Coffee review

The Story of Instant Coffee the influence of instant coffee

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) a teaspoon of instant coffee this novelty niche market is in the military field. Caffeine consumption on the battlefield provides much-needed stimulation, and now instant coffee makes it much easier. In World War I, some soldiers nicknamed it

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

One teaspoon of instant coffee

The niche market for this novelty is in the military field. Caffeine consumption on the battlefield provides much-needed stimulation, and now instant coffee makes it much easier. In World War I, some soldiers nicknamed it "the Cup of George". "3

In spite of rats, rain, mud, drought, the roar of cannons and the screams of shells, I was happy. In a minute, I can light my little oil heater and make some George Washington coffee. Washington).

American soldier, a letter from the trench in 1918

During World War II, instant coffee was very popular among soldiers. Washington Coffee, Nestle Coffee and other coffees have all emerged to meet this demand. One year, all the products (more than 1 million cases) produced by the Nestle factory in the United States were used for military purposes. four

Today, instant coffee still has a certain influence in the market. When making cappuccino cookies, it's great to put on mocha frosting quickly. At the grocery store, you'll see it in all instant cappuccino and mixed ice drink powder, some even in cafes. Even the army still provides instant coffee powder to supplement much-needed caffeine. Always at that moment, it is by your side!