Coffee review

Baristas take stock of 8 "strange requirements" common in coffee shops! Do guests really know anything about coffee?

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) more and more people drink coffee, and more and more coffee shops are opened, but not every customer knows the difference between each kind of coffee. There was a heated discussion yesterday when baristas who worked in coffee shops shared requests from strangers they had met on social platforms. The barista said that sometimes he listened

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

More and more people drink coffee and more and more coffee shops are opened, but not every customer knows the difference between each kind of coffee.

There was a heated discussion yesterday when baristas who worked in coffee shops shared requests from strangers they had met on social platforms. The barista said that "sometimes when I hear the special request of the guest, I can't help but want to explode and swear."

1. As soon as you enter the door, you say you want to order a cup of coffee, but you don't say anything about it. Obviously, the big menu is on the front, so you have to ask what kind of coffee you can choose. If you see Espresso, you can order Espresso at the cheapest price. The size and model of the cup have been explained. When you get it, you will still ask: why is it so small?

2. Ordering a latte requires less milk and more milk, and ordering a cup of cappuccino requires less bubbling and more milk

4. Ordering a latte requires no sweetness, and ordering an American coffee requires no sugar or milk.

5. When rejecting items that are not on the menu, you should also ask: why do you have all xxx, but not in your family?

6. Ordering a smoothie requires no ice / less ice

7. Ordering a cup of coffee in a coffee shop requires "less sugar, ice and pearls"....

In the article, the barista sighs: do the guests know what they are drinking? "in the face of such guests every day, their eyes will roll to the back of their heads." I hope that guests will get a good understanding of coffee first. if they don't know how to drink coffee, it's better to buy canned coffee at a convenience store.

The post set off a heated debate, and many netizens who worked in coffee shops left messages saying that it resonated. Some people also shared similar experiences, complaining that customers did not understand the strange requirements of coffee. Others said: "do people have to know how to drink coffee at birth?"

Indeed, faced with these so-called coffee-loving guests every day, baristas sometimes wonder: do they really know anything about coffee?

If we sum up the common "special requirements" in the market, apart from some disputes caused by "personal qualities", most of the customers who make "misunderstandings" in coffee shops are:

1. I don't know much about the type of coffee.

The types, production methods and drinking methods of coffee are complicated and varied, and the standards are different. as the saying goes, people who are not real experts do not know much about coffee. the first thing baristas have to do is to provide good coffee. when there is a real misunderstanding, then fulfill the obligation to inform!

2. Mistakenly think that there is only one flavor of coffee

Most Chinese people's impression of coffee is still in a relatively primitive stage, and they often think that the taste of coffee is only one kind of "coffee flavor." but in fact, coffee is very complex and has many changes, and it is often easy for professional baristas to get it wrong. Moreover, most of the guests do not know where the coffee they drink comes from, and they may not be interested to know. Even if the shopkeeper provides such information, they may not remember it when they walk out of the shop.

Shouldn't XX coffee be what it tastes like? Many people drink coffee based on the taste of memory, but they don't know what they are drinking. On the other hand, the parents, elders and friends of baristas may not know anything about coffee, so why should guests be required to understand it? If you have any problems, try to communicate again. Why should we educate the guests forcefully and leave more space for each other?

Do guests need to know anything about coffee? I don't need it. Drinking coffee is the same as eating, you don't have to know how to cook when you can eat. Whether you drink coffee or not doesn't have much to do with it. Everyone has a sense of freedom. if you want to add milk or sugar, you can add it if you don't want to. If you want to learn more about coffee, you can learn more. If you are not interested in coffee knowledge, it does not affect drinking coffee. The most important thing is whether the guests like it or not.


Finally, a piece of advice to those customers who do not understand coffee but really want to drink coffee in the coffee shop: even if you may not know all the coffee, as long as you are clear about your preferences, when ordering in the coffee shop, politely make it clear to the barista: "I don't understand your menu. I usually like strong / weak coffee, heavy / less milk, more / less, sweet / sugar-free." What are the recommendations? " I'm sure all baristas will be happy to recommend one or two types of coffee to you according to your needs.