Coffee review

Coffee has physiological benefits and cancer risk benefits.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Surrounded by the aroma of coffee, let the thoughts of solitude wake up, and let the joy of gathering and sharing spread. Coffee can be said to be an indispensable element of life in today's metropolis of Taiwan. However, since people discovered the beauty of coffee, while enjoying its fragrance, they can't help but have their doubts about their health. Under the aroma of coffee, they can't help thinking of being alone.

Surrounded by the aroma of coffee, let the thoughts of solitude wake up, and let the joy of gathering and sharing spread. Coffee can be said to be an indispensable element of life in today's metropolis of Taiwan. However, since people discovered the beauty of coffee, people can not help but have doubts about their health while enjoying its fragrance.

Surrounded by the aroma of coffee, let the thoughts of solitude wake up, and let the joy of gathering and sharing spread. Coffee can be said to be an indispensable element of life in today's metropolis of Taiwan. However, since people discovered the beauty of coffee, people can not help but have doubts about their health while enjoying its fragrance.

Why do the media report the study of coffee on human health? there are different views on it.

The construction of human knowledge system often accumulates between errors and corrections and tends to be correct. Because coffee bean is a natural substance that contains a variety of complex biological compounds that are physiologically active to the human body. Due to the wide differences in the planting areas of coffee beans, different climates, many varieties of coffee trees, different ways of treatment, different other behavioral factors (such as adding cream and sugar) when people consume coffee, and even the way coffee is made. As a result of many factors, there are often arguments between the pros and cons when scientists study the advantages and disadvantages of coffee on the human body in an epidemiological model. For example, some authors have pointed out according to their research that the contents of caffeine, chlorogenic acid (chlorogenic acid) and coffee quinic acid (caffeoylquinic acid) in various coffee products in their country (UK) often vary from several times to more than ten times [1]. As a result, there are many inconsistencies in the research results. Another example: cafestol (caffeine alcohol) and kahweol (caffeinol, which is soluble in coffee oil) are found only in Arabica coffee beans, but can lead to an increase in low density lipoprotein, resulting in a high risk of cardiovascular disease among coffee drinkers. However, the coffee drinkers who drink coffee with hand-flushing paper or cloth filter will have a lower risk of cardiovascular disease than those who drink coffee with semantic concentrate. The data obtained when this variable was not taken into account in the early epidemiological model study resulted in a debate between the pros and cons. In spite of this, epidemiological scientists and experimental verification scientists have gradually cleared up a lot of disputes and puzzles with a trembling attitude of seeking truth. The following will focus on the arguments with clear evidence about the effects of drinking black coffee (without cream and sugar) on human health. The author thinks that generally speaking, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

The physiological benefits of coffee

Coffee beans contain bioactive ingredients such as caffeine, chlorogenic acid, alkaloids, dietary fiber, potassium and coffee quinic acid. Although, in modern scientific research, it has been gradually understood that they have their own physiological activities. However, there are still many effects on human physiological health and the mechanism remains to be clarified.

Coffee has the benefit of reducing the incidence of diabetes.

Prospective generational studies in many countries, including the Netherlands, the United States, Finland and Sweden, have found a significant dose correlation between coffee consumption and the reduced risk of developing type 2 diabetes. In particular, those who consume more than 4-6 cups are compared with those with low consumption (a standard cup in Europe is 125 to 150 cc; Finland 100 cc). The reason is that caffeine affects blood glucose tolerance or insulin sensitivity, or the causal relationship between other behavioral factors remains to be clarified. It is worth mentioning that the Finnish survey of tens of thousands of twins found that those with high intake had a similarly lower risk of diabetes. It is certain that coffee can reduce the incidence of diabetes to some extent [2]. But it is too early to suggest drinking coffee as a way to prevent type 2 diabetes. If you drink coffee with a large amount of cream and sugar, resulting in excessive intake of high-calorie, high-fat and high-sugar, I am afraid it is another cause of type 2 diabetes.

Coffee has the benefit of reducing the risk of Parkinson's disease.

A startling study found that people who had more than one cup of coffee a day were half as likely to develop Parkinson's disease in the next 10 years as those who drank it. Although epidemiological and animal studies have shown that caffeine can reduce the risk of Parkinson's disease. But it is not certain to suggest increasing caffeine intake to prevent Parkinson's disease. Because the mechanism of dopaminergic neurotoxicity is unknown.

Coffee has the benefit of reducing the risk of other cancers

Several prospective generational studies have found that people who drink more than four cups of coffee a day have a 20% lower risk of colorectal cancer. At the same time, in well-controlled animal studies, coffee was determined to have a reduction in the prevention of colorectal cancer. However, it is not clear whether the risk of colorectal cancer is reduced in the human body.

The harm of coffee to health

In terms of refreshing effect, about 100-200mg of caffeine (1-2 cups) excites the cerebral cortex. However, caffeine also has toxicological effects. Adults with more than 10g of caffeine at a time (half lethal dose = 150mg) can be fatal; the average 120mg of a cup of coffee is equivalent to about 83 cups. Of course, most people don't drink so well.

Coffee increases the risk of cardiovascular disease

The results of the study show that people who consume more than five cups of coffee a day may increase the risk of coronary heart disease. The results of the study showed that people who drank more than 5 cups of coffee a day increased myocardial infarction, but moderate consumption of 3-4 cups a day did not. Coffee beans in Robasta contain 16-O-methylcafestol (6-methyl caffeine) and coffee beans in Arabica contain cafestol (caffeine alcohol) and kahweol (caffeinol) increase cholesterol liver metabolism. This increases the concentration of plasma cholesterol and neutral fat. The increase in low-density lipoprotein therefore carries the risk of cardiovascular disease. People with more than 4-5 cups of coffee a day are bad for the heart and blood vessels. Most people often have doubts about whether drinking coffee will cause arrhythmia, but recent studies have shown that drinking five cups of coffee a day does not cause arrhythmia. Arrhythmias are caused by extremely high toxic doses.

Coffee, will osteoporosis?

Many people worry that caffeine in coffee will increase calcium excretion. in fact, there is no direct evidence that caffeine intake in coffee will lead to osteoporosis, that is, as long as the dietary calcium intake is normal, normal drinking of coffee (less than 3 cups) does not cause bone loss as a result of drinking coffee.

Is coffee related to urinary incontinence in women?

The survey showed that women who drank more than four cups of brewed coffee a day were more likely to suffer from bladder dysfunction than those who drank 1-2 cups of coffee a day. When women suffer from urinary incontinence, such as leaking urine when laughing or coughing, they should reduce coffee consumption, especially if women over 55 have the habit of smoking at the same time.

Headaches every holiday may be caffeine withdrawal syndrome.

When the daily fixed consumption is 5 to 6 cups (containing more than 500 or 600 milligrams of caffeine), if you suddenly stop drinking or reduce the consumption for 12 to 24 hours, you will have typical bilateral generalized headache, tiredness and other withdrawal symptoms. In addition, there will be elevated blood pressure and heartbeat, increasing the release of stress hormones in the body, leading to anxiety, tension and even insomnia. So headaches occur when you wake up during the holiday and don't need to pour a large cup of coffee before work to cope with your work. Therefore, it is recommended that the daily fixed drinking amount is less than 4 cups to avoid the occurrence of withdrawal symptoms.

Food Safety crisis in Coffee beans

Ochratoxin A (Ochratoxin A, OTA) is a colorless renal toxin that cannot be recognized by the naked eye. It's highly toxic. Taiwan is very suitable for the growth, reproduction and production of ochratoxin An of mold Aspergillus ochraceus because of its humid and hot environment. Whether raw or cooked, ochratoxin A may continue to be produced during storage, transportation and sale (above 15C). According to the latest study in 2015, the toxin of raw coffee beans will grow from no to more than 400 ppb after being stored at 60% of the temperature for 19 days after implantation.

The Food and Drug Administration announced on December 4, 1998 that the limit of mycotoxins in food was less than 5 ppb. The detection rate in government sampling tests from 2000 to 2003 was higher than 20%. In 2011, the Department of Health also found that one piece of raw bean exceeded the standard (10%). In foreign studies, such as the European Union survey over the years, the detection rate of raw beans is also higher than 30%. Although the study shows that part of ochratoxin A will be broken up at the high temperature of roasting coffee beans (205 to 230 degrees), the currently popular fine beans in Taiwan often emphasize medium and shallow roasting. Its baking temperature is about 210 degrees Celsius (the so-called exploding beans), which can only break down about 70% of ochratoxin A (Table 1) [5], not completely. Even some studies have pointed out that the residual chemical structure of pyrolyzed ochratoxin A still has some toxicity. If the baked cooked beans are stored, transported and sold in a poor environment, toxins may continue to be produced. The result is even more worrying.

How to avoid drinking coffee bean ochratoxin A? From the point of view of the storage, transportation and selling environment, it is the best policy to choose fresh coffee and raw beans in this season to be stored at a low temperature after baking. On the other hand, the vacuum deoxidization packaging is better than the sack packaging of origin. (although, at present, some manufacturers in Taiwan use vacuum bags, if they do not add deoxidizer bags, they are not in a complete deoxidization state, and the complete inhibition effect cannot be achieved. Because molds are generally aerobic.

The authors have added some intestinal bacteria of animals to the coffee beans after washing and fermented them, and carried out the storage experiments of raw and cooked beans at simulated "room temperature" (30 degrees, 85% relative humidity) in Taiwan. The results show that ochratoxin A can be inhibited quite well. At the same time, it can increase its richer flavor. In Taiwan, where toxins are easily produced, it may be a good choice for raw beans to be fermented by some beneficial bacteria during or after washing. In fact, modern developers have also enhanced the microbial fermentation technology used in the washing process to facilitate the removal of pectin layer from coffee cherries.

Coffee can be said to be a good thing given to people by God. We must use it with a cherished attitude that is enough. Then you can get a real blessing. Taking a comprehensive view of the current research results, proper drinking of coffee has a health-promoting effect on the human body; that is, it is limited to four cups a day without affecting the function of the body. In addition, we should pay attention to the source of coffee beans, vendors for raw and cooked beans transportation, storage conditions.