Coffee review

Is it bad that coffee tastes sour? How many of the five common mistakes you made when you went to a coffee shop?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) many office workers always go to work with a cup of coffee in hand or go to the coffee shop to get together with friends during the holiday. Today, the barista will unravel five common mistakes made in the coffee shop, so that everyone will no longer make a fool of themselves! [1] Coffee tastes sour = bad / bad? Caffeic acid

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Many office workers always go to work with a cup of coffee in hand, or go to the coffee shop to get together with friends during the holidays. Today, the barista will unravel five common mistakes made in the coffee shop, so that everyone will no longer make a fool of themselves!

[1] Coffee tastes sour = bad / bad?

Coffee acid is not sour, depending on the type of coffee beans and the method of baking.

When some guests drink sour, they will complain that the coffee beans have gone bad. This really makes the barista laugh and cry. Many people think that coffee is sour because it has gone bad, but it is not. The acidity of coffee, in fact, attaches great importance to the variety of coffee beans, as well as the time of late baking, the longer the coffee is roasted, the more sour the coffee will be. On the other hand, the original taste of some coffee beans is fruity and sour. Because some guests don't like sour coffee, some small cafes allow guests to choose between "light roasting" or "deep roasting". So next time, don't jump to conclusions that the coffee has gone bad!

[2] there is no coffee in the matcha latte.

Matcha lattes are coffee-free!

In recent years, the matcha latte (Matcha Latte), which is loved by girls, is often seen in coffee shops, but it has no coffee content. "Latte" means milk in Italian. Matcha latte is actually a drink of matcha mixed with milk. There is no coffee in it. When pretending to be forced, beware of being laughed at without knowing it! However, in terms of refreshing, green tea contains a small amount of caffeine, so it also has a slightly refreshing effect.

[3] it is impossible for lactose intolerant patients to drink Lafayette coffee in their lifetime.

Coffee with oatmeal milk can also achieve the effect of flower pulling.

People with lactose intolerance or milk allergy will feel uncomfortable as long as they drink milk, so most of them stay away from coffee. In fact, there are many milk substitutes on the market, and in coffee blending, recently it is more popular to use Oatly oatmeal milk instead of milk: oatmeal milk is actually very similar to milk in texture. So people who are sensitive to milk, might as well try coffee made with oatmeal milk, you can also enjoy the beauty of milk coffee!

[4] there is a big difference between caramel macchiato and macchiato!

Macchiato is espresso with a sip of milk foam.

Due to the appearance of a bar menu, caramel Caramel Macchiato has become popular, and many people are interested in espresso Macchiato. But did you know that a single-order Macchiato is not as strong and easy to taste as caramel macchiato, but a small cup of espresso (Espresso) with a sip of milk foam on top? the coffee is strong and bitter. So don't think you can get a caramel macchiato without caramel flavor!

[5] want a stronger coffee, so order a latte and less milk?

More milk and less milk will not affect the refreshing effect!

In fact, each kind of coffee has a certain proportion, if you order less milk, that is not the case. The refreshing effect of regular coffee lies in the amount of espresso, latte and less milk will not increase the amount of coffee, so it will not make your coffee more refreshing, but the taste of coffee will be slightly highlighted. Don't tell your friends to order a latte with less milk because you want to be refreshed.