Coffee review

What are the top ten best coffee beans? introduction to the top ten coffee bean brands in the world

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Qianjie Coffee-Ten famous Coffee introduction 1. Yirgacheffe coffee of Ethiopia, though petite, is gentle, delicate and sweet. As the hometown of coffee, Ethiopia has thousands of years of planting history and processing tradition.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Qianjie Coffee-introduction of Ten famous Coffee

1. Yejia Xuefei

Although the Ethiopian Yirgacheffe coffee is petite, it is gentle and delicate and sweet. As the hometown of coffee, thousands of years of planting history and processing tradition in Ethiopia have created high-quality washed Arabica beans. Light baking has unique sweet aromas of lemon, flowers and honey, soft acidity and citrus flavors, fresh and bright on the palate. No milk or sugar, let the rich texture and unique soft flower scent brush your taste buds, leaving an endless aftertaste.

Yega Xuefei is a small town, 700-2100 meters above sea level, synonymous with Ethiopian boutique coffee. It has been a wetland since ancient times. The ancient saying "Yirga" means "settle down" and "Cheffe" means "wetland". The mode of production and flavor of coffee here is so outstanding that Ethiopian coffee farmers compete to be proud of the flavor of their coffee, making it the most famous coffee producing area in Africa.

two。 Rose summer

The species of Geisha was discovered in the Rose Summer Forest of Ethiopia in 1931 and sent to the Coffee Institute in Kenya; it was introduced to Uganda and Tanzania in 1936, in Costa Rica in 1953, and Panama was introduced in the 1970s by Francesca of Dongba Seven Farm Garden. Mr. Serraxin got the seeds from CATIE in Costa Rica and started growing Rosa Coffee, which is hard to come by because of its low production and bidding.

3. Blue Mountain Coffee (Blue Mountain Coffee); Blue Mountain Coffee originated in the mountains of Jamaica in the West Indies. It has rich aroma, mellow taste, excellent quality and has the characteristics of all kinds of high-quality coffee. It's the best in coffee. But the output is very small, the price is expensive, most people are difficult to drink the real thing, can only taste similar taste of the same kind of coffee. Blue Mountain Coffee is often drunk as a single product.

4. Mocha coffee (Mocha Coffee): mocha coffee originates from North Yemen in Arabian Peninsula. it is a small-grain high-quality coffee bean with rich aroma and is the top grade of coffee. Now this variety of coffee is grown and produced in major coffee-producing countries in the world. Often drink as a single product.

Santos Coffee Coffee is produced in the city of Santos, Brazil, which is the second largest seaport in Brazil and the largest coffee export port in the butterfly world. Santos coffee belongs to the neutral category, which is suitable for blending comprehensive coffee.

6. Colombian coffee (Colombia Coffee): Colombian coffee is produced in the Republic of Colombia (The Republic of Colombia) in northwestern South America. This variety of coffee has outstanding aroma, coordinated taste and moderate bitterness, and is a native product of coffee. Suitable for drinking as a single product.

7. Mandeling Coffee Coffee: Mandarin Coffee is produced on the island of Sumatra (Sumatra Island) in western India. It has strong aroma, bitter taste and unique flavor, so it can be used as a single product, and it is also a good product for blending comprehensive coffee.

8. Guatemala Coffee Coffee: Guatemalan Coffee is produced in Guatemala (The Republic of Guatemala) in the northwest of Central America. The country's mountain forest area accounts for 2/3 of the national area, rich in high-quality coffee beans, its strong sour taste, mellow taste and slightly wild, can be used as a single drink or for the preparation of comprehensive coffee.

9. Java Coffee Coffee (Java Coffee): Java Coffee is produced in Java Island of Indonesia (Java). It is a segment coffee variety with elegant flavor, moderate acidity and strong bitterness, so it is suitable for blending comprehensive coffee.

10. Costa Rican coffee (Costarica Coffee): Costa Rican coffee is produced in the Republic of Costa Rica (The Republic of Coffee) in the south of Central America. Its coffee quality is similar to Colombian coffee and is suitable for blending mixed coffee.