Coffee review

Do you understand what organic coffee means? is organic coffee good? how does it taste?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Organic coffee is popular in recent years, specifically, how to start to develop organic coffee is not much understood, but since it is organic, does it mean that the cultivation of this coffee is different from ordinary coffee? Is to use very healthy chemical fertilizer, planting.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Organic coffee has become popular in recent years, and there is not much understanding of how to develop organic coffee, but since it is "organic", does it mean that the cultivation of this kind of coffee is different from ordinary coffee? Is it planted with very healthy chemical fertilizers and planting methods?

What is organic coffee?

Organic coffee refers to

It is from planting to baking without the use of chemical raw materials without pesticides, pesticides, herbicides and artificial food additives.

"Farm to Bake" it includes the following:

Processing, packaging and baking of soil fertilizer, deworming and raw beans

Land: the soil must be free of synthetic chemicals for a certain number of years, depending on the country that has obtained organic certification. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and China, for a period of three years.

Fertilizer: the choices here are usually manure, waste coffee pulp and general compost.

Disinfestation: use organic pesticides or substances such as soap, lime, sulfur and hydrogen peroxide. Natural solutions are also used, such as growing coffee in the shade and fostering healthy ecosystems through predators such as birds.

Processing: must be organic certification requirements, in the coffee processing process without any synthetic residue. In other words, the equipment for processing coffee must have organic coffee certification (or equipment that meets the organic coffee certification standard, but it may not be possible to obtain an organic coffee certificate. ).

Packaging: even from the beginning of the harvest, you must pay attention to which materials are used to pack the coffee. If coffee comes into contact with any non-organic packaging material, coffee is no longer called organic coffee.

Roasting: like processing, coffee must be roasted in a certified organic facility. However, most roasters deal with organic coffee and regular coffee that does not follow the organic path. These facilities must be very careful to avoid pollution.

Organic is about this process, not about morality or labor practice. This means that farms may be able to grow and sell organic coffee while still having exploitative labour practices. If you are concerned about the overall situation, please look for organic coffee, Fair Trade and Rainforest Alliance certified coffee.

The flavor and taste of organic coffee

Organic coffee has a strong aroma, smooth, layered, rich and sweet, with elegant and mild sour taste.

Coffee developed into organic coffee does not seem to think that coffee beans are crops, the term "organic" of crops has existed for a long time, probably such a term can make coffee more expensive! What's so special about organic coffee than the coffee we often drink? it's probably the word "organic".