Coffee review

How long does it take to make cold Sidamo candle coffee before it tastes good? The specific operation mode of cold bubble

Published: 2024-09-08 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/08, Summer in Guangzhou comes very early, and the sunny day comes again! It's time to drink something cold, O (_) O ~ Let's continue with a wave of cold coffee!

Summer in Guangzhou comes very early, and the sunny day comes again! It's time to drink something cold, O (∩ _ ∩) O ~ Let's continue with a wave of cold coffee! Some time ago, we compared different proportions of cold-soaked coffee with flavor beans [Sidamo Sakuran]. [1:12] No ice tastes just right, suitable for friends who have no ice at home to drink directly; [1:10] Nuts are rich in flavor. with rich layering, even if ice is released, the taste will not be very thin after the ice melts, but the flavor becomes clearer. [1:8] the taste is full-bodied and the fruit flavor is rich, like a glass of fruit juice. The nutty flavor becomes obvious when diluted with ice.

The above proportion of the editor is soaked for 12 hours, so for flavor beans, cold soaking for 12 hours is the best flavor? Let's compare it with an experiment. This time, the beans were selected from the same flavor type, and they were soaked in [1:10] powder-to-water ratio for 24 hours, 12 hours, 8 hours and 4 hours respectively, and then filtered out and compared with them at the same time.

Let's first review the extraction method of cold bubbles.

Method of operation:

1. Pour coffee powder into the bottle

2. Then join the direct drinking water

3. Stir several times with a stirring stick to fully soak the coffee powder.

4. then twist the bottle cap and put it into the refrigerator for low temperature soaking and low temperature fermentation

5. After the completion of fermentation

7. At this time, the cold coffee is ready and can be enjoyed immediately or kept in the refrigerator (it is recommended that the best taste period is within 3 days, not more than 7 days).

Experimental test of beans

[Sidamo Candlestick]

Producing area: Ethiopia Sidamo

Altitude: 1750-2000 m

Treatment method: sun treatment

Variety: native species

Baking degree: shallow baking

The experiment begins:

The same experimental parameters are as follows: the ratio of powder to water is 1: 10: 20 grams of coffee powder / 200ML water / grindability BG-5B

[24 hours] Flavor: caramel, fermented fruit, nut, hazelnut, chocolate, cream, tropical fruit, jackfruit, raisin; rich overall feeling, ripe tropical fruit flavor, rich nut flavor and mellow taste.

[12h] Flavor: lemon, citrus, honey, pineapple, cream, sucrose, plums, nuts, almonds, Hawaiian fruit; soft acidity of the overall flavor, distinct flavor levels, sweet and sour balance.

Flavor: mint Liquor, cream, hazelnut, orange, pineapple, Hawaiian fruit, cream, melon; the overall flavor is relatively fresh and soft.

[4 hours] flavor: durian, wine, orange, citrus, nuts, cocoa, flowers; the overall taste is relatively thin, the aroma is more obvious, mainly citrus fruit flavor.

After comparing the flavor of the above four different cold soaking times, the editor found that the flavor of [24 hours] is the most complex and rich, which may be because the longest soaking time to extract the ingredients in the coffee is more complete, and the water saturation is the highest. The level of [12 hours] is also very rich, but not as complex as [24 hours]. It will transition from the sweet and sour taste of the entrance to the sweet and sour taste of the mouth, and then to the nutty flavor of Huigan. This may be because its extraction rate is not as high as that of [12 hours], more molecules with lively fruit flavor are extracted, while lazy molecules such as nut flavor are slightly less, so its flavor has a clear transition from sour, sweet, bitter and sweet to sweet. [8 hours] the flavor will be relatively fresh and clean, this extraction is also more fruit flavor, but the time is shorter, so the flavor is not as rich as the long time, but the overall sense will be better. Fruit and nut flavors are relatively soft, Huigan is also sweet sugar. [4 hours] the overall taste is thin, but the aroma is sufficient, which may be due to the short soaking time, so the aroma is not worn away much during fermentation, and the extraction rate is relatively low, so it tends to be sour in citrus fruit and weak in nut flavor.

Most of the time, we can not finish it at one time, often because we do more, we will filter out the coffee liquid and continue to stay in the fridge, so what will it look like when we put it in the refrigerator?

So the editor put them all in the refrigerator and took them out 35 hours later to compare them again.

[35 hours]

[24 hours] Flavor: spices, cocoa, caramel, fermented wine, nuts; the overall nutty flavor is relatively rich, the flavor will be the most complex.

[12h] Flavor: fermented fruit wine, Luohanguo, chocolate, cream, almonds, caramel; the overall sweetness is the highest and the finish is full-bodied.

[8h] Flavor: cocoa, citrus, orange, cream, fermented fruit wine, ripe apple; the overall sense of sweet and sour balance, rich fruit flavor, like a cup of fruit tea

Flavor: durian, cream, kumquat, hazelnut, lemon; the overall taste is thin and fruity.

The editor thinks that they can be sorted according to their taste, flavor, hierarchy and so on after 35 hours of fermentation.

Concentration: 24 h > 12 h > 8 h > 8 h > 4 h

Sour taste: 4h > 8h > 12h > 24h

Sweetness: 12h > 8h > 24h > 4h

Total knot

After comparing the flavor of this wave of cold soaked coffee with different soaking time, the editor thinks that if you want to drink it immediately after soaking, you can choose [24 hours] or [12 hours]. Those who like balanced and full-bodied flavor can choose [24 hours], and those who like juice can choose [12 hours]. If you can't finish it that day, the editor thinks that the sweet and sour flavor of [12 hours] or [8 hours] after fermentation is more balanced, of course, if you like the rich type, you can choose [24 hours].

It seems that [12 hours] is the best choice, because whether it is put back in the refrigerator or not will not be bad, of course, it depends on the individual taste and the flavor state of the beans. The reason why it is not recommended to use [4 hours] soaking is that the flavor has not been extracted completely at the beginning, and there is little surprise after fermentation, so the editor is not recommended to use it.