Coffee review

How much is the hand grinder coffee machine introduced by the four kings? Is it necessary to buy a hand mill?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) for the hand bean grinder praise is different, everything is the same, only to find out their own needs, can choose the most suitable for them. You are a coffee enthusiast or something, you can play by hand, you know you are lazy, and you make your own coffee.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

For the hand bean grinder praise is different, everything is the same, only to find out their own needs, in order to choose the most suitable for their own.

You are a coffee enthusiast or something, you can play by hand, you know you are lazy, and you want to save time and convenience by making your own coffee, then the electric bean grinder must be the best choice.

Traveling with a compact bean grinder is the best choice, but for lazy people, they prefer to drink in a cafe.

Tuhao at will, jason will not bother to use hand bean grinder, if the following picture HG-1Z this commercial hand bean grinder is still willing to use, so no matter hand bean grinder or electric bean grinder, have their own advantages are based on their own needs and exist, of course, the price is also a big reference factor, a little better hand bean grinder is basically around 800-1000 yuan.

The importance of coffee grinder:

Bean grinders are often directly ignored in coffee recruits! This is a really sad fact! Before we talk about these key points, let's take a look at the function of the bean grinder. The aroma and delicacy of coffee are all protected in the coffee beans. If we soak the whole bean in water, the delicacy in the center of the coffee bean cannot be released (or very slowly). Then the easiest way is to turn the coffee beans into small granulated coffee powder and let the hot water bring out the delicacy in the beans. So, can you buy a whole bag of ground powder and take it home to flush it slowly? No! The aroma of coffee disappears quickly after it is ground into powder, and the oxidation rate is very fast, which means that the coffee powder you bring home is drinking oxidizing flavor.

So it is recommended to buy an electric bean grinder. As long as you press a button every day, you can go to heaven from hell. Many novices buy coffee powder directly in the supermarket. But friends with a little common sense will know that the shelf life of coffee after roasting is very short. It is generally recommended that freshly baked beans should be drunk within 1 month! Because in a month's time, the elements in the beans that can bring you the ultimate flavor will be quickly lost. Coffee ground into powder oxidizes faster because of its larger contact area with air. Generally speaking, 15 minutes after grinding is enough to turn the original boutique coffee into waste. That's why some people or merchants always advertise that our coffee is freshly ground coffee! Although sometimes those merchants themselves do not understand why they want to grind!

Some friends here will say, as long as it is not grinding right now!? I bought a few dozen yuan of spiral bean grinder on Taobao and now I can OK it. In fact, as long as your beans are good enough and fresh enough, it must be much better than buying coffee powder directly to brew and extract! But you still waste coffee beans! A spiral bean chopper (we call it a bean chopper because this machine crushes beans by chopping rather than grinding) not only can't process coffee beans into uniform coffee powder, but also generates a lot of heat in the process of chopping. Coffee powder accelerates the oxidation process when heated. The flavor will also be taken away! In addition, under the first principle of successful extraction of boutique coffee (uniform extraction), because the coffee powder particles chopped by the chopping machine are coarse and fine, it will also lead to the failure of coffee extraction! The most direct is excessive extraction, or insufficient extraction! The coffee with insufficient extraction will be sour and astringent, and the coffee with excessive extraction will be too bitter!

The relationship between several main variables of extracted coffee is that the higher the water temperature is, the more bitter the coffee is, the stronger the taste is, and the lower the water temperature is, the more sour the coffee is, the milder and lighter the taste is; the finer the powder is, the higher the extraction rate of coffee is, the thicker the coffee is, the thicker the powder is, the lower the extraction rate is and the lighter the coffee is; the longer the whole extraction time is, the stronger and bitterness the coffee is, on the contrary, the shorter the coffee is, the lighter it is and relatively sour. The principle of gold cup extraction is consistent, assuming that the coarse and fine degree of grinding is determined, such as raising the water temperature, it is necessary to shorten the soaking time, otherwise the coffee will be over-extracted, the whole is bitter, otherwise, the extraction is insufficient and light; suppose your water temperature is determined, then the finer the powder is, the shorter the extraction time will be, otherwise the coffee will be over-extracted, otherwise the extraction will be insufficient. Suppose your soaking time is constant, the finer the powder, the lower the water temperature, otherwise it will be over-extracted, otherwise it will not be enough.

If you don't understand, a simple example is fried sour and spicy shredded potatoes. If some of the shredded potatoes you cut are thick and thin, then you will find that the thick ones are still raw when you stir-fry the fine ones and put them into the pan. But if you stir-fry the coarse ones, the fine ones will be fried into mashed potatoes! So a good bean grinder is the first product for good baristas in the field of boutique coffee, rather than coffee machines or other extraction tools! This is why the price of bean grinders with excellent performance can be tens of thousands of reasons! So, even! Even! Even! It is the most important performance index of a bean grinder.

There are many factors that affect the performance of the bean grinder, such as rotational speed, cutter head material, knife shape, grinding speed and so on. So, to talk about bean grinders, I think we can talk for three days and nights. But we must not be scared, for we hope to enjoy a good cup of coffee at home, carefully understand the principle of coffee grinder, and then choose a suitable bean grinder according to our bearing capacity, it is very important to choose a suitable bean grinder!

In fact, the selection of bean grinder has only a few key points.

Let's first take a look at the chopped bean grinder.

Such a bean grinder, the biggest advantage is cheap, 50-150 yuan can be bought, another advantage is the small size. But I will not call this kind of equipment "bean grinder", I will call it "chopping" bean grinder, this kind of bean grinder is just like us in Kandashan, it is random and unconscious, so after being slashed by coffee beans, the thickness of the particles is very uneven, big and small.

So when we brew coffee, some coffees are ripe (moderately extracted), some are overripe (over-extracted, bitter, astringent and acerbity come out), while others are too thick to ripen. There is no way to fully contribute all the aroma (insipid, no sweetness). So using such a bean grinder to cut out, brew coffee, there will be just right, too much, and too light flavor, mixed together. So this cup of coffee, do you think it will taste good?

If you have such a bean chopper in your home, please use it to cut spices and peppers. It's very easy to use!

Let's take a look at: shredding, shredding and crushing.

The knife head of the common bean grinder on the market, with different knife shapes, will first roughly cut up the coffee beans, and then further grind them, as for how to control the thickness of the coffee powder.

These grinders have two blades, and the shredding type first grinds the coffee beans into coarse particles, which are then further ground into a finer powder, and then run away from the gap between the two blades. And this gap is controlled, if you want to be thinner, the gap will be adjusted smaller, on the contrary, if you want larger particles, let the gap be larger. The reason why such grinding beans are more uniform is because coffee beans will not be repeatedly cut after they become coffee powder, and after they are cut, they will be thrown out of the cutter head, so the thickness will be controlled by the cutter head gap!

The grinding type is basically a relatively blunt knife. The basic principle is the same. The gap between the two knife heads is used to control the thickness of the coffee powder.

In addition to uniformity, the horsepower of the grinder is also important. Since we are welcoming the wave of fine coffee, coffee beans are usually moderately roasted, so the beans are relatively hard. If the horsepower is insufficient, it is easy to get stuck and grind them.(This is why we still recommend electric bean grinders. It is very tired to grind manually. Unless you have a strong man who loves fitness.)

The bean grinder is among all the equipment, the most should spend a lot of money to buy, as long as you have tasted a freshly ground coffee, you will never go back ~ good maintenance, a bean grinder with more than 5 years is not a problem!

To some extent, the grinder is even more important than the coffee maker itself. If the equipment is not good, it can still make up for the defects of the equipment through constant practice and skillful techniques; The quality of the grinder is not high, but it is also powerless through practice. So when it comes to coffee equipment, I recommend that you invest at least 25% of your budget in the grinder, and even 50% is not too much.

Type of grinder:

Bean grinder is generally classified as coffee extraction, divided into single coffee grinder and Italian coffee grinder two categories! According to the structure of the grinding wheel grinding machine can generally be divided into flat knife, cone knife and ghost teeth three categories.

From the magnifying glass perspective, the effect of different cutter heads on coffee powder can be observed through grinding. The powder structure and shape of different cutter types are completely different. The influence of powder structure on coffee flavor is also related to whether the extraction is uniform, and has little to do with the extraction rate. Even if the extraction rate is the same, the flavor is still different, which is caused by uneven extraction.

Flat knife: coffee beans are ground into particles in a cutting way, so its shape is mainly flat and long.

Cone knife: coffee beans are ground into particles by grinding, so its shape is mainly polygonal block circle.

Ghost teeth: coffee beans are ground into particles in a grinding way, so their shape is closer to oval.

! Classified according to the mode of work can be divided into manual and electric. But whatever the category, my personal advice is to buy the best beangrinder you can afford!

Ghost tooth bean grinder

Generally speaking, the grinding machine of the ghost tooth grinder is only suitable for grinding single coffee, that is, coffee powder with relatively coarse particles. This type of grinding machine is represented by Japan's Fuji R220 and Taiwan's Yang family's big Pegasus 207N, and the high-end grinding master 875 and Fuji R440 are from the United States. This grinding wheel has excellent balance and thickness in the extraction of coffee flavor compared to flat or conical knives, but the details are not as accurate as flat knives. It is often the first choice of ordinary coffee lovers for a single product grinder! Below I recommend the two bean grinder performance is basically equivalent! But Fuji is about three times the price of the big Pegasus. But Fuji small size, fine workmanship, more suitable for a corner of the home. The Pegasus is a big cause, alive a silly big rough, but this image does not affect its good grinding products.

Ghost tooth is actually based on the flat knife based on the development of the knife type, ghost tooth grinding coffee powder particles are closer to the round, and the proportion of coarse powder and fine powder is more uniform, so the coffee taste is cleaner, the flavor is more three-dimensional, full, but the machine price is higher.

flat-knife bean grinder

As for the flat knife, it is the largest in the market. Whether it's a single-serve grinder or an Italian grinder. Whether it's the top commercial German Mehdi EK43 or the mid-range MAZZER MAJOR, or the Eureka MMG designed for home use. Flat knife grinder is generally positioned clearly, either pure Italian grinder represented by Italian brand MAZZER, or single product grinder with German brand Mehdi (some models can also be compatible with Italian coffee). Because of the different design of the cutter plate and the design of the adjusting plate, most Italian coffee grinders can only grind fine powder suitable for Italian coffee, and it is not applicable to the coarse powder of single coffee!

When you need to get a higher concentration of coffee in a short time, flat knife grinder is a good choice, high concentration will also make the aroma rich, so use flat knife its aroma will be more obvious than cone knife

cone grinder

As for the awl knife, it was a thousand pounds of oil. Apart from the top-of-the-line MAZZER ROBUR, most of the other products are compatible with Italian and single items. However, in the world of cone knives, there were two levels of differentiation. They were either tens of thousands of top-level Italian bean grinders or low-end entry-level products! BARATZA ENCORE is the representative of entry-level household products, most of the household level small cone knives can be compatible with single products and Italian style. However, the quality of the product is different. Because of the high efficiency of the cone knife and the fast grinding speed, there will be a proper amount of fine powder in the good cone knife product, which can obviously improve the layering of coffee, so many top coffee shops will choose it. Cone cutter because of high grinding efficiency is also favored by most manual grinding machine, HARIO 2TB, LIDO2 are cone cutter design. As for how to choose, he really had to try it himself to understand! After all, what suits one's taste is the best!

Advantages and disadvantages:

Cone knife grinder is placed at the bottom of the conical knife disc, and then with the outer ring knife disc to grind, coffee beans fall from above, will rotate with the conical knife disc will pull down the coffee beans, and then produce grinding action. Cone knife grinding speed is fast, low heat, uniformity accuracy is not as good as flat knife, the product taste is richer. (There is also a saying that the cone knife uniformity is better, but in actual use, I tend to think that the same level of grinding machine flat knife uniformity is slightly better. More details may be related to the price)

The particles ground by the cone knife are polygonal and close to granular, resulting in a longer water absorption path of coffee particles, and it takes longer for the interior to contact water, so the soluble substances released by the cone knife particles in the initial stage will be less, so that the concentration will not be too high in a short time.

The granular coffee powder produced by the conical knife can reduce the contact time of xylem with water. Although the aroma is not obvious as that of the flat knife, even if the extraction time is prolonged, the taste is more round and complex.

Introduction of common brand models of bean grinder

Forward sloshing M520A

INFUN electric bean grinder is sloshing coffee bean mill entry-level model, family use is enough. But it is also suitable for individual products, not very suitable for the grinding of espresso. The normal price is three or four hundred.

Little Eagle (CM-300AU)

Small flying eagle electric coffee grinder CM300A flat knife head, also suitable for entry choice, cost-effective, the disadvantage is easy to heat. The normal price is 500 to 600, except for the Flying Eagle brand, which is also called "Little Flying Eagle." the internal configuration is similar, but it is cheaper, and the budget is insufficient. In addition, there are many domestic copycat versions of one or two hundred.

Pegasus (600N)

Pegasus electric bean grinder 600N 610N

Pegasus and Pegasus have similar prices, stronger motors, smaller bean stores, and similar cutterhead craftsmanship. It is said to be the brand of Flying Eagle founded by the veteran staff of the Yang family who produces Pegasus. The biggest difference between Pegasus and Eagle is that it is better compatible with spaghetti bean powder.

Great Flying Eagle (CM520) & Great Pegasus (207N)

Taiwan's original big flying eagle electric bean grinder is not much different, so they are both one-pound machines with a price of about 1200. The ghost tooth grinding plate has a more uniform grinding degree, which is suitable for individual products, but it is also not suitable for Italian grinding. On the material, the big Pegasus all-metal fuselage, the big flying eagle has a part of the plastic fuselage, it is better to make a single big flying eagle.

Fuji bean grinder

If there is no shortage of money, you can enter Fuji, Japanese brands, divided into big (Rmur440) and small (Rmur220) Fuji, with ghost teeth and flat knife two designs, suitable for individual coffee grinding, the grinding quality is naturally better than the above, please climb to a higher floor. If you buy, it is recommended that Japan Haitao, in addition, you need to add a transformer.

Honey, when you see this, do you feel that all of the above look the same, silly and confused, just changing the color? who are you kidding? Yes, your eyes are not mistaken, they just look alike! This is really a penny for a penny. As for the feud between them is like this: Japan Fuji is the prototype, Taiwan Pegasus has copied Fuji, Flying Eagle has copied Pegasus, and Flying Eagle has copied Pegasus and Flying Eagle. Finally, the final big move, China's domestic small manufacturers and copycat is sloshing, so try to buy a high price, look basically the same, so it is really messy

Electric coffee grinder _ Italian coffee grinder

In fact, the above introduction is a single mill, although the Little Eagle Pegasus can also take care of Italian style, but if you prefer Italian coffee, it is recommended to use a special Italian coffee grinder. However, the Italian mill is easy to use tens of thousands of people, here is only to introduce the entry model suitable for family use.

Huijia ZD series

Huijia ZD-15 electric bean grinder

Huijia's zd series is positioned as a low-end household machine, which is the most basic choice for Italian entry, with fast grinding speed and high performance-to-price ratio. But at the same time, there are many disadvantages: fine powder is still quite obvious, easy to agglomerate static electricity, but the price is there, can not ask too much for it. You can choose different models of the zd series according to your budget. The foundation is zd-15, with more budget and zd-17 to choose from, and more adjustable gears.

Baratza encore

Encore can not be regarded as an Italian mill in the strict sense, it can only be regarded as a dual-purpose mill and can be compatible with a single product. If you drink both single and Italian style, but do not want to buy two mills, you can choose this one. The quality is not much different from the zd of Huijia, but few people use baratza, so it may not be as convenient as Huijia after sale, but the coffee mill is actually quite solid. This encore is an entry-level model for baratza. With a higher budget, you can also buy its upgraded version of virtuoso. There are many options for this brand.

Taiwan Pegasus 900N, Taiwan Sikma Bean Mill HC-600

Taiwan original Pegasus 900N professional Italian electric bean grinder and Taiwan Sikma bean mill HC-600

It's a common Italian bean grinder. There's not a big gap between these two goods, is it?

In addition to the single-product mill, Pegasus also has a lot of knockoffs. The normal price of the original imported from Taiwan should be about 2000. One thousand twenty-three is likely to be carefully screened when it is bought in China. As for the specific domestic how this I am not good to comment, it is heard that a lot of imitation, depending on luck, after buying it can also take a picture to the manufacturer to let it distinguish between true and false. In fact, we might as well consider domestic ones with a relatively small budget.


Italian mill from Italy

It costs less than 1000 yuan more than 900N, and it is relatively small and convenient.

1. Drink at home, 900N, MMG is already very good equipment, of course, if the electric mill requirements are higher, please search Anfim, MAZZER ROBUR, Mahlkoenig, compak K10, these positioning is mostly commercial machines, ten thousand yuan price, home use is not very necessary, do not introduce. Coffee utensils is a pit, into a, there will always be a more expensive electric mill pit to tempt you, rational consumption, enter the pit to be careful. Act according to your ability, what suits you is the best.

Electric control and ordinary component bean grinder

In Italian mills, program-controlled quantitative bean grinders have become popular in recent years. This product is a design that appeared in recent years. Because the traditional component design is suitable for coffee shops with large flow, shops with insufficient flow grind the powder into powder buckets for a long time, which is extremely wasteful. Even if you don't grind it at ordinary times and the guests order it again, the cleaning of the powder bucket every day is still a headache. At the beginning, the efficiency of the Italian bean grinder is not high, and the grinding speed is slow, so the bean grinder of the component type will be ground well when it is free, and will be used directly when in use. However, with the development of technology, the grinding efficiency of the new high-grade bean grinder has been significantly improved, and it takes less than 3 seconds for the high-grade ROBUR to grind 20g powder. In order to facilitate cleaning, but also easier to control quality control, but also more economical, so the emergence of the current electronically controlled straight-out bean grinder.

As for whether it is an electronic direct output or a traditional component, for one or two cups a day, the ordinary version of the bean grinder for each cup is also enough. For users who pursue more than one or two cups of product quality per day, it is better to choose the electric control straight out. In addition, the single bean grinder generally has no electronic control design. In addition, my personal opinion is that if you can buy electricity, you should never buy a manual one! Electricity is not only labor-saving, but also has a congenital advantage in the uniformity of production! As for the Italian style grinding flat or cone, believe me, if you are not a high-level enthusiast, it is difficult to drink the difference.

Hand bean grinder:

Choosing a bean grinder is really a technical job, because there are too many kinds, too many grades, and the price gap is huge! But remember one truth, the world of coffee is always a penny! Cheap without good goods! My personal advice is to set your own budget first! Whether it is a single product or Italian style, it is more appropriate to buy a bean grinder at the same price as the coffee machine or single product extraction design.

If it is to play with the hand in the office, you can enter a HARIO 2TB, if the hand mill has some product quality requirements, you can enter a LIDO2. With the positive sloshing A12 economical, Kyocera, HARIO and TIAMO are also good, HARIO shanzhai Kyocera, TIAMO shanzhai HARIO, generally shake different grinding powder thickness adjustment is more troublesome, do fine beans hard, grinding is also tired, often drink or recommend electric, with the price of manual electric, the grinding effect will be worse, if you have to hand grind to see the budget, if the budget 400 you can see Kyocera, two hundred you can see hario Manual grinding is mostly a single product mill, Kyocera CM45 core can be ground spaghetti powder, personal suggestion grinding spaghetti powder is better (the best hand mill is not cost-effective, such as HG-ONE, the price scares me a shiver, tuhao hand is extremely expensive, it is better not to look). If it's a tuhao, forget it. I can look for it: German ComandanteC40,OE LIDO handshake, Heller Helor,KINUM47, German brand Zassenhaus.

Korean ROK geek, etc., many, many, there are all kinds of customized limited edition

So how to clean and maintain the various parts of the bean grinder?

Bean grinder cleaning

Pay attention to cleanliness, the coffee shop produces a lot of coffee every day, the problem of residual powder does not affect the quality of coffee very much, but if you make a cup at home, especially if you only make a cup in one or two days, the remaining residual powder after grinding will greatly affect the quality of the next product. At the same time, when cleaning, we should pay attention to drying in time. The cleaning method of grinding rice spread on the Internet is not advisable, the hardness of rice is too high, and the wear of the grinding plate is very severe. If you buy a new mill, or if you don't use it for a long time, you can grind a few coffee beans as a cleaning. If you don't need it for a longer time, take apart and clean the grinding plate. Note here that some models are easy to disassemble, some are not easy, friends with strong hands-on ability can try, and it is possible to grind coffee beans for general household use.

Bean warehouse

Use tools: sponge + detergent

Maintenance suggestion: the coffee beans in the bean grinder bean warehouse should not spend the night as far as possible, and the coffee beans that are not used in a short period of time should be put into a sealed bucket or one-way exhaust valve sealed bag every time after using the bean grinder or daily closing time. this can not only ensure the freshness of beans, but also can be in a dry and clean state. So, the bean warehouse is dirty? Once it is found that the oil stain or silver skin on the wall of the bean warehouse has been obvious, it should be cleaned in time, and the oil stain in the bean warehouse can be cleaned with sponge and detergent. If it is for household use, of course, it is recommended to put as many beans as you like. Don't put beans in the bean warehouse. It is better to grind and do it now.

Maintenance frequency: wash it when it is dirty

Grinding plate

The grinding plate is the most important part of the bean grinder, which is the most difficult to clean and the most likely to produce peculiar smell. To clean up the grinder, there are two ways-clean cleaning and deep cleaning.

Concise cleaning method--

Tools for use: cleaning tablets / coffee beans

Maintenance suggestion: if you want to remove the bean grinder to clean the cutter head, assemble and correct it, it may take a long time every time, and it will only be feasible if you need a friend with strong hands-on ability. Therefore, we can use a simple cleaning method, which is to put the specially customized bean mill cleaning tablets (a pill made of grain that absorbs residual oil stains and is the size of coffee beans) into the bean grinder to remove the residual powder from the grinder. This pill is neutral and harmless, but it is still inedible, if you worry about the drug residue of the pill. You can choose to use the right amount of coffee beans to clean the grinding bin. Note that many people use ordinary rice to do grinding cleaning, this high hardness will cause damage to the grinding plate, it is not recommended that rich starch will cause blockage to some non-commercial bean grinders.

Maintenance frequency: coffee shop grinds about 50 pounds of beans to clean, household that is casual, if you care, then put a few beans before grinding beans for the first time every day, for a long time, just put a few more beans, enough.

Deep cleaning method--

Use tools: screwdriver, paint

There are two issues worth thinking about about the deep cleaning of the cutterhead.

1. The problem of oil stains is not easy to clean, and the inner cutter head is hidden in the fuselage, which is even more difficult to do. if you often grind beans with deeper baking degree, the problem of oil stains will be more serious, and even the knife head will consume oil, and if it is not clean, it will grind more and more strange smell.

two。 Some people are not willing to remove the cutter head at all and are afraid of the possibility that the scale will run away or be broken. This can not be said to be wrong. After all, not everyone has studied the bean grinder, and if it can not be dismantled, it will not be dismantled. But in the long run, it is still harmful to the quality of grinding beans, so it is still necessary to clean.

Maintenance advice: if you are not professionally trained, we generally recommend that you find a professional to help you clean the bean grinder. But if you do it yourself, you have to. Some models can be easily removed, others are quite complex, you can follow the instructions to remove the bean bin, use a screwdriver and other tools to disassemble the upper grinding plate, use painting to sweep out all the residual powder and wipe off the residual grease. After the cleaning is completed, the bean grinder can be installed. Don't forget that the first use after cleaning requires correction of the bean grinder.

In the end, as far as the flat cone knife is concerned, some people say that the ghost tooth is the most advanced, which can not only improve the excessive extraction caused by the too fine flat knife, but also correct the lack of extraction caused by the thick cone knife, so it is difficult to choose, and there is no need to struggle too much. No matter what cutter head is relatively speaking, it can adjust the grinding scale. I can only say that different grinding degrees and different techniques can get different taste. As for the taste you like, you only have to ask yourself. Here also asked which bean grinder is the best, in fact, to change the way to ask, which bean grinder is the most suitable for him, to be more appropriate.