Coffee review

What's the taste of iced coffee? Ice drop coffee production method, process time, water powder ratio parameters

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) "ice drop coffee" is the coffee extracted for a long time by dripping ice water. Its features are: mellow and smooth taste, sweet not sour, charming wine aroma. Iced coffee is very time-consuming. one


Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

For more boutique coffee beans, please add private Qianjie coffee on Wechat. WeChat account: qjcoffeex

With the popularity of boutique coffee culture, more and more friends fall in love with the pure flavor and taste of coffee. Coffee shops will also provide you with a variety of different ways of extraction of black coffee, such as American coffee, hand-brewed coffee, cold coffee, ice drop coffee and so on, the price will be different. Especially ice drop coffee, the price is always much higher than other iced coffee! Is this because the name sounds better? Of course not, it's more because it takes a long time to make, and you have to pay attention to it all the time.


What is ice drop coffee? Why is iced coffee so expensive?!

Unlike other iced coffee, ice drop coffee is extracted by drip filtration with ice water. Because of the need for drip filtration, ice drop coffee needs to be made with a special ice drop coffee pot, and the price of a durable ice drop coffee maker is usually a little high. Iced coffee has added an extra cost to the utensils compared to cold coffee, which can be made in a clean, sealed container. Jpg) the price is high not only because of the utensils, but also because it takes a long time to make, depending on the pot and quantity, usually the production time is 4-12 hours, and the quantity produced each time is not much, but it really tastes good!


What's so special about iced coffee?

The most attractive thing about ice drop coffee is that because it is extracted at a low temperature, the astringent substances in the coffee are not easy to dissolve, and the coffee liquid is filtered by dripping, so no matter what kind of coffee beans are made, ice drop coffee will show a round taste that is strong but not astringent, mellow but not bitter, which is very suitable for friends who like to drink alcohol with high thickness and worry about bitterness.


The structure of the ice drop coffee maker

At present, there are two types of ice drop coffee pots on the market, one is curling + powder cup + coffee pot, the other is curling + powder cup + snake tube + coffee pot. Qianjie Coffee uses the latter to make ice drop coffee every day, and the former can be chosen to make ice drop coffee at home. The difference between having a snake tube and not having a snake tube is that the snake tube can further precipitate and extract the tiny particles (powder texture) in the coffee liquid, and finally the taste of the coffee will be cleaner.


Curling is a container that holds a mixture of ice and water, but there will be a small hole to control the speed at which the water falls. Some curling will have a valve adjustment, we can according to their own needs, adjust the speed of water decline. Qianjie Coffee recommends that when making ice-drop coffee, the rate of water dripping is about 7-8 drops in 10 seconds. In the process of production, we should always pay attention to whether the dripping water will be blocked by small impurities in the water, and also pay attention to the dissolution of ice and add ice in time to ensure that the low water is ice water.


A powder cup is a container that holds ground coffee powder. There are two types. One needs another round filter paper at the bottom, and the other has its own filter. If you need to put filter paper, you need to put a piece of filter paper and wet it with water, then stick the filter paper to the filter cup and then put a dry round filter paper, so as to increase the supporting force and prevent the coffee powder from pressing the first filter paper after pouring it into it.


No matter which type, after pouring the coffee powder, it is necessary to flatten the powder layer surface as far as possible (not compacted), and then spread a circular filter paper on the surface to distribute the flow of water and avoid uneven extraction of powder particles. For the grinding of ice drop coffee powder, Qianjie Coffee recommends light-medium roasted coffee beans with medium and fine grinding (fine granulated sugar size / China 20 standard sieve screening rate of 75%), medium and deep roasted coffee beans use moderate grinding (white granulated sugar size / China 20 standard sieve screening rate of 70%).


The coffee pot is the place where the extracted coffee liquid is stored. The part of the coffee pot should be kept clean and oil-free as far as possible, and the pot body should be kept at room temperature when in use.

Qianjie coffee ice drop coffee production and sharing

1. The gouache ratio of Qianjie coffee ice drop is 1:10, that is, 60g of coffee powder extract 600ml of coffee liquid.

2. Put a round filter paper in the lower part of the powder cup, wet the cup wall with water, put in the ground 60g coffee powder (the size of coarse granulated sugar), and then shake the coffee surface flat, or you can use the weight of the powder hammer to gently press the powder layer to make the surface smooth.

3. Remember to put a piece of filter paper on the noodles. Because the tension of the filter paper can make the water distribute evenly, if there is no filter paper, the water droplets for a long time will drip out a pit in the powder bed.


4. Use ice water to "pre-soak", in fact, this is similar to the steaming process in hand flushing, which can improve the consistency of the extraction effect and the finished product. If the ice drops directly, it may cause uneven wetting of the powder layer, some of the coffee powder is overextracted while the other part is not involved in the extraction.

5. Put the 1:1 ice-water mixture into the water bottle and adjust the regulating valve to drip for about 10.7 seconds.

6. after making, pour the coffee liquid into a sealed glass bottle and put it in the refrigerator to ferment overnight, so that the flavor of the coffee is mixed together, making it better and easier to taste.

Ice drop coffee beans recommended

Because low temperature extraction is more difficult to extract mellow substances, Qianjie coffee is recommended to use sweet and sour coffee beans. For example, light roasted coffee beans in Africa and Central and South America: Ethiopian Huakui coffee beans sold in Qianjie Coffee (berry juice conditioned), Panamanian butterfly rose summer naturally mixed coffee beans (scented tea tempered), Costa Rican Mozart coffee beans (preserved fruit conditioned) are very suitable for the production of cold-extracted coffee.


Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

For more boutique coffee beans, please add private Qianjie coffee on Wechat. WeChat account: qjcoffeex