Coffee review

Can I tell you anything about the coffee baking date?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) roasting date does not mean everything does not mean that good coffee can be found by baking date. When you buy food, you will look for the freshest expiration date, of course, you will see the best taste period, and you can have some visual and appearance clues: hardened avocados, bruised onions, turning red.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Baking date isn't everything.

Does not mean that good coffee can be found by the date of baking. When you buy food, you will find the freshest expiration date, of course, you will see the best taste period, there can be some visual and appearance clues: hardened avocados, bruised onions, red gills …

However, if you want to know whether the food is delicious or not, you need to cook to taste it. The same principle can be applied to coffee. Don't judge the coffee beans just because of the baking date. At least you need to open the coffee bag, evaluate it and have the opportunity to taste the coffee.

What exactly does freshness mean? "which coffee is the freshest? "if you are a businessman, you must have heard this sentence many times. Many people who are reading this article may also have asked this question, and the author usually answers like this: are you going to buy it as a gift, or a

Will you drink it during the service?

Customers are advised to choose coffee beans that are roasted for 4-7 days, which is usually defined as fresh coffee beans. However, when customers are asked this way, they will often say impatiently or even impolitely: I am looking for coffee that was just baked yesterday or today. Some people claim that coffee only needs 24 hours.

Beans, the third day is the peak of flavor, but this time is not enough to raise beans.

When is the best time to drink coffee after roasting? Buying coffee beans is like buying bread. It only takes one week to buy enough. Find out the best coffee appreciation period (flavor peak), and then push back from the coffee you want to start drinking first, which can help you find the best baking day.

Look for three to five days before and after that date. Usually if you want to buy coffee that you need to drink immediately, the author thinks it is best 8-21 days after baking. However, the store must make sure that the baker or barista uses the beans at the peak of the coffee flavor.

Why do people think that the fresher the better? With regard to the misconception that the fresher the better, the author believes that it is because the bean bakers of the third wave of coffee have hurt themselves after educating consumers. Yeah, you read it right.

When the third wave of coffee was on the rise in Singapore, boutique bean bakers tried to separate themselves from commercial bean bakers, focusing on slogans such as "small baking" and "Please look at the baking date rather than the expiration date".

Although since then we have reduced the emphasis on freshness and marked in the beanbag: "it is best to drink / brew the coffee within one month after the baking date," the idea that the fresher the better, has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.