Coffee review

How to buy coffee online _ where to buy online coffee _ which one is better to buy black coffee online

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) with the increasing development of technology and living standards, online shopping has become one of people's way of life, from sewing needles to airplanes. Then buying coffee beans online has naturally become a choice for people, when faced with so many coffee sellers.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

With the development of science and technology and the higher and higher standard of living, online shopping has become one of people's way of life, from sewing needles to airplanes. So buying coffee beans online has naturally become a choice for people, so what to do in the face of so many coffee sellers? Every house is: "Wang Po sells coffee beans-- she boasts about herself." in addition, there are a wide variety of coffee beans and all kinds of technical terms. Don't worry, the editor will give you some advice. As long as you avoid these traps, you can easily buy satisfactory coffee beans!

Trap one: evaluation and reputation

There is online shopping for children's shoes, there is a test, evaluation and reputation of how deep the water. When buying coffee beans online, look at other people's comments, check the reputation levels of merchants, and so on. You can understand that these things can be brushed with software or someone, and you decide to buy them after seeing others' comments. I'm sorry for the hard-earned money you earned early in the morning and in the dark. In fact, some coffee merchants, even they do not understand what kind of coffee beans are good coffee beans, just for the sake of profit. To say the least, the evaluation is true, but most of the people who buy coffee online are coffee rookies, and their comments don't mean much to you. Here, it is suggested that you should not only make a purchase based on comments and reputation, but only choose what is right and suit you.

Trap 2: merchant recommendation

There are two situations of business recommendation: one is a professional recommendation, and the other is a marketing gimmick. You have no idea what kind of coffee you like. For example, you like washed Yega Chuefei, the light aroma of flowers, the soft acidity of citrus, and the aftertaste of honey and cream chocolate. You can't accept the dull manning. I don't even like Blue Mountain Coffee with balanced flavors. Here's a suggestion: to choose the flavor that suits you, the merchant recommends it for reference only. If the merchant recommends the flavor you like, buy a small amount first, try it, and see the actual taste as described by the coffee merchant. Make a decision to buy.

Trap 3: 100% Arabica coffee beans

Many coffee beans package will see the words "100% Arabica coffee beans", many friends will be seduced by this. We should make it clear that this is not a guarantee of quality. Not all Arabica beans are of high quality, let alone fine ones. It's not Robusta beans, so we should spit on them. If there are high-quality Robusta beans, Robsta's unique "Rob flavor", when blending coffee beans, adding Robusta coffee beans can increase the oily feeling and mellow thickness of the coffee, and can make the coffee liquid and milk blend to appear more obvious color contrast, which can also add points to the coffee beans.

Trap 4: shelf life

All foods have an expiration date, and coffee beans are no exception. But the shelf life of coffee beans is not very important, the important thing is the baking date. Coffee merchants advocate how long their coffee beans can be stored, which is a cover. The longer the coffee beans are stored, the more flavor and flavor they lose. The flavor and taste of freshly baked coffee beans are the best in a week or so, and the freshness of coffee beans affects the flavor. So here's the suggestion: when buying coffee beans online, only look at the baking date, not the expiration date.

Trap 5: packaging

There are no more than the following kinds of coffee bean packaging: 1 gas packaging, 2 vacuum packaging, 3 gas filling packaging, 4 gas absorbent packaging, 55Ucc Eurasian packaging; Kraft paper, plastic bags, iron or aluminum, stainless steel cans, rubber buckets, etc., many businesses will work hard on the packaging, all kinds of cool packaging, a variety of high-end fashion packaging, that is for sales. When it is suggested to buy coffee beans, do not look at the various advertising bombardment of merchants, no matter how the outer packaging, the most important point is that the packaging is only to ensure the freshness of coffee beans. Unless you buy it as a gift, it's a different matter.

Trap 6: decaf

You want coffee, but you don't want caffeine to interfere with your heartbeat and your nerves, so choose decaf. But this is not to say that caffeine is not healthy, without caffeine is healthy. A recent study by the National Institutes of Health found that drinking decaffeinated coffee is more likely to develop cardiovascular disease. There is only one reason why merchants over-promote decaf, you know. So does choosing coffee beans mean buying caffeinated coffee beans? It is recommended to make a choice according to your own health needs.

Trap 7: price

Price is probably what most people are most concerned about. There is a certain degree of truth in the old saying that "we want to compare goods with others". The price of the same kind of coffee beans is surprisingly low, while that one is ridiculously high. Unless there is a real guarantee of quality, and the price is too low, there is no doubt that the quality is difficult to guarantee. As the saying goes, there is no good product at all. Defective beans are inevitable. Here is a suggestion: in the case of quality, etc., choose a more moderate price.

Trap 8: celebrity endorsement, guarantee (champion bean)

With the vigorous development of the coffee industry in China, a variety of coffee competitions, a variety of coffee celebrities have emerged. Businesses also see business opportunities, the use of celebrity effect to attract consumers, a variety of celebrity endorsements, champion beans make you dazzled, do not know whether true or false. After all, they are all marketing tactics, and celebrities and coffee champions have all become victims of commercial interests. Here's a suggestion: celebrity endorsements, champion beans, it's not important, it's really not important! It is really good to suit your own taste!

C, Store and Brand

Needless to say, some coffees may be mixed with other kinds of coffee in order to reduce costs. So be careful. For example, in the more expensive coffee beans mixed with cheap coffee beans, or in the good quality coffee beans mixed with the same variety but poor quality coffee beans, which will seriously affect the taste. So when buying coffee beans, you should try to choose a guaranteed store or brand, or look at the evaluation index of netizens.