Coffee review

Major coffee bean producing areas in the world

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Coffee comes from coffee beans, which are harvested and processed from the fruit of trees. Coffee trees grow at the center of the equator, between latitudes of 25 degrees south and north, and are called coffee belts in tropical or subtropical countries. at present, coffee is produced in more than 60 countries. Coffee is produced in South America, Central America, the West Indies, Asia, Africa, Arabia, the South Pacific and


Coffee comes from coffee beans, which are harvested and processed from the fruit of trees. Coffee trees grow at the center of the equator, between latitudes of 25 degrees south and north, and are called the homes of tropical or subtropical countries called coffee belts. At present, there are about 60 coffee-producing countries. Coffee is produced in South America, Central America, the West Indies, Asia, Africa, Arabia, the South Pacific and Oceania. In terms of production, Brazil ranks first in the world, accounting for about 30%. The second is Central and South America with Colombia as the center, followed by Africa and Arabia, and the remaining 10% are distributed in Asia and the islands.

The coffee beans on the market are mainly Coffea Arabica and Coffea Robusta. The plants, cultivation methods, environmental conditions, shape, chemical composition and even the processing methods of subsequent raw beans are different between the two kinds of coffee beans. Each of them can be subdivided into more variety branches. Most of the coffee beans in circulation on the market are distinguished by their origin.


Indonesia (Indonesia)

Famous representative coffee: Java (Java), Sumatra Manning (Sumatra Mandheling)

India (India)

Famous representative coffee: monsoon Malaba (Monsooned Malabar)

Vietnam (Vietnam)

Well-known representative coffee: Vietnamese coffee


Yemen (Yemen)

Famous representative coffee: mocha Matari (Mocha Mattari)

Ethiopia (Ethiopia)

Well-known representative coffee: Mocha Harra, Yirgacheffe

Ivory Coast (Cote dwellers / Ivory Coast)

Well-known representative coffee: none

Kenya (Kenya)

Well-known representative coffee: Kenya AA

Tanzania (Tanzania)

Well-known representative coffee: Kilimanjaro

Zimbabwe (Zimbabwe)

Famous representative coffee: Chipinge

Malawi (Malawi)

Well-known representative coffee: Malawi

Central America

Guatemala (Guatemala)

Famous representative coffee: Antigua (Antigua), Vivette Nango (Huehuetenango)

Costa Rica (Costa Rica)

Well-known representative coffee: Tarrazu

Nicaragua (Nicaragua)

Famous representative coffee: Nicaragua (Nicaragua)

Honduras (Honduras)

Well-known representative coffee: Honduras

Panama (Panama)

Famous representative coffee: Panama (Panama)

El Salvador (El Salvador)

Famous representative coffee: El Salvador (El Salvador)

Mexico (Mexico)

Famous representative coffee: Mexico (Mexico)

South America

Brazil (Brazil)

Well-known representative coffee: Santos

Peru (Peru)

Famous representative coffee: Peru (Peru)

Ecuador (Ecuador)

Well-known representative coffee: Galapagos


New Guinea (New Guinea)

Well-known representative coffee: new Guinea

Australia (Australia)

Well-known representative coffee: Australian coffee

The Caribbean Sea

Hawaii (Hawaii)

Famous representative coffee: Kona

Jamaica (Jamaica)

Famous representative coffee: blue Mountain (Blue Mountain)

Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico

Famous representative coffee: Puerto Rico (Puerto Rico)

Dominica (Dominican Repubilc)

Well-known representative coffee: Santo Dominica (Santo Domingo)