Coffee review

Costa Rican Black Honey is the best coffee in Costa Rica.

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style) Qianjie coffee introduction-honey treatment grade Honey treatment is the process of making raw beans with mucous membrane for sun drying. After removing the outer pulp of the coffee beans, there will be a layer of sticky gel, which will be washed away with water in the traditional washing method, but because there is

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Qianjie Coffee introduction-Honey treatment Grade

Honey treatment is the process of making raw beans by sun-drying with mucous membranes. After the outer pulp of the coffee bean is removed, there will be a layer of sticky jelly, which will be washed off with clean water in the traditional washing method, but because of the water resources limitations of some high-altitude areas, this method of drying directly with pectin was born.

According to the thickness of pectin planing, the length of sunshine time (or drying thickness), and the frequency of turning when drying, honey treatment can be divided into black honey, red honey, orange honey, yellow honey and white honey.

According to the thickness of the pectin:

Black honey: hardly removes pectin, so it takes the longest time to dry and lasts for more than 14 days. In order to avoid drying too fast, cover will be used to block too strong sunlight to make sugar conversion more fully.

Red honey: remove 25% pectin (the specific methods of each manor vary), the sun lasts for about 12 days, and shading sheds may also be used in the process.

Yellow honey: remove 40% pectin and receive maximum light drying for about 8 days.

Some producing areas and estates are distinguished according to the thickness of coffee beans and the number of turns, such as yellow honey and white honey, both retain 20-30% pectin:

Yellow honey: thick layer drying, less turning times, long drying time

White honey: thin layer drying, more turning times, short drying time.

Qianjie Coffee introduction-Honey treated Coffee Flavor and taste

After baking for 8 hours, the cup test, weighing 11.3g powder, grinding BG 5B (the pass rate of Chinese standard No. 20 screen 75%), the water temperature is 94 ℃, pour into 200ml water, break the slag and pick up the slag after four minutes, you can measure the cup.

[yellow honey] has a hint of fermented fruit, with citrus, cocoa, nuts, honey and caramel flavors when sipped. The overall flavor is relatively light.

[red honey] it has a strong aroma of fermented red wine, with notes of pineapple, sweet orange, nectarine, raisin, cream, raisin and maple syrup when sipped.

[black honey] it smells of jackfruit, raisins and fermented wine, with aromas of plums, citrus, raisins, caramel and spices.