Coffee review

Do you know how to make instant coffee?| Is lims coffee a brand name coffee?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style) Coffee flower, can be said to be the art of milk and coffee, known as foam waltz. On a leisure weekend, I met a coffee shop with good decoration around the corner, ordered a cappuccino or latte, and saw barista (the name of barista) serving one.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Coffee flower pull, which can be said to be the art of milk and coffee, is known as "foam Waltz".

On a leisure weekend, I came across a well-decorated cafe around the corner, ordered a cappuccino or latte, saw barista (barista's foreign name) serving a cup of coffee with a floating heart, wheat ear or tulip pattern, and instantly changed my mood into zhuang bi mode.

There is a density difference between the milk bubble and the fused coffee liquid. The lighter milk bubble can float in the liquid surface with tension. After fusion, the milk bubble has a forward impact and a downward impact when the foam is injected. So the smaller the angle between the bubble and the liquid surface is, that is, the smaller the distance between the nipple and the liquid surface, the easier it is to form, and the lines will flow out and touch the cup wall more easily.

There are two ways to shorten the distance between the nipple and the liquid surface, one is to tilt the cup so that the liquid of the cup is as close to the edge of the cup as possible, and the other is to lower the milk tank (so you have to choose a larger one to make it.) when you pull flowers, the amount of milk bubbles in the milk tank should not be too much, and some of it should be divided out, otherwise it is difficult to control. Whether you make a combination picture or a single picture, you must let the grease extraction and milk foam finish almost at the same time, which is the best state, and especially when making a single picture (such as embossing), the connection between the two should be very good. Don't wait for each other.

First of all, it is the collision of two liquids, so what you have to think about is how to make the best combination between them, so the good fusion result is that the liquid surface is clean, shiny and tense, and the color is the same, which is not only good for shaping, but also tastes much better than when you blend at will. Encounter Crema poor state of the case can increase the distance of fusion and reduce the size of the flow, stir up the grease, fusion coffee cup do not shake so as not to accelerate the separation of milk bubbles, but to let the milk tank in the fusion of milk should also have a slight left and right movement trajectory can slow down the speed of foam separation. There is also a fixed-point fusion, but the prerequisite is that the texture of espresso and foam is good enough, the advantage of fixed-point fusion is that it has stronger contrast and cleanliness, it is not recommended to use it if the prerequisite is not enough, and the surface flavor of the coffee is too strong.

The fusion technique uses the left and right mixing method, the flow height of the fusion is consistent, this is the personal favorite fusion method so far, it can do a good job of efficient fusion, the liquid surface is clean, and the combination of Espresso and milk foam is also very high.

Import LIMS Blue Mountain Coffee from West Asia

The drop is mellow and has an aftertaste in the mouth

Fast rush can also be drunk to show a sense of wear!

This classic Blue Mountain flavor three-in-one instant coffee is imported from Malaysia with exquisite craftsmanship and quality assurance. 16g gold proportion mix, taste more mellow, silky taste!

This golden three-in-one instant coffee has a mellow drip and an aftertaste. Even if it is instant, it can be ground to the taste.