Coffee review

Coffee taste: why coffee is so bitter and how to drink it? you need to understand the bitterness of coffee.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) bitter taste is not good? In fact, the bitter taste is not so bad. In fact, if the coffee is not blended with bitter taste, it may taste too sour or too sweet. The key is "balance". A little bitterness can bring out more rich and diverse flavor levels, as long as the bitterness is not too heavy.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Doesn't it taste bitter?

In fact, the bitter taste is not so bad. In fact, if the coffee is not blended with bitter taste, it may taste too sour or too sweet. The key is "balance". A little bitterness can bring out more rich and diverse flavor levels, as long as the bitterness is not too heavy.

What is interesting, however, is that for most people, we can accept more bitter coffee than sour coffee.

However, coffee with too much bitterness is really bad, so let's look at what bitterness is and how to avoid bitterness when brewing.

What is bitterness?

Everyone has the experience of eating bitterness, but there are often situations in which you eat bitterness while others do not. This is the sensory cognition of taste, which means that sensory feelings vary from person to person.

It is also important to note that taste is not just about creating bitterness. The word flavor represents the gathering of many things, including smell, mood, music and even altitude. However, this is not the content of this article. Now let's focus on the sense of taste and the bitterness of coffee from a scientific point of view.

How to avoid bitterness when cooking

Can you avoid bitterness if you buy a light baked high-quality Arabica? Not necessarily. Whether you brew it yourself or by a professional barista, it will still affect the flavor in the last cup.

Do not over-extract coffee to avoid bitterness, as bitterness is released in large quantities only in the latter part of brewing. There are many reasons for extraction: cooking method, grinding thickness, water temperature, cooking time, etc., and the following suggestions.

First of all, no matter what brewing method is used, make sure that the coffee is ground thick and fine. the finer the grinding, the larger the surface area of the coffee powder. although the stronger coffee is extracted, it also increases the risk of over-extraction.

The next step is to confirm the temperature of the boiling water. The higher the water temperature, the more substances extracted. If the coffee bean tastes bitter, it is recommended to cook it at a lower water temperature.

Next, it depends on the brewing time. If the coffee is bitter, it may take too long to brew.

Finally, remember that the extraction is to achieve the overall balance, if you adjust the cooking factors, such as adjusting the grinding thickness, then the cooking time will also be affected.