Coffee review

What exactly is the coffee honey treatment | how many kinds of coffee honey treatment are there? how to distinguish the honey treatment

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) there are three common ways to handle coffee beans: sun, washing, and honey treatment. So what on earth is honey treatment? What is the difference between honey treatment and other treatments? So how can we distinguish between so many kinds of honey treatment methods? Put it simply

Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style)

Coffee beans are commonly treated in three ways: sun, water, honey treatment. So what exactly is honey processing? What is the difference between honey treatment and other treatments? So how do we distinguish between multiple honey treatment methods?

Simply speaking, honey treatment is the way to treat the coffee with pectin and endocarp after removing the peel and meat, and the key to distinguish different honey treatments lies in the treatment choice of the remaining pectin, retaining the pectin ratio and drying speed and method.

We usually see honey processing methods are: yellow honey, red honey, black honey

How to distinguish yellow honey, red honey and black honey

Yellow honey: about 40% of pectin is removed; drying method needs the most direct heat absorption, accept the most light drying, lasting about 8 days to reach the stable value of moisture content

Red honey: about 25% of pectin is removed; compared to yellow honey, drying time is longer, and reduce direct sunlight exposure time, even use shade, lasting about 12 days.

Black honey: almost no pectin removal; drying takes the longest time, at least 2 weeks, use a cover to avoid too strong sunlight, prevent drying too fast, so that sugar conversion is more complete.


Honey treatment is the treatment of coffee beans with pectin after removing the peel and pulp.

The key to distinguishing the different honey treatments lies in the choice of treatment for the remaining pectin: the proportion of pectin retained and the drying speed and method.


It tastes sweeter than washed Costa Rica, and because the liquid contains more sugar, it has a higher body.


The sugar content is tested first when picking, and only coffee fruits with sugar content of 21~22% are picked;

Honey treatment is different from other processing methods. It should be dried on AFRICAN BED (drying bed).

Because honey treatment is carried out in the sun with mucous membranes, it needs good ventilation, and it is easy to ferment or moldy in quality, resulting in odor.

If in the concrete or in the soil with the sun, then in the process of turning the beans will be some scars, or bad taste into the raw beans will lead to a defective taste.