Coffee review

Do you want to remove the silver skin of coffee?| Coffee silver skin with astringent taste? Effect of Silver Peel on Coffee Flavor

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style) A cup of successful coffee starts from a coffee bean. The processing method of coffee beans can be divided into solarization method and washing method. The specific method to be used depends on the local climate, environment and characteristics of coffee beans. Coffee beans pass through.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

I often hear guests ask, "there are so many silver skins in your coffee, don't you sift them?" These silver skins have a great influence on the flavor of coffee. Well, Qianjie Coffee can't help but wonder, is the influence of silver skin on coffee really so great?

A successful cup of coffee should be treated strictly from the beginning of a raw coffee bean. the treatment methods of raw coffee beans can be divided into sun-drying method and water washing method, which method should be used according to the local climate, environment and the characteristics of coffee beans. After processing, raw coffee beans can be roasted and ground, but a cup of coffee is mainly based on the freshness of coffee beans. The success of a coffee bean directly affects whether the cup of coffee is worth shouting.

Silver Skin/Chaff: there is a thinner film inside the parchment that wraps the coffee beans. Because the color is glossy and silvery, people used to call it "silver skin". This layer of silver will fall off during baking. Usually when you grind the coffee, you find some silver crumbs in the coffee powder. These crumbs are the silver skins that fail to peel off the coffee beans during baking.

There is a saying in Coffee Coffee that if we roast and heat the coffee beans, the dried (sun-dried) coffee beans will peel off a lot of silver, while the water-washed coffee beans are much less. When we look at the central concave line of coffee beans, if we retain a lot of white silver skin, the coffee beans processed by water shampoo are more likely.

Water content

The water content of water-washed coffee is 12% 13%, while that of dry (sun-dried) coffee is 1112%. General coffee beans show different colors due to their different water content, with higher water content being green or cyan, and less brown or near white. Therefore, the washed coffee beans show a darker green.

Is the silver skin in good condition?

In the process of processing, the washing method usually removes the silver skin from the coffee beans, showing a special luster, but the law of drying and refinement only takes off the coffee shell, and the silver skin is still intact.

Baking degree

Different processing methods use different degrees of baking, the effect is also different. In general, if the water-washed coffee beans have not been deeply roasted, the residual silver skin of the central line still exists. Although the silver skins of dry coffee beans are intact during processing, they are all gone after baking. The deeper the roasting, the darker the coffee beans will be.

The outer silver skin of the beans in the sun is relatively more, and it takes off more thoroughly when baking, so it is relatively less when grinding; there is more silver skin in the beans washed in water, and there will be a lot of residue after baking and more when grinding. Of course, it is directly related to the baking degree. The deeper the baking, the cleaner the silver skin will take off.

If there is too much silver skin, it will taste astringent, but if the raw bean treats the silver skin too much, it will lead to a decrease in flavor.

Moreover, there must be silver skin on the central line of washed beans, but the problem is that that part may not produce obvious astringency, so don't pick out the silver skin completely.

A good electric bean grinder has the function of automatically removing silver skin. if you grind it by hand, the silver skin will be blown off by maximum rough grinding and then fine grinding. No silver peel is a little astringent but does not affect the overall taste of the coffee.

What on earth does silver skin taste like? I brewed a pot of coffee in front of the street to try what it tasted like.

Brewing: 90 degrees water, 1g silver skin, light golden yellow color

Flavor: when it comes to drinking, like Kuding tea, there is a little sweet rice taste, the tea feeling is obvious, the bitter taste is not obvious.

So, will silver skin affect the flavor?

Qianjie coffee is compared with [sun berry orchard] and [washed Benafenka]:

[sun berry orchard]

Water temperature: 89 degrees

Beans: 15g

Powder / water ratio: 1:15

Total duration: 1:58 seconds

Technique: three-stage cooking, 30g steaming for 30 seconds, the first small water injection, slowly circle, to 125g pause, and so on the liquid level dropped to 1 / 3, and then injected to 225g, the flow is larger, the circle speed is faster

Bouquet: intense dry aromas of berries and fruits, starting with strong aromas of strawberries and blueberries with tropical fruit aromas such as passion fruit and mango, with aromas of apricot, peach and grape juice in the middle, floral, peach and berry aromas throughout the taste buds and a hint of nuts.

[washing Benafenka]

Water temperature: 90 degrees

Beans: 15g

Powder / water ratio: 1:15

Total duration: 2:05 seconds

Technique: three-stage cooking, 30g steaming for 30 seconds, the first small water injection, slowly circle, to 125g pause, and so on the liquid level dropped to 1 / 3, and then injected to 225g, the flow is larger, the circle speed is faster

Flavor: fresh and charming coffee blossoms with sweet aromas of lemon, in addition to the sweet and sour taste of yogurt, citrus, fresh lime, bergamot and litchi outline the whole outline, with orange blossoms and peaches in the middle, with a spicy, floral and Earl Grey Tea flavor on the finish.

Qianjie coffee after brewing found that whether to retain the silver skin brewing, in fact, does not have much bad effect on the overall flavor. The silver skin of sun-dried beans is less, and the taste is not obvious, while the silver skin of washed beans is more, which enhances the sense of tea in the aftertaste, and there is no legendary bitterness. It is not necessary to screen out the silver skin when cooking, but to retain it increases the sense of hierarchy.