Coffee review

What is the source of the story about coffee beans? which country is the source story of coffee beans?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please pay attention to the origin of coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Coffee is one of the three most popular drinks in the world. There are different legends about the origin of coffee. Here I would like to introduce three of the most representative stories. The story of the shepherd around the 6th century AD, herding sheep on the highlands of Ethiopia in Africa

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

The origin of coffee

Coffee is one of the three most popular drinks in the world. There are different legends about the origin of coffee. Here I would like to introduce three of the most representative stories.

The Story of the Shepherd

Around the 6th century AD, on the highlands of Ethiopia in Africa, the shepherd Kaldi suddenly noticed that the sheep were frantically noisy. After many explorations, he found that every time the sheep ate the fruit of a wild shrub, they would be excited. He also picked and tasted curiously and danced with joy. This kind of fruit is coffee. As a result, the local people began to try to chew coffee beans and drink coffee with water. This atmosphere began to travel to Arabia by Ethiopia, which quickly captivated sentient beings and became a typical drink in Muslim countries.

The Story of Shack Omar

Shack, a disciple of Sheckaldi, the guardian saint of the Arabian Peninsula. Omar was a highly respected and beloved chief in Moka, but was expelled by his people for committing crimes. As a result, Shake Omar was exiled to Osama in the country, where he stumbled upon the fruit of coffee in 1258. One day, Omar was walking hungrily in the mountains and saw a bird with strange feathers on the branches, pecking at the fruit of the tree and making a very sweet cry.

He took the fruit back and boiled it with water, only to emit a rich and attractive fragrance, and the original feeling of tiredness was eliminated after drinking it. Omar collected many of these magical fruits, and when she met someone who was sick, she made the fruit into soup for them to drink and refreshed her spirit. Because he did good everywhere and was loved by believers, his sins were soon forgiven, and when he returned to Mocha, he was praised for finding this fruit, and people did not worship him as a saint. At that time, the magic cure was said to be coffee.

The Story of Deckley

This is a romantic story. Gabriel, a French naval officer on the island of Matinique, circa 1720 or 1723. Mathieu. De. As he was about to leave Paris, Klee managed to get some coffee trees and decided to take them back to Martinique. He had been taking good care of the saplings and keeping them in a glass box on the deck to protect them from sea water and heat.

De. Klee was threatened by pirates during the journey, experienced the storm, and the jealousy and destruction of his fellow ship, and even saved his own water to water the sapling when drinking water was scarce. His coffee tree finally took root in Martinique and got its first harvest in 1726. It is said that by 1777 Martinique had 18791680 coffee trees, Gabriel. Mathieu. De. Klee played an important role. Gabriel. Mathieu. De. Klee died in Paris on November 30, 1724, and a monument was built for him in 1918 at the Ford Botanical Garden in Martinique.