Coffee review

How to make a bad cup of coffee? What kind of coffee is bad?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) brewing coffee is a very simple and easy thing. But how difficult it is to make a good cup of coffee. Different people have different preferences, and different materials and utensils will lead to different results. How about this? today, the editor will do the opposite.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Making coffee is a simple and easy thing. But how difficult it is to make a good cup of coffee. Different people have different preferences, and different materials and utensils will lead to different results. How about this? today, the editor will do the opposite, telling you how to brew a cup of coffee that tastes terrible. If you don't want to drink these bad coffee, you should avoid these common mistakes first.

1. Use expired coffee beans to brew.

Top coffee beans are hard to find. Who doesn't have expired coffee beans? If the coffee beans after the best flavor period are well preserved and the quality is not bad, it is still a small matter. At the worst, it will be a cup of bland wood water. If the coffee beans are improperly preserved and seriously out of date, they will smell of moldy, dusty and rotten wood. Sour!

If it is stored in a sealed container, the best flavor period of coffee beans is only about a month, and if it is ground into coffee powder, the "shelf life" will be quickly shortened to a few days.

2. Add too much seasoning

The editor sometimes likes to add a little milk or sugar to his coffee, but if you add too much seasoning to a cup of coffee, such as cream, flavor syrup, spices and so on, it becomes a messy, sweet drink.

All coffee "companions" should be used to modify and highlight the flavor and taste of coffee, not to cover up the taste of coffee. If you come across a cup of coffee you've never tried before, you should at least take a sip of "original" coffee without any seasoning.

3. Buy deep-roasted coffee beans as black as charcoal

If you bought the beans in a famous "deep baking" store, please skip this section. However, there are not many bakers who can roast coffee beans deep but not scorched, so that most of the deep-roasted coffee beans on the market at present are just wood dregs on the edge of carbonation. After a mouthful, the strong smell of smoke, charcoal, gray vegetation, bitter to the numbness of the tongue, especially fatal, the oil on the surface of coffee beans is fully oxidized, a smell of oil consumption lingering, simply …...

Wake up! It's been 9102 years! Do you still think that "bitter taste" means "coffee taste"?

4. Boil! Make your coffee hard!

When brewing and brewing, coffee can also be brewed naturally, but compared with coffee brewed in hot water, the coffee brewed while heating is difficult to control, especially picky about the degree of grinding and roasting of coffee beans. It is easy to overcook if you are not careful. High temperature will destroy the delicate flavor of coffee, and no matter how good beans are, they will turn into a cup of charred, bitter and astringent "cold tea".

Therefore, coffee brewing must control the heat, control the extraction time and grinding degree, and select coffee beans with appropriate roasting degree in order to avoid excessive bitterness of extraction.

5. Keep the coffee hot and keep warm.

Some American drip filters have their own heat preservation function. If you don't believe it, you can try it and put the brewed coffee on it to keep warm for a while. The heat preservation function ensures that you will always drink hot coffee, as well as a cup of bad coffee. Continuous heating will lead to the rapid oxidation and deterioration of the flavor substances in the coffee, the acidity becomes sharp and irritating, the aroma evaporates, and the oil oxidizes quickly to consume the oil.

Take a few more minutes and make a new pot. If you brew too much to drink at one time, just add ice to make iced coffee.

6. Use inferior filter

If you like hand-brewed coffee, why not try those inferior and cheap raw pulp filter paper? That smell of pulp and wood will make you unforgettable all your life! The best part is that no matter how much water you use and how many times you wash it, you can't wash it clean! Or cheap plastic utensils, rusty metal filters! The filter cloth that has not been cleaned for a long time is not bad either!

In fact, no matter what filter is used, it must be kept clean and odor-free in order to flush out the "original flavor" of coffee. So don't be lazy and check your equipment.

7. Flush with unboiled tap water

The editor has seen it more than once, and some coffee lovers are willing to buy a temperature-controlled handmade pot worth thousands of yuan, but they are reluctant to buy an extra water filter. All right! Boil the tap water directly to the boiling temperature, the unboiled tap water has a taste of bleach + rust, the wall of the pot is covered with a thick layer of "carbonic acid", and the coffee is already known to be "sweet" before it is drunk.


Come to think of it, although it seems much easier to make a bad cup of coffee than to make a good cup of coffee, it is hard to count for a while. On the topic of "how to make a bad cup of coffee", the editor here throws a brick to attract jade, I hope you will actively add!

As the saying goes, if you can avoid all the bad coffee perfectly, you will not be far away from the good coffee you like.