. What's the key to a good cup of coffee? Of course, good soaking skills and utensils are not available, but high-quality coffee is the most important.

With the increasing pressure of life, coffee seems to have become a refreshing drink for modern people, but it has also lost the original intention of tasting coffee. Whether it is early afternoon, tasting a mouthful of strong coffee should be the most relaxing time.

What's the key to a good cup of coffee? Good soaking skills and utensils are certainly not available, but high-quality coffee is the most important element. Do you have no idea about coffee, or are you often confused by a bunch of coffee terms? It doesn't matter. In this article, we will introduce the important knowledge about coffee making in the easiest way.

Only when there is high quality coffee, can there be good coffee.

In China, drinking coffee has become an impossible or vacant enjoyment, and the more people choose to make coffee at home, not only for interest, but also for better coffee quality. If you have, or are going to, do so, the first thing you need to know is: good coffee comes from high-quality coffee.

These reasons are the same as most food. A fish that is not fresh, no matter how gorgeous it is, it must not eat very much, but a fresh fish, steamed with ginger, is very delicious. Coffee is the same, poor quality of coffee, no matter how good washing skills or utensils can not be saved, destined to only brew bad coffee.

So, what is a high quality coffee maker? Think back to the coffee you used to drink. It probably has two characteristics: first, it has a charming aroma, and second, it tastes good. Different from the taste of the variety of coffee, people certainly have different opinions, but the so-called high-quality coffee is to retain the aroma and flavor of the coffee as much as possible and distribute us completely when it is finally washed.

The aroma of coffee, which comes from the aroma and taste of roasted coffee, is produced after roasting. In the process of baking, the water from the coffee is slowly released, the weight is reduced, the color deepens, the volume expands, and the fragrant oil slowly releases us. In addition, the large amount of green reducing acid originally contained in raw na will gradually disappear with the baking process, releasing good-smelling fruit acid, and the taste will vary with the baking time. In the following picture, you can see the change in the shape of coffee beans during roasting.

We will elaborate on the details of roasting later. What you must know is that the special flavor of coffee is roasted to us, which is related to how to choose a good coffee.

Coffee, V.S. Coffee powder

After deciding to make your own coffee, the first choice you face when buying coffee is to buy coffee (whole coffee beans) or ground coffee powder (ground coffee beans). Apart from the factors of other people's appliances and time, we have only one suggestion: buy coffee and buy coffee.

Such a firm recommendation is of course reasonable. Remember what we said earlier? The aroma of coffee comes from the roasted oil, which is sealed in the holes in the coffee. After grinding, the aroma and oil begin to volatilize, and finally the flavor of our coffee is greatly reduced.

In addition, the area of the powder in contact with the air increases and is vulnerable to tides or deterioration. Under the same conditions, coffee can be preserved twice as long as it is given to coffee powder.

The only advantage of coffee powder is its convenience, especially if you always oversleep in the morning and don't have time to grind your coffee slowly, or if you haven't bought grinding tools yet, coffee powder can help you enjoy a nice cup of coffee quickly. If you decide to buy coffee powder, then we have the following two suggestions: (1) buy about two weeks at a time, retain the flavor as much as possible, and (2) keep the coffee powder sealed in a good can.

Is it troublesome to grind it yourself? In fact, it is fun and can maintain the flavor!

Coffee is the most complete form to preserve the flavor of coffee and to ensure that the coffee is fresh and rejuvenated. Sometimes the scraping factory will be in the same bag of coffee powder, mixed with meat and the source of coffee, it is difficult for consumers to ensure the source of coffee.

Although grinding is also a big subject, believe us, once you start grinding it yourself, you will never get back to the days of coffee powder. Try the discordant flavor brought by brewing various powders, which is definitely one of the joys of homemade coffee.

The best coffee time.

Did you read the shelf life on the package before buying coffee? We want to tell you another important thing: coffee's best tasting period is not just the expiration date, you should pay attention to the roasting time.

The roast date of coffee represents the freshness of the clothes, and fresh coffee that is usually roasted within 2-3 days is a good choice. However, the roast is not actually the most delicious time to take the seeds, remove the smoke smell of the meat roasting, the smell of the seeds themselves, in addition, the coffee will continue to spit nitrogen dioxide (exhaust) for about 48 hours after it has just been baked, so the coffee is washed immediately and the flavor is not good.

It is recommended to buy coffee for about 2 weeks at a time. It is also recommended to store coffee in the room. It is also recommended to use it for 2 weeks. It is the most fragrant time.

Coffee types

There are more than 100 coffee varieties in the world, two of the most popular are Arabica and Robusta (Canephora). These two coffees differ greatly in taste, composition and growing conditions. We will compare the differences below.

Arabica: expensive, soft, low caffeine

Coffee advertisements often emphasize that they use 100 percent Arabica coffee. That's right, Arabica is indeed superior in terms of price alone. Generally, Arabica coffee costs twice as much as Busta.

In terms of composition, Arafica has a low caffeine content (0.9-1.2%), 60% more fat than Busta, and twice the sugar content, so the overall taste of Arafica is sweet, soft, and slightly sour.

In addition, the green reducing acid of Arafu card has a lower volume (5.5-8%), and the green reducing acid can resist oxidation and is also an important component of insect resistance. Therefore, Arafu card is easy to be attacked by insects and is also vulnerable to climate. It is generally planted at high altitudes. Today's one must also open slowly. It must be oval. The largest grower of Arabica coffee is Brazil, while Colombia produces Arabica coffee only.

Robusta: Cheap, bitter, high in caffeine

By contrast, Busta, which is high in caffeine (1.6-2.4%) and low in fat and sugar, has a bitter and intense taste, and some even say it has rubber channels.

Busta's green reducing acid content is high (7-10%), it is not susceptible to insects and climate effects, it is generally planted at low altitudes, and today's that must be much faster. That must be the circle.

Currently the largest grower of Busta is Vietnam, with production also occurring in Africa and India.

Price does not allow quality

Because the price is cheap, busta is often used to mix with commercial coffee powder to reduce costs, the current cheap instant coffee on the market, mostly busta, but the price is not high or low in quality, good quality busta is often used for espresso (espresso), because its crema is rich. A good quality Robusta tastes even better than a poor quality Araffica.

Therefore, the choice between the two kinds of coffee is mainly based on people's preferences. Sometimes people may think that the aroma of Allah is too heavy, and sometimes people like the mellow suffering road of Busta. The only caveat is that if you're sensitive to caffeine, watch out for the caffeine content. Robusta has twice as much caffeine as Arabica.

Of course, these are not the only coffee varieties, you can also try Java (Java), Kona (Kona), Sumatra (Sumatra) and other varieties to add new flavor to your coffee experience.

What do you recommend for coffee?

The flavor of coffee is affected by the origin, planting, processing, packaging, roasting, etc. How to choose a good quality coffee and how to identify the flavor you might like? That starts with coffee.

The flavor of coffee

Before we get to the point, let's get to know a few proper terms to describe the flavor of coffee:

Acidity: the irritation on the edge of the tongue when drinking coffee. Unlike the acidity of lemons, coffee is the freshness and crispness that boosts the taste, sometimes referred to as brightness. Acidity is a very important characteristic of coffee. Without acidity, the coffee here will be very insipid.

Aroma: the aroma of brewed coffee gives me more variety of flavors that my tongue can feel. The adjectives commonly used to describe the aroma of coffee are fruit-like, earthy, smoky, flowery, berries, nuts and so on.

Body: the taste of coffee in the mouth, from light as water or skim milk to thick as milk or cream, syrup.

Aftertaste (aftertaste): like the concept photo of wine tasting, it refers to the taste that remains in the mouth after drinking coffee. Sometimes there is cocoa or chocolate for coffee scraping, and sometimes there are fruits, berries, real ones, and so on.

Balance (balance): this is an evaluation of the overall taste of coffee. Good coffee has a balanced, layered, and soft aroma, while bad coffee usually shows only a single way.

Take off the above proper nouns and a few common adjectives to describe high-quality coffee:

Fragrant alcohol (mellow): refers to the coffee with medium acid and good balance.

Body temperature and (mild): indicates that coffee has a harmonious, small flavor, usually refers to high-altitude South American coffee.

Soft: low-sour, slightly sweet coffee, usually Indonesian coffee.

After knowing the terms that describe the flavor of coffee, we can see what factors affect the taste of coffee.

1. The origin of the coffee

Coffee connoisseurs all know: drinking depends on the year, drinking coffee depends on the origin. The soil, climate and altitude of the place of origin are the most fundamental elements to shape the taste of coffee. If it does not follow the coffee grown in the place of origin, the taste will naturally be very different. Here are some of the main flavor features of their coffee for you:

Brazil: most of them produce Robusta, with a strong taste and chocolate leftover. Coffee products in hypermarkets usually come from Brazil.

Central America, Colombia: the taste is light, the balance is good, the acid is low, and the aftertaste is fragrant. It is more popular in the United States.

Indonesia: there is soil fragrance or smoke, there is bitter cocoa residual way, mellow and thick affirmation.

Ethiopia: the origin of coffee reduction, a wide variety of high sex. Many are described as having syrup and strawberry or blueberry leftovers.

Kenya: it tastes thick and hard, with some sour tomatoes.

Hawaii: sweet, gentle, mellow, soft and sarcastic.

two。 The planting and treatment process of Coffee

Apart from the origin, the method of coffee planting (shade planting, cultivation, fertilization), and the picking process of coffee (whether the working conditions of farm workers enable them to have a good quality of work) also affect the delicious coffee trees. Can you produce bad beans?

The process of processing coffee after harvest is also very important. Japan, water washing and honey treatment are the three ways we are willing to treat coffee after harvest. The coffee is rich in fragrance, sweet in aftertaste and mellow. Washed coffee with that fragrance or floral fragrance, acid suitable for medium, alcohol on the low. Honey-treated coffee is sweeter, less fruity and mellow.

At present, there are various grading methods in the world, such as large and small particles of coffee, being willing to deal with good or bad, and planting at a higher altitude, so as to judge the quality of coffee. In addition, sometimes there are fair trade, sustainable management, cultivation, high altitude and other certified white labels on the scraping coffee package. most of the coffee with these labels are of good quality. Although sometimes the scraping proof may not be directly related to the quality, it indicates that these coffees have been carefully processed.

3. Preservation of raw coffee

Raw coffee beans are stable before roasting and can be preserved for a year under good conditions. But if you put it in a place with high humidity, you may not get sick, and the coffee maker will also be contaminated with the bad smell in the air.

It is worth mentioning that the so-called aged refers to the coffee which is stored in the low humidity and high altitude environment of the reduction area, keeps fresh regularly and develops a particularly mellow taste. These kinds of coffee taste good, but they are also expensive. The coffee that is stored in the general warehouse is not old, so don't be deceived.

4. Roasting of coffee

The baking time will affect the appearance and taste. The simplest way to judge is that the longer the seed is baked, the lighter the sour channel and the less caffeine. The following is a brief list of coffee flavors that do not follow the baking time for your reference.

How to bake (light roast): there is a strong grass road, the aroma can not be used to taste.

Who bakes (cinnamon roast): high in acid and slightly fragrant, often used to wash dream coffee.

Medium roasting (medium roast): the taste is sour and bitter, the aroma is suitable for the medium, and the original flavor of the coffee is retained. It is often used to make dream coffee or mixed coffee.

Medium and deep baking (excited roast): the taste is rich, sour and bitter balance looks slightly sweet, and the aroma and flavor are good.

Urban roasting (city roast): lower the acidity of medium and deep roasting to perfectly show the flavor of coffee, which is the standard roasting degree and is the most popular among the general public.

Deep roasting (full city roast): bitter to sauerkraut strong, Yu Tao back to that, full of aroma, mostly used to make iced coffee or black coffee.

French baking (French roast): bitter taste, strong taste, no sour, with smoking aroma.

Also baked (Italian roast): the seed has a glossy surface, a strong bitter thistle, and a coke channel, which is mainly used to make espresso.

From the above introduction, you can get the basic knowledge of coffee, through the actual taste of discordant coffee to get the flavor, find out from your favorite taste. After reading this article, congratulations on having entered the world of coffee. Let us repeat, OK, shoot big, is the beginning of a good cup of coffee.