Coffee review

What are the differences among iced coffee, cold coffee and ice drop coffee?

Published: 2024-05-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/05/20, What you also get is a cold cup of coffee, but the taste and production process of chilled, cold extract and ice drop coffee are very different. The cold extraction method belongs to immersion type, while ice drop is percolation type, while cold coffee just lowers the temperature of hot coffee, which is not as good as cold bubble and ice drop in taste. Hot extraction chilled coffee ice coffee refers to the rapid extraction of coffee with hot water

What you also get is a cold cup of coffee, but the taste and production process of chilled, cold extract and ice drop coffee are very different. The cold extraction method belongs to immersion type, while ice drop is percolation type, while cold coffee just lowers the temperature of hot coffee, which is not as good as cold bubble and ice drop in taste.

Hot extraction method

Iced coffee ice coffee refers to a cold drink coffee that is quickly extracted with hot water and then added with ice or cooled rapidly. It takes about 2 to 3 minutes to make.

Cold-extracted coffee Cold Brew refers to coffee extracted by soaking coffee powder in cold water less than 5 ℃ for a long time, which takes about 8-12 hours. Also known as iced coffee. Because cold-extracted coffee is extracted at low temperature, when it comes into contact with coffee powder for a long time in low-temperature water, only flavor substances with smaller molecules, such as flower and fruit, are extracted, while flavor substances with large molecules, such as smoking and roasting flavor, are difficult to extract. therefore, cold-extracted coffee is more able to drink the flavor of coffee beans, smooth taste, hierarchical and sweet obvious.

Ice drop coffee water-drip coffee, as the name implies, refers to the water after the ice is melted, drop by drop on the coffee powder level, and then extract the coffee liquid. This method of extraction advocates low temperature and slow extraction, and the whole extraction process takes about 5-16 hours according to the amount of powder and the size of the equipment. Ice droplets are also a kind of cold-extracted coffee, compared to cold brew directly soaking water with coffee powder for 12 hours, ice droplets are extracted drop by drop. American barista champion Laila once said in an exclusive interview that ice drop coffee (Ice-drip) tastes more fragrant, delicate and subtle than Cold Brew.