Coffee review

What is the reason for the spatter of coffee bottomless handle | learn the skills of bottomless handle of Italian coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) bottomless handle another advantage is that it can increase the height of the current. It is more convenient to use the takeout cup because the takeout cup is higher. A high starting point may cause bubbles in espresso. As long as you connect a vertical faucet to the cup, before serving, those are worrying.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style)

Another advantage of a bottomless handle is that it increases the height of the current. It's easier to use a takeaway cup because it's taller. A high onset point may cause espresso to bubble. Just attach a vertical tap to the cup and the worrying bubbles will disappear before serving.

3. improve grease

Some would argue that bottomless handles produce more and better grease. This may be due to insufficient surface area for espresso to flow. Because the grease foam doesn't have the same areas to attach to, it cools slower, resulting in thicker and more foam. I don't believe that more grease means better extraction, and I'm not sure if the bottomless handle will extract more grease.

4. An aesthetic pleasure.

Espresso extraction process is very beautiful, use the bottomless handle can intuitively enjoy this beautiful picture, this is the bottom handle does not have the function. With the bottomless handle, you'll soon be mesmerized by the sparkling golden-brown water flowing through the espresso. I think that's probably enough reason for people to opt for a bottomless handle.

The amount of powder must be weighed into the powder bowl to be accurate, as shown in the figure below. If the powder agglomeration is more serious, be sure to stir open, you can use a toothpick. Severe caking combined with poor powder pressing at the back, channels are likely to appear. The so-called channel, simply said that in the extraction process, the powder cake has one or N small holes or cracks, at this time high-pressure water will flow down from the channel quickly, other places of the powder cake are not completely extracted, eventually leading to partial extraction of the channel Excessive, other places insufficient extraction. If you look through the bottomless handle, you may find that the flow rate is fast, the color is quickly lightened, and there is spray.

What are the disadvantages of the bottomless handle?

Bottomless handles are not so invincible, and the low popularity rate is naturally due to its shortcomings. Although minor, it is worth mentioning.

The first drawback is that coffee drops from higher heights can cause splashes and create some mess. Especially if your container is too low, especially if the mouth is too narrow or the body is too shallow. If the splashing phenomenon during extraction is very serious, it is also necessary to consider whether there is a problem with the grinding scale and powder distribution of the coffee powder.

The second drawback is obvious: you can't serve two single cups of concentrate at the same time.