Coffee review

How to drink espresso? 5 Easy Steps to Taste Espresso_Is Espresso Good?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style) Espresso, which may be the most misunderstood and unpopular coffee brewing method in coffee shops. Most people would think that Espresso would only be drunk by a heavy coffee addict or a professional coffee connoisseur seeking excitement. But in 1901, Luigi

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Espresso is probably the most misunderstood and unpopular way of brewing coffee in a coffee shop. Most people probably think that only severe coffee addicts who pursue excitement or professional coffee tasting masters will choose to drink Espresso. But in fact, in 1901, when Luigi Bezzera first invented the world's first espresso machine, he did not want to "add oil" to coffee addicts, nor to satisfy the elegant enjoyment of literati, he just wanted to make a cup of coffee "quickly". His invention was greatly improved by Achille Gaggia in the 1940s, when the espresso machine was introduced into a manual joystick, and since then, professional Barista-- "handles" were officially born.

Technically speaking, Espresso is not only a drink, but also a method of brewing. At a pressure close to 9bar (that is, 9 times the normal atmospheric pressure), let nearly boiling water penetrate the finely ground coffee powder to extract a cup of thick and strong Espresso espresso. Most espresso machines take less than a minute to complete the entire extraction process. If you flush it by hand, you may not even have finished pouring water in that minute.

Although everyone can try Espresso, most of the stereotypes of Espresso mentioned above, especially the Chinese mistranslation of "espresso" for Espresso, often scare off many outsiders. Today, the editor will share with you how to taste a cup of Espresso step by step!

5 simple steps to taste Espresso

1. Order

When you click Espresso, you just need to say, "I want an Espresso". Most coffee shops that have the confidence and ability to put Espresso on the menu will provide ceramic cup Espresso, please do not ask for take-out cup Espresso, hall drink can show that you are a serious customer. If the barista asks, "single or double? (single or double? Unless you've had too much coffee today, you'd better choose "Double"!

2. Drink water

When producing the Espresso, a professional barista should be accompanied by a glass of water (or ice water or lemonade) to clean your mouth and remove the aftertaste. Such a small cup still sells such an expensive Espresso, of course, there should be other additional services.

3. Scrape off the grease (optional)

Freshly extracted Espresso should have a glossy, rich layer of oil floating on the surface-foam formed by carbon dioxide at nine atmospheric pressures. As a unique by-product of Espresso, although this layer of oil is thick and sticky, carrying various aromas of Espresso, it can also objectively reflect whether the extraction of this cup of Espresso is flawless, but it actually tastes rough (because ultra-fine powder particles are also wrapped in it). Some Espresso enthusiasts suggest scraping off the grease with a spoon before drinking it. However, most people will find it troublesome and lazy to scratch.

4. Stir

Stir the Espresso, use a spoon or directly shake the cup. The extraction of Espresso is not so uniform, the thick part of the front part will sink at the bottom, while the lighter and thinner tail section floats on the surface. For a balanced and complete tasting experience, it's best to mix well before drinking. Your tongue can tell the difference.

5. Suo

Don't sip shyly, take a big mouthful of Espresso and let it cover your whole tongue. Is it sweet? Is it sour? How about Huigan? Is there any smell that lingers on the root of the tongue?

Remember, Espresso is like a magnifying glass that highlights some of the flavor features of coffee. The flavor of Espresso may seem intense and exciting at first, but as you keep tasting it, you will get used to it and fall in love with it uncontrollably-as long as you make it good!