Coffee review

What are the effects of high altitude on the growth of coffee? The effects of altitude on flavor are

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more information about coffee beans Please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) what is elevation refers to the vertical distance above sea level at a certain point on the ground. The study found that if the coffee beans have the same genes, the coffee beans grown in high altitude areas have better flavor. Coffee beans at high altitudes are harder because they are rich in nutrients and grow

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

What is altitude?

Altitude refers to the vertical distance of a place on the ground above sea level. The study found that if the coffee beans have the same genes, the coffee beans grown in high altitude areas have better flavor. Those who like to grind by hand must have experienced that fine beans like Moyega Chuefei are more difficult to grind than beans from other low-altitude producing areas. Because it's hard enough. The reason is that coffee beans are rich in nutrients and have a long fruit growth cycle, just like most plants. Coffee beans themselves are the fruits of small shrubs, while coffee beans with relatively low altitude and fast growth speed have loose texture and are not resistant to high temperature baking.

I wonder if you have ever known that apples, cantaloupes, grapes and other fruits will be especially sweet in areas with large temperature differences between day and night. The same is true of coffee, because of the natural conditions of planting at high altitude, the temperature difference varies greatly, and the growth rate of coffee beans is slow, thus more nutrients can be accumulated. The harder, compact, denser and acidic the xylem texture of coffee beans is, and the more prominent the flavor is. If it is a volcanic area, the mountain ash soil also has a better guarantee for the improvement of coffee quality.

According to the physics book, "for every 100m increase in altitude, the temperature decreases by 0.6 ℃."

At the same time, according to more rigorous survey data, for every 300 meters above sea level, the sucrose content of coffee beans will increase by 10%.

Sucrose is the main force of the sour aroma of coffee, which is equivalent to the bones of the human body. the bigger the skeleton, the taller the person will grow.

Then the beans of the same producing area and the same variety of coffee beans at high altitude are naturally more sour than those grown at low altitude, at the same time, because of the higher altitude, the temperature is relatively low.

There is also a large temperature difference between day and night, and the growth rate of coffee will slow down, which will accumulate more nutrients and contain more aromas.

Associated with the growth rate is the rate of metabolism. Coffee grown at high altitudes will receive more light during the day.

These nutrients are absorbed slowly and fully through photosynthesis, and it also absorbs less oxygen.

The rate of metabolism is slower than low-altitude coffee, which helps fruit acid and aromatic substances to accumulate in coffee beans. In order to prevent high-altitude coffee from being burned by strong light, most high-altitude producing areas will plant some tall crops to protect delicate coffee trees from the sun and heat, commonly known as shade trees.

On the whole, coffee bodies at high altitudes are fuller and harder than those at lower altitudes.

In America, hardness (SHB) is used as the grading standard for coffee.

It is indirectly proved that the higher the altitude is, the better the flavor of coffee is.