Coffee review

The ideal growing environment for coffee trees the common sense of coffee tree planting coffee tree varieties and regional factors

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Coffee trees grow in the tropics between Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Cancer and near the equator, also known as the world coffee growth belt, caffeine varieties and regional factors, there are also great differences in appearance. Evergreen leaves from yellowish green to dark green or

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Common sense of Coffee Tree planting

Coffee trees grow in the tropics between Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Cancer and near the equator. There are also great differences in appearance among the so-called world coffee growth zones, caffeine varieties and regional factors. With long green leaves ranging from yellowish green to dark green or even to brass, these shiny trees are wavy, which is more pronounced in Robasda than in Arabica.

Although coffee trees need irrigation, pruning, weeding, fertilization and root protection, if the soil is not the best condition for coffee trees, it will not bear fruit for several years. The coffee tree grows most luxuriantly in the soil full of nitrogen, potassium carbonate and phosphoric acid. When the tree is 4-5 years old, the first fruit will soon reach the yield peak, and will continue to bear fruit if it is well cared for in 20-25 years.

One of the characteristics of a coffee tree is that its fruit can bear fruit several times a year, and another is that flowers and fruits (also known as cherries) coexist at different stages of ripening. The style of the whole coffee industry is influenced by the fickle nature. If the fruit is too ripe, the beans in it will rot. If it is not ripe enough, the beans picked will not ripen by themselves. So bean pickers often go back to the same tree several times to look for ripe fruit-trying to get only 2 pounds of green coffee beans, usually an average of 2 pounds a year. Keep this in mind the next time you buy coffee.

Coffee farmers who produce low-grade coffee beans like to use labor-saving methods to harvest beans, but in this way, because the quality is not pure, it impairs the flavor of coffee and lowers the grade of coffee. The way to pick coffee beans in some parts of Africa is to shake coffee trees, shake the fruit off the ground, and pick it up from the ground before the fruit is injured and rotten. Secondary coffee is produced in most parts of Brazil, where coffee is picked by plucking all the leaves, flowers, overheated and green fruits from the branches at a time, and it takes two years for such damaged coffee trees to return to normal.

The delicate white flowers of coffee trees are a rare spectacle, which smells like oranges and jasmine. Sometimes it is just a tree blooming alone; for example, a young bride, sometimes the whole coffee garden is in full bloom, looking like a sea of white flowers, beautiful and intoxicating, but the flowering period is fleeting. Within two or three days, the petals dispersed with the wind, leaving only the remaining fragrance to spin around in the air.

Before long, small fruits appeared in piles, first green, then yellow, then red and crimson, and when they almost turned black, they could be harvested in Jamaica. Bats were the first to know whether the fruit was ripe or not. They sucked coffee pulp at night, telling farmers that the fruit was ripe and ready to be harvested. The oval fruits gather tightly around the branches, and the slender, smooth dark green toothed leaves are opposite on both sides of the branches. The leaves on the sunny side are harder and the back is softer and paler, and the edges are fan-shaped. The branches are also opposite from the trunk.

Evergreen trees are usually bred in nurseries, grow into seedlings, and then move to coffee farms a year later, in full compliance with the way the early Arabs planted and cultivated coffee trees. In the first four or five years of its growth, the coffee tree will continue to take root downward, develop its trunk upward, and develop its branches into an umbrella shape so that it can bear rich fruit in the future.

There are three main commercial varieties of coffee trees, and there are different classifications under these three varieties. Arabica coffee (arabica) coffee is the most important and the best quality coffee beans, derived from Isopia, is currently the most widely cultivated coffee. Lieberita Coffee (liberica) originates from Liberia Nobasta (robusta) originates from Congo. The name of the latter shows that it is stout, able to resist bad weather and disease; it does not need much manual care when preparing land, weeding and pruning, and can be allowed to grow in the wild of woodland. Although it tastes more bitter than Arabica, its quality is much lower than that of Arabica. Most Africans drink Nobasta coffee. Because of its high output, it is used to make instant coffee. Arabica coffee is suitable for growing at an altitude of 2000,000ft above sea level-the higher the altitude, the better the quality, while Liburita and Nobasta are best grown below 2000 feet above sea level.

Coffee trees can only grow in the tropics and subtropics. Coffee trees can grow in different climates, soils, elevations and rainfall in the middle of the "coffee belt". In Africa's hot and humid canyons and forest rainforests, coffee trees thrive; in cold, foggy, windy Central America it still produces high-quality coffee beans; and in the Caribbean, where the climate is changeable, drought and torrential rain, it still blossoms and bears fruit. These factors are the secret that coffee beans have different flavors and a wide variety.

The ideal growth environment is a temperature between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit, an appropriate altitude and annual rainfall (between 40 and 120 inches). The timing of rainfall is very important, it is best to have intervals of heavy rain and strong sunshine during maturity, and a period of dry weather is needed for harvest. Any form of soil is suitable, but the best soil is a mixture of decomposed volcanic soil, humic soil and permeable soil.

The sunshine time during the day is not very long, a few hours is enough. The hillside is an ideal location because of its short viewing time and good drainage. Coffee trees like wet roots, tall trees with most leaves planted in the coffee garden, on the one hand to protect against the wind, on the other hand shade.

As for the disasters of coffee trees, frost damage and leaf diseases are the most common killers.

The plantation of coffee is reclaimed.

1. The quality of planting ditch excavation affects the soil and water conservation of coffee garden, the implementation of agricultural technical measures, the growth and yield of coffee trees, which should be seriously implemented. According to the excavation method, the gentle slope can be excavated from the slope to the slope, while the steep slope should be excavated from the slope to the slope, which can minimize the phenomenon that the soil of the upper ditch rolls into the next ditch. The specification of the planting groove is 0. 60 meters wide and 0. 5 meters wide at the bottom. 40 meters deep. 50 meters. When digging, dig up the topsoil on the ditch surface. Pile up on the top of the ditch, and then dig out the bottom soil in the ditch and pile it at the bottom of the ditch, the edge of the mouth below the depth of the ditch shall prevail, the roots and stones in the planting ditch need to be cleared out, and the trees between the platforms should be retained and shall not be cut down at will. The excavation time should be from October before winter to February in spring, and it should be completed in May at the latest.

2. Return to the soil and build the platform, the thickness of the first return is 0. 5%. 20 meters, then increase the application of farm manure 1500 kg + phosphate fertilizer 100kg per mu, and mix the base fertilizer evenly. After the second return, the trough will be filled with a flat ladder, which requires the Mesa to be 1. 5% wide. 20 meters, the Mesa is tilted by 2m and 3 degrees. After finishing the table, the lime powder was spread evenly on the table, in order to adjust the soil PH value, enhance the soil microbial activity and improve the availability of soil mineral nutrients.

3. The specification of digging hole and applying base fertilizer is generally 0.40 m × 0.40 m × 0. 30 meters, 0.10-0.25 kg superphosphate was applied in each hole before planting. If possible, 3-5 kg organic fertilizer was applied in each hole, and the fertilizer was well mixed with the cave soil, otherwise fertilizer damage would occur after the coffee seedlings were planted.

Planting of Coffee

The planting time is from June to July after the beginning of the rainy season. If the planting day is cloudy or light rainy, it can be planted all day. If the planting day is sunny, it should be planted before 11:00 and after 04:30 in the afternoon. Seedlings should choose 5 pairs of true leaves, with a height of more than 0.15 meters, and strong seedlings without branches. The row spacing of planting plants is 1 meter × 2 meters, and 333 plants are planted per mu. After cutting off the bottom 0.03 meters, the seedlings are stripped of the nutrition bag and put into the hole. The nutrient soil is highly consistent with the surface of the platform. The fine soil is layered backfilled after the seedlings are righted, and then gently compacted after covering the soil, so that the nutrient lump can be effectively combined with the surrounding soil. After the coffee was planted, the platform was fully trimmed to keep the table clean, flat and introverted. After 10 days of planting, the cavities, dead seedlings and damaged seedlings were found and replaced in time to achieve the whole seedling.

The strong seedlings of coffee planting

The main results are as follows: 1. The selection of nursery land is close to water source, convenient for transportation, loam or sandy loam with loose and fertile soil, deep soil layer and good drainage, paddy field with PH value 6mur6.5 or early nursery land, and close to coffee garden. Turn over the depth of the ground by 0.20-0. 30 meters, after hoe and stone removal, the ridge soil moisture is 1.0-1.2 meters wide. 2 meters, about 10 meters long, and apply rotten and finely crushed farm manure on the soil moisture, 3000 kg per mu. The soil and fertilizer are mixed and used as nutrient soil for bagging. The nutrition bag specification is 0.15 × 0.20 meters. The nutrient soil is packed in bags, each row of 12 bags neatly placed, upright, each mu can put 60-70 000 trees, according to 4 meters pile spacing to plant shade branches. Height 2. 0 meters shade density 75 / 85%, need to be surrounded by a fence to protect shade, the nursery will be built.

2. The arrangement and sowing of the budding bed will divide the nursery that has been hoed and fertilized by 0. 5%. 50 meters, soil moisture width 1. 20 meters, height 0.15-0. After disinfecting the soil with carbendazim, add 7963 new varieties, about 5000 seeds per kilogram, soak the seeds in 40-45 ℃ warm water for 3 minutes, then soak them in clean water for 24 hours. After taking out, sow the seeds evenly on the sand bed, in order not to accumulate, the sowing rate is 0.50-0.60kg / m2, press the seeds into the sand with a plank. Cover 0.01-0. 02 meters of river sand, then covered with straw and watered thoroughly. The seeds were unearthed 80 days after sowing, and the seeds should be watered regularly before they were unearthed to prevent drought and uncover the grass in time after the seedlings were unearthed.

3. Seedling management after transplanting nutrition bags, diseases and insect pests should be controlled before transplanting bags, carbendazim and methyl thiophanate should be used to control seedling blight, and dimethoate should be used to control diseases and insect pests. When the cotyledons of young seedlings are fully unfolded, they can be transplanted. Soak the seedlings with water before pulling out the seedlings, reduce the root damage when pulling the seedlings, select small seedlings with stable and robust cotyledons, hold 0.10 meters of water in containers such as buckets or pots, put the seedlings neatly into the containers for preservation, drench the nutrition bags full of nutritious soil with water before transplanting seedlings, and require straight roots and seedlings after the seedlings are inserted into the nutrition bags. Root water is poured immediately after planting. During the nursery period, attention should be paid to the removal of weeds and prevention of diseases and insect pests. 2 Mel in human and animal feces was applied 3 times, poured with water at the proportion of 1:3, and sprayed with 0.5% Yunda 120 foliar spray once when the plant height was 0. 5%. 5 pairs of 15 m true leaves can be transplanted, and the seedlings should be refined for 3 weeks before transplanting.

Daily Management of Coffee planting

The main results are as follows: 1. The root system of intercropping coffee elongates with the growth of plant, and the root growth range is beyond the range of planting hole half a year after planting. Therefore, it is best to dig deeply from half a year to one year before the rainy season comes, and the depth should be 0.4-0.5 meters according to soil conditions and root distribution.

2. To fertilize coffee, we should master the type and amount of fertilizer, not only an appropriate amount, but also to prevent excessive. Insufficient fertilization will lead to yellow leaves, withered shoots, fruit drop, premature senescence and other phenomena; excessive fertilization will not only cause waste, but also worsen the soil. Young coffee tree is a vegetative growth period, fertilization should be mainly nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer, proper application of potassium fertilizer to promote root and branch growth, accelerate the formation of crown, cultivate good tree type, lay the foundation for high yield, but fertilization should grasp the principle of frequent application and thin application. The fertilization of coffee trees should be based on nitrogen and potassium fertilizer, combined with phosphate fertilizer and other element fertilizer.

The scheme of fertilization is as follows: 20 grams of urea per tree for the first time 20 days after survival, and 30 grams of mixed fertilizer of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium before the end of rainy season. In the second year, the first fertilization was from February to March, the second from May to June, and the third from August to September, with 100 grams of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium mixed fertilizer per plant each time. In the third year, fertilization was combined with weeding from February to March for the first time, and oil was applied 1000 grams per plant, the second time was from May to June, and the third time was from August to September. Fertilization of coffee trees: the first time from February to March was topdressing 1500 g per plant, and the second, third and fourth times were in May, July and September, respectively. The fertilization method of coffee trees: young trees are 0. 5% off the root base. At 20 meters, the adult tree is digging a ring or semi-ring fertilizer ditch at the dripping point of the plant crown, 0. 5% wide. 20 meters, 0.20-0.30 meters deep, and cover the soil immediately after fertilization.

3. The table of the herbicidal coffee garden should be kept clean and free of weeds at all times, so as to avoid the competition between grass and coffee for nutrients. Weeding is carried out with a hoe combined with ploughing 30 meters away, and the root is pulled out by hand within 0.30 meters of the base of the tree, so as not to damage the rhizome. Weeds and branches on coffee stalks are not allowed to be uprooted with hoes to avoid damage to platform ladders and soil erosion. Proper retention of weeds and trees on stems can provide shade, conserve soil and water, and reduce the damage of diseases and pests to coffee.

First birth period

The first production period refers to the period from the beginning of production to the advent of high production, during which coffee begins to enter into reproductive growth, coffee trees grow vigorously, and there is a great demand for nutrients.

In full bloom, coffee trees usually blossom for 3-4 years, about 2-3 months a year. Their appearance and smell are similar to those of jasmine. When they bloom, they are born in clusters of branches, and the flowering period is 3-Mel for 5 days. After the flowers bloom, they bear small green fruits, which ripen and turn red into ripe fruits that can be picked after a few months.

The skin of ripe fruit is red. Because its shape and color are similar to cherries, ripe coffee fruit is called coffe cherry in many places. Under the bright red pericarp, the peel, pulp and a sweet sticky yellow substance wrap the coffee beans.

Proper management can last about 30 years.