Coffee review

36 flavor bottle caramel group nuts, desserts, toast and fresh butter

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Sugar Browning (caramel group) (four nuts): roasted almond Roasted Almonds, roasted peanut RoastedPeanuts, roasted hazelnut Roaster Hazelnuts, walnut Walnuts (three desserts): caramel Caramel, dark chocolate BlackChocolate,

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Sugar Browning (caramel group)

(four nuts): roasted almond Roasted Almonds, roasted peanut RoastedPeanuts, roasted hazelnut Roaster Hazelnuts, walnut Walnuts

(three desserts): caramel Caramel, dark chocolate BlackChocolate, vanilla Vanilla

(two meals): toast Toast, fresh butter Freshbutter

27 kinds of roasted almonds: baked (dried fruit)

Flavor characteristics: this excellent aroma of roasted almonds is reminiscent of sweet almonds or almond chocolates known as "praline".

The taste of "roasted almonds" in coffee: this is similar to a very attractive taste, which perfectly blends with the taste of chocolate.

Coffee tasting: don't expect this subtle, warm fruit aroma to surprise you, you will find it in the middle of the taste. You will taste it in the delicious sul de minas region of Brazil and Colombian excelso valledupar and boyacas coffee, which has a flavor similar to nougat. This flavor adds elegance to the Ugandan coffee, mixes charming aromas to the charming Ethiopian limu coffee, and brings extra sweetness and femininity to the excellent Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee.

28 kinds of roasted peanuts: baked

Aroma characteristics: this is a rich and delicate aroma of lightly roasted peanuts and peanut oil. Everyone has chewed a handful of these delicious nuts more or less! Its unique fragrance is not complex and boring, which deserves the attention of friends who love delicious food.

The "roasted peanut" flavor in coffee: when this flavor is not too prominent, it brings a sign of pleasure to the coffee and is called "Greek flavor". Some coffees naturally emit this fragrance, and the Greeks add raw peanuts to the beans to enhance the flavor.

18 Cream: fresh butter flavor type (Aroma group) food (Buttery)

Flavor characteristics (Aromatic features of the sample): this mild, creamy flavor varies from place to place, and the main flavor of the milk that makes it enriches the flavor characteristics of butter. Fresh butter bears some resemblance to fresh hazelnuts. Butanedione (also known as diacetyl) contributes a lot to the characteristic flavor of butter. This molecule is also found in coffee.

Coffee's "fresh butter" aroma (The smell of & # 39 fresh butter' in coffee): this melted butter-like flavor is a common quality assurance in all great Arabica beans. In Colombian coffee, this flavor brings luxury and warmth, enriching the aroma range of coffee to a considerable extent. This flavor is more noticeable in the brewing process than in the grinding process, and more pronounced in Arabica beans than in Robota beans.

Coffee tasting (Coffee tasting): this is an international fragrance. I have smelled this smell in good coffee in Central America, especially in Costa Rica and Columbia Supermo. It reached a high level of excellence in rare and expensive Puerto Rican coffee. Some Brazilian coffees also have this taste of fresh butter, albeit to varying degrees. I have also found different degrees of this flavor in African coffee, which varies from place to place. This flavor is evident in good Kenyan coffee, and I find that it can also soften the style of Ugandan coffee, which is sometimes too strong.

22 types of toast flavor: baking

Aroma characteristics: the strong smell of wheat bran plays a key role in the aroma of toast and is perfectly mixed with the aroma of coffee. It has been identified that acetylpyridine in coffee is the main source of this aroma.

The smell of "toast" in coffee: this is a "baking" flavor highly respected by coffee bakers and a sign of skillful baking skills. If the coffee is roasted for one more second, this rich and delicate taste will be lost and will turn into a more intense and exciting other flavor. This toast aroma is perfectly integrated with butter aroma in Colombian coffee, although the producing area is not the only representative of this aroma.

Coffee tasting: this mild aroma is the hallmark of several delicious coffees. When it is in the right proportion, rather than too prominent, the aroma of toast is one of the main features of Ethiopia's very high-quality, rich and unforgettable coffee aroma. Others may prefer the more rugged style of Dragan in Uganda or coffee from Columbia Standa and Huila, which is far from the hot African continent. Some very good Brazilian coffee also has this seductive toast aroma.

Coffee tasting: when you smell Kenya kitale, Zimbabwe and lively Zaire coffee with lemon flavor, you will be impressed by the delicious taste of this nut, which can be used for more than just oil extraction!

29 kinds of roasted hazelnut flavor: baked (dried fruit)

Fragrance features: this unusual delicate aroma found in melons and butter is so delightful. Some acetone, lactone, pyrazine, thiazole, thiophene and oxazole are found in both coffee and hazelnut.

The "roasted hazelnut" flavor in coffee: whether it is tender, young or roasted hazelnut, this aroma always brings a certain sweetness to the coffee and is a sign of light roasting. The smell of roasted hazelnut is more pronounced in raw beans than in boiled beans, more pronounced in Arabica beans than in robusta beans.

Coffee tasting: the aroma we capture in coffee is very similar to hazelnut oil, reminiscent of this nut. There are only a handful of coffee that can have this kind of flavor. Fragrant and unobtrusive, it makes Colombian coffee more elegant, especially in the sierra nevada de santa marta region and the famous Venezuelan tachira coffee. It is also reminiscent of coffee made from robusta beans.

30 kinds of walnut flavor: baked (dried fruit)

Aroma characteristics: this is a unique, irritating walnut flavor that has been extracted from fresh walnuts. It is highly concentrated and has a trioxide or curry flavor. The aroma comes mainly from fenugreek lactone and sometimes from acetaldehyde; both substances are found in coffee. These compounds are also widely found in wines, giving unique characteristics to some world-famous wines with unique manufacturing methods, such as "yellow wine" in the Jura region of France and sherry famous in Spain.

Walnut aroma in coffee: this aroma is more pronounced in brewed coffee than in raw beans and more pronounced in Arabica beans than in Robota beans. It even plays a decisive role in brewing Colombian coffee. It is mainly reflected in the taste and has a full aftertaste, even after other flavors have disappeared.

Coffee tasting: this aroma is very special and easy to identify. This aroma is rare in coffee, but it is important to learn to smell it in different Brazilian coffees. it emits a certain degree of spicy smell in smell and taste and is loved by drinkers. It is also easily identified in the very aromatic sigri coffee of Papua New Guinea, with hints of leather, vanilla, cedar and rubber.

25 kinds of caramel flavor: baking

Flavor characteristics: this wonderful smell is reminiscent of caramel, roasted pineapple and strawberries! This is normal because all three substances contain furanone. As a result, an Asian taster may think that the aroma in coffee is pineapple, while Westerners generally think of strawberries or marshmallows.

The "caramel" aroma in coffee: this aroma is very refreshing and is an important part of the aroma of coffee. It is easy to detect and typical in brewed Arabica coffee.

Coffee tasting: this is a very commendable aroma in coffee. People who have eaten pineapple with roasted suckling pig will have no difficulty in identifying the aroma because it feels very special. Colombians know how important this taste is to their top coffee. If you can't believe it, try the excelsos coffee from Antioquia or the very traditional Pfira San Augustus coffee. The aroma of caramel pineapple is very obvious in Colombian coffee, and I have tasted it in Zimbabwe's espresso.

26 dark chocolate flavor: baked

Flavor characteristics: this chocolate aroma comes from fermented, roasted coffee beans with mixed sugar. Similar substances found in coffee and cocoa, such as thiazole and pyrazole, are the main reasons for this aroma.

The "dark chocolate" aroma in coffee: this is the main feature of coffee, we can even say that there is a certain amount of chocolate in the aroma of coffee. The two do have a lot in common: they both have legumes, they both grow in the tropics, and their aromas are stimulated by baking and both have a certain exciting effect. The link between coffee and chocolate is much more pronounced in the raw bean stage than after brewing.

Coffee tasting: I have found this fascinating aroma in coffee on all continents, but they are only found in limited coffee producing areas. It is particularly elegant in Hawaiian Konas coffee. Chocolate aromas are common in African coffee in Zaire, Uganda and Zimbabwe, but strangely lacking in Kenyan and Ethiopian coffee. In Central and South America, this aroma is well reflected in Mexican maragogypes coffee, but it is rare in Colombian coffee. What we can be sure of is that the aroma of coffee, like that of wine, varies according to climate, region, sunshine hours, soil type and essential human intervention.

Vanilla: vanilla, fragrance type: balsamic sweetness

Fragrance characteristics: vanilla pods are warm, sexy, with a bit of butter, with surprisingly strong aromas, out of the fruit of this orchid plant. After a while, the taste will not be so intense. This incense is appreciated and valued by everyone. This aroma is mainly derived from vanillin / 3-ethoxy-4-hydroxybenzaldehyde (vanillin). Crystals are common on the surface of vanilla pods.

The "vanilla" aroma of coffee, which is a basic, lasting feature that balances the aroma of coffee. It solidifies the power of other fragrances, especially Arabian beans, to make the taste appear.

Coffee tasting: to me, vanilla is a pleasant, gentle, exotic word of approval. There is no denying that vanilla can be found in all coffees to varying degrees. It makes good Brazilian coffee elegant and soft, and Kenyan Robusta coffee more dexterous. I found this flavor from the excellent Salvado elephant beans, or Papua New Guinea Sigri coffee.