Coffee review

About coffee tasting, how to taste coffee, coffee tasting standards.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, For information, please note that the coffee tasting method in the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) is actually very similar to wine tasting. Make full use of your sense of smell, taste and mouth touch to taste a cup of coffee from all angles. But that doesn't mean it's very difficult to taste a cup of coffee. When talking about taste, it is easy to confuse taste with taste. In fact, taste is taste.

For information, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

The method of tasting coffee is actually very similar to wine tasting. Make full use of your sense of smell, taste and touch in your mouth to taste a cup of coffee from all angles. But that doesn't mean it's very difficult to taste a cup of coffee. When talking about taste, it is easy to confuse taste with taste. In fact, taste is a mixture of taste and smell. Although you may feel that the fragrance in your mouth is smelled in your mouth, it is actually an illusion. The nose is connected to the mouth. Try to hold your nose while drinking coffee, and you will find that there is only a monotonous texture in your mouth, and at the moment you release your nose, the aroma suddenly rushes in, as if the smell is coming out of your mouth.

First, smell the aroma first

The most important thing about the attraction of coffee is its strong aroma. If a cup of coffee is full of aroma, then the beans of this cup of coffee are fresh and worth drinking. However, if you feel a strange smell, there is something wrong with the coffee beans.

2. Flavor

When coffee is in your mouth, you can feel its flavor. Each kind of coffee seed will show different flavor because of different varieties, producing areas, planting methods, treatment methods and storage means.

Try to record your feelings about coffee beans against the flavor inside. If you taste too much, you will clearly know your preferences and style.

3. Perception and aftertaste

After drinking the coffee, there will always be a taste back from the throat, some of the aftertaste is very long and clear, some are very short and very vague.

4. Know the acidity

There are too many friends who give a "I refuse" attitude when it comes to the sour taste of coffee. Many people like coffee which is very mellow and even has a strong taste and thinks that it is strong enough. But if you want to be a coffee connoisseur, the key to getting started is to know the acid in coffee.

It must be noted here that the more sour coffee is, the better. Sweet and sour substances in coffee are components of the complexity of coffee flavor.

5. Feel mellow

This indicator, also known as taste, is visually interpreted as water and oil. Oil is thicker than water, so the taste value is higher than water, and high-quality coffee will feel fuller than low-quality coffee.

Some coffee will feel very full in the mouth, while some coffee will be very water quality, the taste is erratic and short-lived, the former is excellent and the latter is bad.