Coffee review

Panama rose summer, Jamaica blue mountains, Hawaii Kona coffee is the coffee world's winning general

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, This article will introduce... Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee, Japan buys Hawaiian Kona Coffee, Island Coffee Rosedale Coffee, Coffee Competition, Cup Test winner People are always looking for the best, the best wine, the best cigar, the best champagne, etc. And coffee is the same, drinking good coffee is a feeling

People will always pursue the best things, want to pursue the most mellow wine, taste the most charming cigar or the most noble champagne and so on, and coffee is the same, drink good coffee is happy, so people also began to pursue better coffee, from the former Jamaica Blue Mountain or Hawaii Kona to the most popular rose summer coffee, people have been pursuing the most distinctive and delicious coffee beans.

Jamaica Blue Mountain

Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee is Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee in English. It once dominated the competition field and bidding field. Its sour, bitter and sweet taste is very balanced and smooth. Because it is planted on the Blue Mountain Range in Jamaica, the top Blue Mountain Coffee can only be planted at an altitude of more than 2000 meters. The Blue Mountain Range is the highest mountain in the Caribbean Sea. Rich soil and high altitude climate bring special flavor to coffee here. Some people say that Blue Mountain can maintain a certain sense of balance no matter what temperature, WALLENFORD, MAVIS BANK, SILVER HILL, MOY HALL, GOLD CUP are well-known estates of Blue Mountain Coffee.

History of Blue Mountain Coffee

The history of Jamaica coffee can be traced back to the 18th century. The British introduced coffee species into Jamaica and planted coffee in the Blue Mountains. Among them, it is divided into pure blue mountain coffee at high altitude, alpine blue mountain coffee beans, superior blue mountain coffee beans and low altitude blue mountain coffee beans. Different grades also determine different prices.

Confrontation with Natural Climate & Japan's Timely Aid

Coffee, like all crops, depends on heaven for food. We, who belong to Taiwan island countries where typhoons often ravage, can understand that a huge wind and rain may destroy the whole batch of crops. Jamaica is also deeply affected by hurricanes. As long as there are hurricanes, coffee beans often have production problems, and both taste and yield are affected. Under such circumstances, the Japanese UCC company assisted and brought in a planting method that can resist hurricanes. Therefore, in order to appreciate Japan's assistance, the Jamaica government will let Japan purchase Blue Mountain Coffee first every year, and 70% to 80% of Blue Mountain Coffee is owned by Japanese first. In order to imitate the taste of Blue Mountain, other manors and countries have used coffee beans with similar tastes, but there is still a certain gap in taste. It is called Blue Mountain Flavor Blue Mountain Comprehensive Coffee. The real Blue Mountain will cost more than NT $1500 a pound.

Hawaii Kona

The island also produces fine coffee.

Hawaii Kona English is Hawaii Kona, in expensive coffee beans must also have Hawaii Kona appearance, unexpectedly in Hawaii a holiday island can actually grow amazing coffee beans, Kona coffee grade is divided into four kinds are the highest Extra Fancy, Fancy, Prime and Gr. No.1, well-known Hawaii occupies a small area, so the goods are more rare and more expensive, the price is almost Jamaica blue mountain coffee, one reason is also related to labor force. What do you mean? Most coffee farmers grow coffee in third world countries, and their profits and benefits are often squeezed to circulate cheaper in the market, but hawaiian labor is american, and natural costs are higher.

The baking is more appropriate

The roast advice for Kona coffee is not to roast too deeply, but to maintain a light and medium roast like Blue Mountain, because too deep roasting will lose the sweet and sour taste of coffee, which is the essence of Kona coffee. Many supermarket packaged Kona beans are lower content blends, pay close attention to the percentage of Kona beans on the package before buying, usually 10% to 50%, and even many will add spices to fill the taste, but lose the opportunity to taste the original Kona. Real Kona coffee, like any other coffee bean, is labeled with the estate, lot number, weight, and preparation.

Coffee (Geisha Coffee, Geisha)

After introducing the first two heavyweight seniors, I want to introduce the protagonist of this time-Guixia Coffee, English is Geisha Coffee, because transliteration is the same as Japanese geisha coffee, but many baristas do not like this title, they think this coffee should not have the impression of Japanese geisha, so more and more people use the name Chinese Guixia, literally more beautiful.

The Prince of Alien: Taking Root and Being King Again

Café de Rosedale was celebrated on his estate in Panama, but he was the story of an alien prince who succeeded in becoming the new king. The rose coffee tree was discovered in Ethiopia, and then transferred to many African countries such as Uganda and Tanzania by the Coffee Research Institute in Kenya. It is a coffee species that is not valued but used for research.

Later, after someone introduced rose summer coffee to Costa Rica, through Don Pachi Manor, rose summer coffee was brought to Panama. Each manor can see some rose summer trees, because they were used as windbreaks for coffee trees. Yes, you are right. Windbreaks are windbreaks, and the yield of rose summer trees is not stable. They are often mixed with ordinary coffee beans, not a main coffee bean project. It wasn't until about 2000 AD that a manor discovered that the taste of rose summer was actually very delicious, and it was not sure whether this taste would appeal to the discerning coffee lover.

Coffee's always winning.

In 2003 Rose Summer won the first place in the Best Panama for the first time, produced by the famous Emerald Manor. Many baristas were amazed after drinking Rose Summer for the first time. There was a feeling of Cinderella story. The otherwise insignificant windbreak tree turned into a star coffee tree. In the next ten years until today, Rose Summer is still the first choice in all major cup tests and coffee competitions, and also compares Blue Mountain and Kona two star coffee beans at one stroke, becoming the mainstream of fine products in the market.

root-seeking journey

As mentioned above, Rose was discovered in Ethiopia, so nature inspired many people who wanted to explore to find the roots of Rose. Willem Boot, founder of La Mula Mule Manor, and Joseph Brodsky, founder of Ninety Plus, both did this, but there was no special harvest. Nature is so wonderful. In all parts of the world, there are people growing rose summer coffee, even in Taiwan, but the flavor is still not as amazing as Panama, but it is also a very good coffee bean, I believe that each coffee variety has a most suitable temperature, soil, climate and other factors, want to easily copy the taste buds of coffee is really a daydream.

about the degree of baking.

The popularity of boutique coffee is a clarion. More and more coffee shops in Taiwan have begun to focus on coffee beans and the use of home-roasted beans. Many people have questions, why are coffee beans mostly medium roasted? The reason is probably related to Taiwanese people's established impression of coffee. Coffee is mostly bitter with a slight astringency, but many single-item coffees can only highlight the fruit acid flavor of coffee when they are lightly roasted, so moderate roasting brings out some bitterness and releases some sourness to better meet the market. But in fact, there are many beans are not suitable for shallow baking, acid discomfort is not appropriate, baked beans and beans is also a university knowledge!