Coffee review

What are the coffee brands in South American coffee producing areas?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) do you know? South America is the largest coffee producing area in the world. When it comes to the leading producing area of the coffee industry, there is no doubt that it is South America and Brazil. Its coffee production accounts for about 1/3 of the world's total output, with an average annual export volume of 20-30 million bags of 60 kg coffee.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Do you know? South America is the largest coffee producing area in the world.

When it comes to the leading producing area of the coffee industry, there is no doubt that it is South America and Brazil. Its coffee output accounts for about 1/3 of the world's total output, with an average annual export volume of 20 to 30 million bags of 60 kg coffee beans. It is not only the most extensive country in South America, but also the world leader in output. Also in the Golden Coffee Belt, South America has ─ Colombia, the second largest coffee exporter in the world. Although Colombia produces more than twice as much as Brazil, it still accounts for about 15% of global production, and because it only produces Arabica coffee beans, the quality is relatively stable.

In terms of flavor, generally speaking, coffee beans in South America are neutral and the flavor is more supple. Brazilian coffee tastes smooth and mild, it can be tasted individually, and it is also suitable to add milk to make fancy coffee such as latte and cappuccino, which is widely used for blending. In contrast, Colombian coffee has a strong aroma and moderate bitterness. It is not only recommended to drink in a single product, but is also commonly found in coffee blending to increase the sweetness of coffee and neutralize the bitterness of other coffees. As a result, South American coffee is a particularly preferred flavor for Asians.

South American coffee, first Colombian coffee, is one of the most famous coffee producers in the world. Ordinary Colombian coffee beans have a balanced taste, subtle sweetness and nutty aromas. High-quality Colombian coffee is rich in fruit flavors, comparable to Ethiopian coffee beans.

A little further, there are coffee beans from Brazil, the world's largest coffee producer, which is responsible for the world's 1x3 coffee supply. Coffee from Brazil has nutty, butter, chocolate aromas and flavors, as well as a heavy mellow thickness. In today's trend of cleanliness, fruity, brightness and acidity, Brazilian coffee beans will be slightly out of favor, but they are still the favorite of many roasters and are mainly used as the base for Italian blending.