Coffee review

On the Origin, Culture and Communication of the History of Coffee

Published: 2024-09-08 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/08, Coffee tree, is a tropical plant, is an evergreen shrub, growing in the equator, latitude 25 degrees north and south, that is, within the Tropic of Cancer. The Tropic of Cancer and near the equator are the world coffee growing belts. The growth conditions require abundant rainfall and humid climate. The suitable altitude is about 600 to 1500 meters, and the annual rainfall is 1500 to 2000 millimeters. Mild days alternate with cool nights.

Coffee tree, is a tropical plant, is an evergreen shrub, growing in the equator, latitude 25 degrees north and south, that is, within the Tropic of Cancer. The Tropic of Cancer and near the equator are the world coffee growing belts. The growth conditions require abundant rainfall and humid climate, and the suitable altitude is about 600 to 1500 meters.

The annual rainfall is 1500-2000 mm, mild days alternate with cool nights, the average annual temperature is about 15-25 degrees, and the temperature difference between day and night is about 10 degrees. The timing of rainfall is very important. it is best to have intermittent heavy rain and strong sunshine during maturity, while a period of dry weather is needed during harvest. Any form of soil

Soil is suitable for both, but the best soil is a mixture of decomposed volcanic soil, humic soil and permeable soil. The soil needs to be well drained. Although the coffee tree needs irrigation, pruning, weeding, fertilization and root protection, if the soil is not the best condition for the coffee tree, it will not bear fruit for several years. In the middle of the day

The sunshine does not need to be very long, a few hours will be enough. The hillside is an ideal location because of its short viewing time and good drainage. Coffee trees like wet roots, tall trees with most leaves planted in the coffee garden, on the one hand to protect against the wind, on the other hand shade. In terms of coffee tree disasters, frost damage and leaves

Disease is the most common killer.

The type of coffee

Coffee belongs to the evergreen shrub of the genus Coffea of Rubiaceae. There are about 125 species in the subgenus Coffeae (25 in Africa and 55 in Madagascar, Masklin and Comoros) and 7 species in the subgenus Baracoffeae.

, there are only three kinds of coffee of commercial value

Arabica species (Coffea Arabica), Robusta species (Coffea)

Canephora also known as Coffea Robusta) and Laibika species (Coffea)

Liberica), these three varieties are called the "three native species of coffee".

Arabica species account for about 70% of the world's total production, and boutique coffee is in great demand.

Robusta species account for 27%, which is mainly used in instant and canned coffee. The content of caffeine is twice that of Elaraby species.

Leibiria is not resistant to leaf rust and has a poor flavor, so it is only traded in Surinam, Libya, Ivory Coast and other countries in West Africa, and is not popular all over the world.