Coffee review

What is the simplest pattern of coffee carving | teach you coffee chocolate sauce carving tutorial

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Coffee carving, as the name implies, is to draw a more delicate figure on the coffee surface with a coffee brooch, extra milk foam or chocolate sauce. Today's coffee carving art can draw the faces of more complex characters or cartoon characters. And now

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Coffee carving, as the name suggests, is to draw a more delicate figure on the coffee surface with a coffee brocade, extra milk foam or chocolate sauce. Today's coffee carving art can draw the faces of more complex characters or cartoon characters. And now the carving is no longer the monotonous brown and white before, baristas skillfully apply the food pigment inside to make the coffee carving more colorful.



1. First of all, find an injection point, circle the way to inject the fusion of milk foam and coffee, the flow of milk is slightly smaller.

two。 When the coffee and milk foam are 70% full, put a thicker layer of milk foam in the center with a spoon.

3. Continue to inject foam into the middle white bubble circle until 100% full.

4. Draw a horizontal and vertical line on the coffee with chocolate sauce.

5. Draw a line to divide the coffee noodles into eight parts.

6. Use a carved stick to draw a spiral from the center to the wall of the cup.

Make a simple coffee carving video with chocolate sauce

Chocolate Sauce carving of Cappuccino-Love Network


1. First of all, find an injection point, circle the way to inject milk foam and coffee fusion, the flow of milk is slightly smaller, when injected to the coffee cup 70% full, immediately increase the flow in the middle, so that the middle scattered into a white round face.

two。 Draw a line on the coffee foam with chocolate sauce, evenly and not too thick, so as not to sink the heavy chocolate into the bottom of the cup.

3. Use chocolate sauce to rotate the circle outward from the center of the milk noodles.

4. Use a carved stick to draw a straight line from the center to "12 o'clock", "03:00", "6 o'clock" and "9 o'clock" respectively.

5. Use a carved stick to draw a line outward in the same way in the middle of the four lines that have been drawn.

6. Use a carved stick to draw a line in the middle of the 8 lines from the outside to the center in the opposite direction.

7. Just put a drop of chocolate sauce on the center point.

The segmented taste of coffee and milk, coupled with beautiful chocolate carvings, is so adorable in terms of taste and appearance. The making method is also simple and easy to learn, which is especially suitable for beginners who like fancy coffee.