Coffee review

Do you know what is single-origin coffee? what are the better flavor characteristics of single-product coffee?

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) individual coffee can be traced back to the origin of coffee, not only the country of coffee production, and even the land where coffee is produced, through knowing the coffee owner, going deep into the origin of coffee, understanding the story of the origin of coffee from the source, and purchasing raw beans. Different regions, coffee.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Individual coffee can be traced back to the origin of coffee, not only the producing country of coffee, but even the land where coffee is produced. By knowing the owner of the coffee farm, going deep into the origin of coffee, understanding the story of the origin of coffee from the source, and purchasing raw beans.

With different regional conditions, coffee beans will have obvious regional characteristics, and the flavor characteristics of coffee beans produced in the three boutique coffee producing areas of Asia, Africa and America are also different, which is the charm of fine coffee.

Individual coffee is related to the origin, can also be divided into boutique and non-boutique coffee, single coffee can also be divided into commercial grade and boutique level.

Individual coffee refers to the coffee produced from a specific producing area, a specific producing area and a specific plantation, with a unique special flavor that can reflect the local culture.

Because it is a single-origin, single-producing area of coffee, so drinking a single product of coffee can taste the unique flavor of this coffee bean.

Individual coffee can be extracted by hand, pressure, siphon and other extraction methods to make a cup of coffee, no matter which extraction method you use, it will not change the attribute of coffee from a single origin. You can even use an espresso machine to make a cup of espresso (the legendary Single-Origin Espresso).

The more mainstream extraction method is hand-brewing, which is a drip-filter method of brewing coffee.

Baristas extract coffee by controlling the grinding scale, water injection temperature, brewing time, gouache ratio and water injection method of coffee beans.

A good cup of coffee is clean, balanced, rich in layers and obvious in flavor. You can feel the personality of different coffee beans as much as you can.

The growth of coffee beans is mainly distributed in Asia, Africa and Central and South America, because their growth environment is different, coffee beans from different producing areas have their own unique flavor.

Generally speaking, African beans have a strong sour taste and bright flavor, such as Yega Chet; Central and South American beans have a more balanced flavor, such as Costa Rica; and Asian beans are bitter beans with high mellow thickness, such as Mantenin.

So you can choose different kinds of coffee according to your own tastes and preferences.

Drink a single cup of coffee in order to get the true taste of the coffee, so there is no sugar or milk. Some roasters point out that if you use an Italian coffee machine to brew individual coffee beans into a single product concentrate (Single Origin Espresso), under high pressure, various characteristics of coffee, such as acidity, sweetness, and bitterness, will be magnified, and not everyone can accept it. Therefore, it is not necessarily better to drink coffee alone. If you flush it by hand, the sharpness is much lower than that of a single product, and it will be more acceptable. In addition, with light or medium roasting, the coffee taste is more acceptable, of course, you can also try to dilute the high concentration of single coffee with water.