Coffee review

How to make a cup of flannel coffee, details and details

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, For more information on coffee beans, please follow the coffee workshop (official Wechat account cafe_style) making hand coffee with flannel. When using flannel for the first time, rinse it with hot water or use a brush. Then put in boiling water soaked in coffee powder or tea dregs for 10 minutes, remove the stench of the cloth, and then rinse with water. Remember that you cannot use it at this time.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Making hand-brewed coffee with flannel

Flannel should be washed with hot water or brushed with a brush when using flannel for the first time. Then put in boiling water soaked in coffee powder or tea dregs for 10 minutes, remove the stench of the cloth, and then rinse with water. Remember that soap or soap powder should not be used at this time, because their taste will not fall off.

Wash the filter cloth well with water after use. Also do not use soap or direct drying, otherwise it will produce a strange smell, it is best to put it in an airtight container when refrigerated so as not to contaminate the taste of other food. Brew with warm water when in use, then fully wring it out and then use it.

Prepare 20g coffee beans, grind and pour into flannel strainer

Water injection temperature is 80 degrees Celsius, the water in the hand pot is 7 minutes full, pour hot water on the central coffee powder, although the amount of water is very small, but the coffee powder will absorb hot water and expand and infiltrate into the whole and let it stew for 60 seconds (first water injection)

The amount of steaming water is 1-1.5 times that of coffee powder.

Carry out the second water injection, draw a circle of water injection, from the inside to the outside, from the outside to the inside, until it is extracted to about 300g of coffee liquid, it can be divided into 2-5 times of water injection, which can be adjusted according to the amount of coffee powder and the amount of water injected.

If the amount of cooking is not enough, the water can be injected low for the fifth time. Remove the filter when the coffee bubble is still floating. The standard cooking time is about 3 minutes. As long as you keep a certain amount of water injection time and distance, you can make a stable taste. If the coffee powder shows a central depression and left-right symmetrical state, it represents a good brewing.
