Coffee review

How to drink black coffee what's the story about the flavor characteristics of black coffee beans?

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Black coffee is a pure sensory experience, black coffee is healthier, more classic, simpler and easier to feel the unique and delicate flavor of coffee than coffee with sugar and milk. As a member of the coffee industry, the editor has always believed that everyone should do what he likes.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Black coffee is a pure sensory experience. Black coffee is healthier, more classic, simpler and easier to feel the unique and delicate flavor of coffee than coffee with sugar and milk.

How would you like your black coffee? As a member of the coffee industry, the editor has always believed that everyone should choose what kind of coffee to drink according to their own preferences, and there is no difference between "black coffee" and "non-black coffee". But the problem is that many people want to drink black coffee instead of getting in. They also know the benefits of drinking black coffee and want to taste the original flavor of coffee, but some bad experiences often stop them from exploring black coffee.

Learning how to drink black coffee is what every coffee lover should do. Today, the editor gives you some advice on drinking black coffee. Learning to drink black coffee doesn't mean you have to draw a line with milk and sugar, but learn to like black coffee like coffee with sugar and milk.

Learn to like black coffee how to drink it

Like black coffee, is a habit that must rely on acquired. This is especially true for those who add sugar and milk from the very beginning. When it takes a certain amount of time, first of all, you have to understand that coffee has a variety of rich and complex flavors, sweet, sour, bitter and salty, all-inclusive. But many delicate flavors can only be tasted in black coffee. Once you add sugar or milk, you miss them.

Please don't be afraid of black coffee if you like coffee. Even if you usually like coffee with milk and sugar, it doesn't mean you will hate its unsweetened and unsweetened taste. You need to give it a chance, give yourself a chance.

Eight tips for drinking black coffee

1. Try lightly roasted coffee beans

If the black coffee you have drunk is bitter and astringent, and has the smell of charcoal burning and smoking, you may have drunk the wrong coffee. If you have heard rumors such as "experts who really understand coffee drink deep-baked beans", please do not believe it. Coffee roasting is like fried steak, some people like it a little well done, but few people like to eat burnt steak. Similarly, professional-grade coffee is usually roasted shallower. This is not to say that deep-roasted coffee beans must be spoiled beans, it must be very bad. But the light baked beans have a more obvious sweet and sour feeling, a more delicate aroma of flowers and fruits, and it is easier to feel the unique flavor of coffee beans.

2. Don't drink while it's hot

Good coffee doesn't have to be drunk while it's hot. If the temperature of coffee is too high, it is easy to burn your tongue. There are many flavors that can not be tasted at higher temperatures. Really good coffee, should have different flavor performance at different temperatures, and no matter what temperature to taste, there will be no obvious defective taste. Taste the most complete taste of a cup of black coffee, you should let it slowly from hot to warm, and then to cool down, carefully experience.

3. Tasting carefully

Maybe you can drink as big a cup as you can when you drink other drinks, but you may not be able to drink black coffee. If you want to drink black coffee, you can start with a small cup. Those black coffee with excellent flavor are usually not very heavy.

4. Find the variety you like

With the development of coffee consumption culture, more and more people realize that coffee produced in different countries and regions will have different flavor performance, but there are more subdivision standards in the coffee industry. Different varieties and treatment methods can also create different levels of flavor. Just like wine, even coffee from the same manor in the same producing area will vary greatly due to different varieties and treatments. Maybe you have a personal preference for some kinds of coffee, but you just don't know it yet. Whether it's the rosy summer of the flavor explosion, the famous SL28 of Kenya, or, more commonly, Kaddura and the iron pickup, you should first start paying attention to what kind of coffee you drink.

5. Try different kinds of coffee

It's not easy to find the best coffee for you, so you need to try more first. With different producing areas, varieties, treatments and roasting degrees, coffee has many flavors in the world, and there must be items that you can accept. If you like sweet coffee with sugar, choose some sun-or honey-treated medium-roasted coffee beans, and if you like creamy taste, try creamy black coffee.

6. Change the way you cook

Whether it's homemade at home or going out to order, if you want to try a different taste of coffee, you can try to change the brewing equipment to brew the coffee. If you don't like American black coffee made by an espresso machine, why not try making coffee by hand?

Different brewing methods will have different unique flavor. If you want to find the right black coffee, you should first find the best way to brew it.

7. Gradually reduce dependence on milk and sugar

If there is really no way to find other options, it is better to make gradual changes on the existing basis. Try to taste the difference before adding milk and sugar to each cup of coffee. Then slowly reduce the amount of seasoning every day. From whole sugar to semi-sugar to less sugar to no sugar, from whole milk to less milk to no milk.

It really doesn't work, so we have to cut it across the board. Some people abstain from sugar and milk just like quitting smoking. They can only cut the mess quickly because they can't make progress step by step. Snack up and drink only black coffee for a week or two. You may fall in love with black coffee from now on.

8. Change the cup

Um... Doesn't that sound a little unreliable? No, there are really studies that show that the color of the cup can affect your perception of the taste of coffee. For example, coffee in a white cup will be more bitter than the same coffee in a transparent cup.

If you are drinking black coffee, try a different color cup to see if it is less difficult to accept.


In fact, Qianjie is not trying to limit the way you drink coffee. If you like milk and sugar, just add it and drink it if you like. The editor just wants to encourage everyone to try more new things and broaden their horizons. Qianjie is not guaranteed that you will like black coffee, but if you haven't tried it, who knows?

Like anything worth doing, drinking black coffee also takes some time and an adjustment process. When you try black coffee for the first time, you may not be able to taste any floral sour or nutty cream at all, and you may just think, "well, that's the smell of coffee." But if you drink too much slowly, your taste buds will improve and your memory of the flavor of coffee will be enriched.


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