Coffee review

The main points of grinding coffee beans

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Coffee should be preserved in the form of coffee beans as much as possible and ground into powder before extraction. The main points of grinding are as follows: 1 the degree of grinding should be average. Uneven grinding will cause uneven extraction and make the extracted coffee liquid taste messy. (2) minimize the friction heat caused by grinding beans. The friction heat produced during grinding can obviously damage the taste and aroma of coffee. It is inevitable to produce heat during grinding.


Coffee should be kept as beans as possible and ground before extraction.

The main points of grinding are as follows:

1. The grinding degree should be even.

Uneven grinding will cause uneven extraction, so that the extracted coffee liquid taste messy.

2 Minimize frictional heat generated when grinding beans.

The frictional heat generated during grinding can significantly damage the taste and aroma of coffee. It is inevitable that heat is generated during grinding, but the heat generated by different bean grinders is also different. Cutting mills produce less heat, while milling mills produce more heat.

3 cannot produce fine powder.

The effect of fine powder is worse than friction heat, which not only makes the coffee cloudy, but also produces bitterness and astringency. The most disgusting thing is that the high temperature electrostatic fine powder will adhere directly to the inside of the grinder, rancid and mixed into the new coffee at the next grinding. Therefore, the cleanliness of the grinder is very important.

4 Select the appropriate degree of grinding for the extraction method.

Each extractor has its own suitable grinding degree. The following is the relationship between coffee grinding degree and extraction method.

* Suitable for fine grinding-Turkish copper pot (Ibrik, micro powder), mocha pot, espresso machine (very fine grinding).

* Suitable for moderate grinding-filter paper drip method, flannel drip method, stopper pot.

* Suitable for coarse grinding-drop coffee machine (very coarse grinding), drip pot (very coarse grinding)