Coffee review

The difference between shallow roasting and moderate roasting of coffee beans detailed description of the roasting degree of high-quality coffee beans

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) talk about the roasting degree of coffee beans, the difference between deep roasting and medium roasting? Among the factors affecting the taste of a cup of coffee with different roasting degrees, raw beans account for 60%, roasting accounts for 30%, and extraction accounts for 10%. Good roasting can maximize the personality of raw beans.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

When beginner coffee fans ask Qianjie coffee what coffee beans are recommended, Qianjie coffee beans will be recommended by the sour, sweet and bitter coffee beans, for example, they like to drink coffee flavors that are more sour. Qianjie coffee will recommend coffee beans from Africa. If they like to taste a little more balanced, they will obviously recommend Latin American coffee beans, which is mellow and full-bodied. But even so, it does not mean that the coffee flavor depends entirely on the producing area, and its roasting degree also has a great influence on the coffee flavor, so the next article Qianjie Coffee will come to Russia to expose the effect of coffee roasting degree on coffee flavor.

Factors affecting the flavor of coffee beans

The previous article of Qianjie Coffee also mentioned that the flavor formation of coffee beans is mainly determined by its producing area, variety, and treatment, but this only determines the potential of the good flavor of this coffee bean. Roasting is to maximize the potential of coffee flavor, but a bad roasting will destroy the raw coffee beans, so it can be said that roasting plays the finishing point for raw coffee beans.

To make a delicacy, for example, the quality of the ingredients depends on its growing environment, variety, fertilizers and pesticides, and so on, which are only the basis for laying the delicious foundation for this delicacy. But it really depends on the chef to give play to the most delicious aroma of this delicacy. For example, coffee is no exception. Coffee beans are already a kind of crop, so in the case of its own high quality. Then baking it will make it show a more delicious aroma.

Why are coffee beans roasted?

As mentioned above in Qianjie Coffee, coffee beans are originally only the seeds of coffee fruit, and they become raw coffee beans only after treatment. Only after roasting can the flavor of coffee beans be stimulated. Different roasting will make coffee beans show a different flavor.

Then why do raw coffee beans show flavor after being roasted at high temperature? In fact, it is because of the chemical changes in the baking process, let's explain the chemical changes.

[Maillard reaction]

According to Qianjie Coffee, this reaction will occur at about 150 ℃, when the beans are still absorbing heat and continue to release heat during the baking process. Calories lead to reactions between carbohydrates and amino acids in beans, leading to changes in color, taste and nutrients.

The color change is mainly due to the production of melanin, which not only turns the coffee beans brown, but also affects the taste and mellow thickness of the coffee.

Any small change in the temperature and time of Maynard's reaction at this stage may have a great impact on the final flavor.

Coffee that takes a longer time in the Maynard reaction increases its viscosity, while a shorter Maynard reaction produces more sweetness and acidity, because if Maynard takes too long, the acid and the acid that converts to sweetness will be destroyed.

When Qianjie coffee roasters experiment with roasting coffee beans, they also change the length and intensity of Maynard's reaction and record how these changes affect the final flavor.


When heated to about 170 ℃, the heat breaks down large amounts of complex carbohydrates into smaller sugar molecules that can be dissolved in water, indicating an increase in the sweetness of the final brewed coffee.

This reaction continues until the end of the baking process, and it also contributes to the sweet aromas of coffee, such as caramel and almonds.

Through the Mena reaction and caramelization reaction, we can know how the reaction of coffee roasting affects the flavor of a cup of coffee. In fact, among the factors that affect a cup of coffee, coffee raw beans account for 70% of the roasting degree, 20% of the roasting degree, and 10% of the brewing rate.

Coffee beans have to be roasted in a high temperature environment to have such a strong aroma and rich taste! With the roasting time and temperature of coffee beans, the same kind of coffee beans will show multiple and different coffee styles!

What is the baking degree?

Then what is the degree of baking? According to Qianjie Coffee, the roasting degree of coffee is defined as shallow roasting, medium roasting and deep roasting, which can be subdivided into 8 stages, and the differences in roasting degree vary with different regions. The following is a brief introduction to the roasting degree and flavor of coffee:

1. Light Roast: very shallow baking, also known as "shallow baking"

Time to drop beans: before and after the start of the explosion

Flavor: bean table is light cinnamon color, with a strong grass flavor, taste and aroma is not enough, generally used for experiments, rarely for tasting.

Lightly baked Yega Chuefei coffee beans

2. Cinnamon Roast: shallow baking, also known as cinnamon baking

Time to drop beans: an explosion begins to be dense.

Flavor: the bean surface is cinnamon color, at this time the smell of grass has been removed, strong acid, slightly fragrant, often used to make American coffee.

3. Medium Roast: medium baking, also known as "micro baking"

Time to drop beans: from the explosion to the end

Flavor: the bean surface is chestnut color, light taste, slightly sour with bitter, moderate aroma, retain the original flavor of coffee beans, often used as American coffee or mixed coffee.

Deep-baked Blue Mountain Coffee beans

4. High Roast: moderate micro-deep baking, also known as "deep baking"

Time to drop beans: the end of the first burst

Flavor: the bean surface is light reddish brown, the taste is refreshing and rich, the sour and bitter balance is not irritating, and it is slightly sweet, and the aroma and flavor are all good. Blue Mountain and Kilimanjaro coffee are suitable for this roasting degree and are loved by people in Japan and Central and Northern Europe.

5. City Roast: medium-depth baking, also known as "urban baking"

The time to drop the beans: after the first burst, that is, between the first and second bursts.

Flavor: the bean surface is light brown, the taste is bright and lively, the acidity between sour and bitter balance is light, and it releases the high-quality flavor of coffee, which is the standard baking degree and the public's favorite roasting degree. Brazilian and Colombian coffee are suitable for this roasting degree and are often used in French coffee.

6. Full City Roast: micro-depth baking, namely deep baking, also known as "deep city baking"

Time to drop the beans: the second burst

Flavor: the bean surface is brown, the taste is calm and full, the bitter taste is strong, the aftertaste is sweet, the aroma is full, it is a Central and South American baking method, more iced coffee and black coffee are used.

7. French Roast: deep baking, that is, deep baking, also known as French baking

Time to drop beans: the second explosion is dense to the end of the second explosion.

Flavor: the bean surface is dark brown and black, strong taste, bitter taste, sour taste almost no feeling, with strong chocolate and tobacco aroma, for Europe by the most popular in France, more coffee Oulei, Viennese coffee.

Italian roasted coffee beans

8. Italian Roast: extremely deep baking, also known as "Italian baking"

Time to drop the bean: the second explosion ends until the bean surface turns black and produces oil.

Flavor: black glossy beans, coffee fiber before carbonation, strong and complex taste, strong bitter taste, with a strong fried and scorched aroma, mainly popular in Latin countries and Italy, more Italian coffee Espresso use.

The above is the roasting collection of Qianjie coffee. Coffee fans often ask whether Qianjie coffee is medium-roasted or deep-roasted coffee beans are good. If you make coffee by hand at home, what degree of roasted coffee beans are better to make and taste? For example, Qianjie coffee shops are mainly medium-light roasted and medium-deep roasted coffee beans, then Qianjie Coffee will share the typical and common medium-shallow roasted and medium-deep roasted coffee beans, as well as their respective flavor characteristics.

Is medium roasted coffee beans good or heavy roasted coffee beans good?

In fact, both moderately roasted coffee beans and heavily roasted coffee beans are delicious, mainly depending on the personal taste, as mentioned above in Qianjie Coffee, the sour quality of coffee beans roasted in medium and shallow levels will be more obvious, and the taste of coffee beans in medium and deep roasting will be mellow and smooth, so no matter what kind of coffee beans are roasted, as long as they are in line with personal taste, no one is better than others.

Medium and shallow roasted coffee beans-Yega Xuefei coffee beans

Next, Qianjie Coffee will share the medium and shallow roasted coffee beans Yega Sheffield Coffee Bar. At the beginning of the article, it is also mentioned in the front street that the coffee beans in Africa are sour and refreshing, so they are more suitable for medium and shallow roasting to highlight its bright acidity, among which Ethiopia Yega Sheffield coffee beans are very representative.

Front Street Coffee Yega Sheffield Ding Ding Coffee beans

Country: Ethiopia

Producing area: Yega Xuefei

Altitude: 1900-2300m

Variety: native species

Treatment: washing treatment

Flavors: tropical fruits, cream, honey, berries, citrus

According to Qianjie, the Guotintin Cooperative was originally part of the Waka Cooperative of the YCFCU of the Yega Sheffield Union. It became an independent Guotintin Cooperative in 2012 and now has more than 300 smallholder members. At the same time, it is precisely because Guodingding Village is the first independent village area, and many small farmers were also members of the Waka Cooperative, so the technology of producing coffee is not to mention. The natural flavor of the coffee beans is excellent.

Front Street Coffee Essex plus Sheffield Sun Red Cherry Coffee beans

Country: Ethiopia

Producing area: Yega Xuefei

Altitude: 2300m

Variety: native species

Treatment: sun treatment

Flavor: berries, lemons, strawberries, fermented wine

Qianjie Coffee this sun-red cherry coffee beans are made from 100% ripe coffee beans, so they are fragrant, sweet and fermented.

The origin of this coffee bean comes from the "Red Cherry Project" jointly launched by Ethiopian local coffee farmers and Dutch trader Trabocca. It aims to improve the quality of coffee on small-scale farms and increase the income of farmers. To pick fully ripe coffee fruit, we should not only pick the fruit with high maturity of full red, but also harvest it by hand, but this is only the most basic requirement. There are also corresponding requirements for the treatment of coffee beans.

Deep-baked coffee beans-Mantenin coffee beans

For example, the typical deep-baked coffee beans in Qianjie coffee shop are Indonesia's Mantenin. The basic flavor of its producing area is spices, herbs, and the taste is mellow and smooth, so deep baking can highlight the basic flavor of Mantenin coffee beans. If it is baked before use, it will weaken its original flavor, and lose the original soul of Indonesian Mantenin flavor. Next, Qianjie Coffee will introduce deeply roasted Indonesian Manning coffee beans.

Front Street Coffee pwn Gold Manning Coffee Bean

Country: Indonesia

Producing area: Mount Aceh Jiayu, Sumatra

Altitude: 1100-1600m

Variety: Ateng

Treatment method: wet planing method

Flavor: baked toast, nuts, pine, caramel, herbs

The front street gold manning is the latest launch of the pwn company in recent months. Unlike the previous pwn gold manning, the latest batch of mantenin's producing area is Mount Achigayo in Sumatra, while the previous one is produced in Lake Tawa, Sumatra. According to the test of brewing this latest gold manning coffee in the front street cup, it is found that compared with the previous gold mantenin, it is more of the flavor of baked toast. So it will be a little more mellow in the taste.

And the specification standard of pwn gold Mantenin coffee beans is more than 18 mesh, and there are less than 3 defective beans (300g raw bean samples), which belongs to the highest grade G1, dark green and neat flat beans. After strict screening of Golden Mantenin, Qianjie Coffee not only does not have the unique soil flavor of ordinary Mantenin, but also tastes cleaner and brighter.

Front Street Coffee Indonesia Lin Dong Manning Coffee beans

Country: Indonesia

Producing area: Sumatra (Lindong)

Altitude: 1100-1600m

Variety: iron pickup, Kaddura

Treatment method: wet planing method

Flavor: baked toast, nuts, caramel, pine, herbs

Lin Dong Mantenin is produced in the Lindong Mountains of north-central Sumatra, near Lake dopa. This is where the entry-level rations of Qianjie coffee in Indonesia's Mantenin producing area come from. Lin Dong Mantning also uses a unique wet planing method, which has the characteristics of low sour taste and high mellow degree.

What degree of roasted coffee beans should be chosen for hand-brewed coffee?

In addition, as Qianjie Coffee said above, coffee fans who have just started asking Qianjie Coffee hand to choose the roasted coffee beans to taste better. In fact, it depends on personal preference, but deep roasting and medium-shallow roasting will be different in the parameters of hand-brewed coffee. Next, Qianjie Coffee will share the hand-brewing parameters and coffee flavor performance of these two roasted coffee beans.

Qianjie Coffee Indonesia pwn Gold Manning Coffee Bean hand-brewing parameters suggest:

Cooking suggestion

Filter cup: Kono filter cup

Water temperature: 86 ℃

Amount of powder: 15g

Powder / water ratio: 1:15

Degree of grinding: medium and fine grinding (BG#6W)

* the reason for choosing the Kono filter cup: the Kono filter cup has few ribs and is located at the low end, and the filter paper is attached to the filter cup, which can limit the airflow to increase the contact time between water and coffee powder, so that the coffee powder can be fully extracted and enhance the mellow taste.

Cooking technique: stage-by-stage extraction

Steam with 30 grams of water for 30 seconds, small water flow around the circle to 125 grams for sectional injection, water level drop is about to expose the powder bed, continue to inject water to 225 grams to stop injection, and so on when the water level drop is about to expose the powder bed, remove the filter cup, (steaming starts timing) the extraction time is 2 minutes 39 percent 00 ".

Flavor description: changeable, mellow and clean, high sense of balance, strong nutty, chocolate, rich spice and caramel aromas, with fruity aromas and a long finish.

Qianjie Coffee Ethiopia Yega Sheffield Tintin Coffee beans hand-brewing parameters recommended:

Filter cup: V60 # 01

Water temperature: 90-91 degrees

Powder content: 15g

Ratio of powder to water: 1:15

Degree of grinding: BG6m/ medium fine grinding (No. 20 sieve bowl sieve powder to 80%)

* the reason for choosing the V60 filter cup is that the ribs on the inside of the cup body, the spiral shape extends all the way from the bottom to the top, and the function is to guide the flow, so that there is enough space between the filter paper and the filter cup, so that the flow of water is good and the flow rate is faster. It is also a filter cup with a faster flow rate among many filter cups. In addition, the ribs of the V60 filter cup rotate clockwise, and when injected clockwise, it will flow more smoothly along the lines, and if it is injected counterclockwise, it will slow down the flow of water. The large hole in the bottom of the V60 filter cup is also designed to promote the flow velocity. This kind of filter cup is very suitable for medium and light roasted coffee beans.

Flavor description: the overall taste is solid, fermented and tropical fruits are more prominent, with the change of temperature, showing the flavor of berries and cream, the aftertaste of citrus between the teeth and lips is more long-lasting.

The above is the relevant information compiled by Qianjie Coffee about the effect of roasting degree of coffee beans on coffee flavor. I hope it can help coffee fans who want to know relevant knowledge so that they can choose coffee beans that suit their taste in the future.

For more boutique coffee beans, please add private Qianjie coffee on Wechat. WeChat account: kaixinguoguo0925