Coffee review

What does the number of items of coffee mean? what does it have to do with the coffee sieve?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) according to the number of items, that is, according to the size of coffee beans to judge the quality of beans, and then quotation, usually starting from 14 items. Mesh, which is a unit of sieve hole diameter, does not describe the size of beans, but the width of beans can be judged according to the number of eyes. Specific purpose

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Graded according to the number of items, that is, the quality of beans is judged by the size of coffee beans, and then quoted, usually starting from 14 items.

Mesh, which is a unit of sieve hole diameter, does not describe the size of beans, but the width of beans can be judged according to the number of eyes.

How big is the eye exactly? There is a formula that can be calculated, but it's a little complicated. I attached it at the end.

Take our common Kenyan AA as an example:

Its standard is 18.5mesh and above, and the diameter of the sieve hole is about 7.25mm (AK47 or 81 caliber), which is a big bean.

Down to Grade A, Kenyan standard 18 mesh.

Kenya and India are accustomed to classifying coffee beans according to the number of items, and there are also countries in South America that grade coffee beans by the number of items, such as Colombia, but the choice of classification criteria is not mandatory. The rabbit thinks that businessmen will still choose the grading standard according to their own advantages, and it is more appropriate to plant in areas with high altitude, and it will be happier to classify large natural beans according to the number of items.

Note that there is no direct relationship between bean size and coffee taste.

Some beans are born big, but the flavor is general, I have tasted like beans, not like shit; but like Pacamara and PWG yellow man volume is not small, the flavor is really good.

This is the need to combine planting altitude, climate and other factors. With high altitude and large temperature difference between day and night, the beans will grow slowly, the density will become larger, and the flavor will be better. Coupled with the physical advantage of the variety, you can naturally get extra points for selling phase and taste.

Kenya and Colombia are both planted at an altitude of more than 1500, so the soybean body density will be higher, on this basis, the larger bean body will be of better quality than the smaller one.

The way to distinguish the pros and cons by the size of the bean is based on the planting environment, not just by the size.

Conversion formula:

(number of mesh * 1amp 64) * 25.4 = diameter of sieve pore / width of bean body (mm)