Coffee review

Iced coffee world big difference--how much difference between iced coffee and cold extract iced coffee drinking method

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style) Ice drop coffee originated in Europe, because coffee distiller was invented by Dutch people, some people call it Dutch Coffee, espresso coffee or drop coffee. Iced coffee is compatible with water by virtue of the coffee itself, mainly by condensation and natural infiltration of water pressure, up to about

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Ice drop coffee originated in Europe. Because the coffee distiller was invented by the Dutch, some people call it Dutch Coffee, espresso or water drop coffee. Ice drop coffee is extracted bit by bit by condensation and natural osmotic water pressure for about 8 hours due to its compatibility with water.

Of course, the taste of coffee extracted by the coffee distiller will change with different factors such as coffee roasting degree, water volume, water temperature, droplet speed, coffee grinding fineness, and so on. With different factors, different ice drop coffee will be extracted. Ice drop coffee group is delicate and elegant, and it has more collection value and appreciation.

The characteristics of ice drop coffee

The advantages of water drop coffee are that it is not sour, does not hurt the stomach, and can be preserved for up to a week, especially on the third day, the flavor is the best, and the caffeine is low. Because the coffee powder is 100% low-temperature and moist, the extracted coffee tastes strong, smooth and rich. It is admirable, and the flavor is certainly outstanding.

Adjust the speed of water droplets, use cold water to slowly drip, extract at 5 degrees Celsius for 8 hours and leak for a long time, so that the original coffee flavor can be naturally reproduced by fax, which is even more admirable.

The concept of cold brewed coffee is similar to that of cold brewed tea, and it is the hottest drink in recent years. Directly soak the coffee powder in ice water, soak the coffee powder for a long time to extract coffee takes about 18 hours, soak and refrigerate, filter and bottle, also known as ice brewed coffee.

Advantages: cold bubble method to enlarge the flavor and aroma of coffee, reduce the acidity, the more ice, the better. Without hot water, low-temperature ice water will not extract coffee bean impurities, bitterness and other large particle molecules, so the taste is clean and pure, fresh and slightly sweet and smooth.

Disadvantages: due to the long contact between water and coffee powder, the strongest caffeine is suitable for drinking at a time when you most need to stay awake.

Ice drop coffee, like cold extract coffee (Cold Brew Coffee), is extracted with cold water. Compared with iced coffee extracted with hot water (iced American coffee / latte / iced hand brew, etc.), ice drop coffee can maximize the flavor and aroma of coffee while softening the acidity and bitterness. Because, the acidic fat in these two kinds of coffee is not easy to be dissolved by cold water, which can avoid the appearance of sour taste.

Compared with cold coffee, iced coffee tastes more fragrant, more delicate and subtle. Tannic acid will not decompose at all in cold ice water, while the other main ingredients of coffee are the same, so there is no acerbity and bitterness in the ice drop coffee, and it is very pure in taste, and the sweetness and smoothness will increase.