Coffee review

Starbucks training manual answer _ star barista basic training answer _ module-theoretical knowledge

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) I believe we all have this experience when we first go to Starbucks for coffee. When we point to a small cup and ask the waiter for a small cup, the waiter will tell you that it is medium. The medium-sized cup is called the large cup at Starbucks, and the largest one is called the super-large cup. that,

Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style)

I believe we all have this experience when we first go to Starbucks for coffee. When we point to a small cup and ask for a small cup, the waiter will tell you that it is a medium cup. The medium-sized cup is called a large cup at Starbucks, and the largest one is called a super cup. So, does Starbucks have small cups?

Let me introduce Starbucks cup type first. Generally, when we order drinks at Starbucks in China, we will see three kinds of cup type display, medium cup 12 ounces (Tall), large cup 16 ounces (Grande) and super cup 20 ounces (Venti). In addition to the four commonly found in the United States, there is a 30-ounce Trenta, larger than the human stomach, for iced coffee and other iced drinks.

Then there is a question that has haunted Xiaobian for many years. Why doesn't Starbucks have a small cup? For this reason, Xiao Bian specially consulted Starbucks customer service by email and got the following answers.

They now offer small 8oz (236ml), medium 12oz (354ml), large 16oz (473ml), extra-large hot 20oz (591ml), extra-large iced 24oz (709ml) and extra-large iced 30oz (917ml). So it seems that the authorities are actually acknowledging the existence of small cups.

In addition, Xiaobian consulted friends who worked in Starbucks and got the same answer. Although the menu, including the displayed cup sizes, only three kinds of medium, large and extra-large, but small cups do exist, but small cups can only order hot drinks and cannot order cold drinks. All the clerks have learned the recipe for small cups, all the bar has small cups behind it (but not necessarily with lids, you can drink it in one sip, what else do you need lids for), and all Starbucks computers can print small bills. So if we ask for a small cup of coffee when we order coffee, we do.

So why isn't Starbucks adding short to its menu?

This is Starbucks marketing philosophy, first of all from the heart to analyze, if high, medium and low three grades of coffee in front of you, which would you choose? I think most people would go for the mid-range. Because most people don't like the feeling of cheap, and they don't want to spend high prices to buy the most expensive ones, so as not to be cheated. When we don't know the value of goods, nature makes us avoid too high or too low a price. Starbucks is exploiting this human instinct against consumers. If small cups exist, we all choose medium cups. And if you abandon the small cup, most people will naturally consume the large cup. Through practice in life, it is proved that this is indeed the case.

For profit, Starbucks 'Americano is diluted with water and espresso. According to the formula in the training manual, the shot sizes of espresso coffee corresponding to the four cup sizes of small, medium, large and extra large are 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively. But due to the limitations of the machine, no matter how large the cup type. The minimum amount of espresso used at a time is 2, which means that small and medium cups actually cost the same. And you waste one shot of espresso for every small cup you make. Counting costs and selling prices makes it easy to understand why Starbucks doesn't put small cups on its menu anymore.

Through the analysis of Xiaobian, can you understand Starbucks '"good intentions"? It seems that marketing is really a very deep knowledge. The next time your friends go to Starbucks for coffee, they can order a small cup.

Under the gorgeous dividing line, Xiaobian will introduce you to some English knowledge about Starbucks.

First of all, Starbucks 'cup sizes are small, medium, large and extra large, which are not used in our general sense of small, medium, large and extra large.

Starbucks used what we thought was a roundabout, pretentious way of saying it. These words all come from Italian, which is also the embodiment of Starbucks dress b.

Let's review the five cup sizes together.

Small (short)

Middle (tall)

Grand (Grand)

extra large (venti)


In addition, let's take a look at the English menu together, learn to order coffee in English, and travel all over Europe and America without fear.

Espresso Drinks-espresso drinks

Caffe Latte (espresso with milk)

Cappuccino-Cappuccino (espresso with milk and foam)

Caramel Macchiato-Caramel Macchiato (espresso with milk and caramel with vanilla)

Caffe Mocha- mocha (espresso with milk and foam and chocolate version)

White Chocolate Mocha- White Chocolate Mocha (espresso with milk and milk and white chocolate version)

Caffe Americano- American Coffee (espresso mixed with water)

Brewed Coffee- makes coffee now.

Daily selection of Coffee of the Day-

After ordering the above coffee (decaf or ordinary coffee) and choosing the cup type, you will generally be asked if you want sugar (sugar), cream (creme), milk (milk can choose low fat (low-fat), regular milk or soy milk with extra money), or half&half (that is, half cream and half milk). And how much you want (one or two), and then let you know whether you can take it out (for here); take-out (to go)

Cold Beverages- ice drink

Iced Caffe Latte- iced latte

Iced Caramel Latte- iced caramel latte

Iced Caffe Mocha- ice mocha

Iced White Chocolate Mocha- ice white chocolate mocha

Iced Caffe Americano- iced American coffee

Tazo Iced Chai Tea Latte- iced Taishu tea latte

Iced Coffee- iced coffee

Coffee Alternatives- coffee substitute

Taza Hot Tea- Retaishu tea

Tazo Chai Tea Latte- Taishu tea latte

Hot Chocolate- hot chocolate

Syrup Steamer- juice syrup milk foam

Blended Beverages- mixed drink

Fruit Smoothie- fruit smoothie

Frappuccino- Star Frappuccino

Types of Coffee- coffee

Coffee- coffee

Caramel- Caramel Coffee

Mocha- mocha coffee

Creme (coffee-free)-Cream (no coffee)

Vanilla Bean- vanilla pod

Strawberries&Creme- strawberries and cream

Star Frappuccino has different combinations because it has a choice of coffee, cream and flavor.

Extras- add-on

Add Espresso shot- plus espresso

Add Flavored Syrup- with different flavors of syrup

Add Soy Milk- with soy milk