Coffee review

What's the difference between a coffee latte and a cappuccino? Is it foam? Can Cabo pull flowers?

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Coffee flower at that time, most of the attention is the presentation of patterns, but after a long period of development and evolution, coffee pull is not only visually particular, in the milk taste and integration of ways and skills have been constantly improved, and then in the overall taste

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

At that time, most of the coffee flowers paid attention to the presentation of patterns, but after a long period of development and evolution, coffee flowers were not only visually particular, but also the ways and techniques of milk taste and integration have been constantly improved. and then in the overall taste of the presentation, to achieve the so-called color, aroma, taste state.

In Europe and the United States and Japan, there are many professional coffee books, all introducing the basic technology of "Latte Art", and many coffee-related books, which take coffee flower as the professional symbol of the cover, and coffee flower has become a necessary professional technology in all kinds of competitions.

Every year, the "The Millrock Latte art Competition" World Coffee pull Competition is held in "coffee fest" in the United States, bringing together coffee pull experts from all over the world to show a variety of innovative patterns and skilled skills in the competition. In the "world barista competition" (WBC) World Coffee draw Competition, which is known as the Olympic competition in the coffee industry, coffee pull is a necessary professional coffee technology for athletes. Each representative of each country will show their superb skills in the cappuccino event during the competition, which shows the importance and professionalism of coffee pull in the Italian coffee industry.

1. Latte caff è latte

Latte means milk in Italian, so the literal meaning and original definition of caff è latte is "a coffee drink made with espresso and hot milk", that is, coffee with milk. Specific ingredients include espresso (espresso), a large amount of hot milk and a small amount of milk foam (milk foam). Its highlight is the perfect combination of the aroma of milk and the aroma of coffee, while diluting the bitterness of coffee, but nothing else, it is a very common, casual and approachable coffee drink.

two。 Cappuccino cappuccino

The word Cappuccino is said to come from "Capuchin" and is associated with the St. Franciscan Church because the coffee looks like a white scarf over a dark black robe. Cappuccino is a common Italian breakfast drink, mainly composed of espresso, hot milk and lots of milk bubbles. The highlight lies in the soft and delicate foam and the various decorations on it (cinnamon, cocoa, chocolate sauce, etc.).