Coffee review

Can I drink coffee when I'm sick? What's the impact?

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) it is best not to drink. For drinking coffee, more attention should be paid to the reaction with drugs. The most important thing to be careful is ephedrine, which stimulates nerve excitement. If you add coffee, the effect will be greatly enhanced, resulting in symptoms of overdose.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

It is recommended not to drink it.

For drinking coffee, more attention should be paid to the reaction with drugs. The most important thing to be careful is ephedrine, which stimulates nerve excitement. If you add coffee, the effect will be greatly enhanced, resulting in the symptoms of "overdose". Cold drugs containing ephedrine are very common, such as Contec, Baijiahei and so on.

Caffeine is notoriously good at refreshing, while colds need more rest, which is clearly contradictory. Even if you need to keep up with the work, coffee is not a good choice. it is a bit difficult to keep the speed of the sick who need rest in a healthy state, not to mention injecting coffee brand chicken blood and drumming gold to cheer on the body. there is always the suspicion of drinking poison to quench thirst, and the cold naturally won't get better soon.

There are many kinds of cold medicine, such as anti-allergy, antipyretic analgesic, antiviral, antitussive and expectorant, antihistamines, central excitement and so on, as well as proprietary Chinese medicine. On the other hand, antipyretic analgesics and central excitatory cold drugs already have great stimulation to the gastric mucous membrane, especially many central excitatory drugs contain caffeine. If you drink coffee or strong tea after taking it, it will further increase the stimulation to the gastric mucosa, cause stomachache and other discomfort, and will affect the efficacy.

There are so many drugs that interact with caffeine that ordinary people may not be able to remember, so the easiest thing to do is not to drink coffee while taking all kinds of drugs.