Coffee review

Why do more and more people like to drink anaerobic fermented coffee in the past two years? What is the method of anaerobic treatment?

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Qianjie Coffee introduction anaerobic fermentation treatment is divided into two kinds of fermentation: aerobic and anaerobic. The biggest difference between the two is that the anaerobic process is more uniform and can be controlled, but the aerobic environment is too varied to be easily monitored. In an anaerobic environment

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Qianjie coffee is divided into two types of anaerobic fermentation: "aerobic" and "anaerobic". The biggest difference between the two is that the anaerobic process is more uniform and can be controlled, but the aerobic environment is too varied to be easily monitored.

In an anaerobic environment, the decomposition rate of pectin sugar is slowed down, and the ph value decreases more slowly, prolonging the fermentation time, thus developing a better sweetness and a more balanced flavor.

Anaerobic solarization is to do anaerobic fermentation of the whole coffee cherry first, and then do the sun treatment.

Basically, the anaerobic process makes coffee more uniform and easier to monitor, while the aerobic process is more complex and harder to monitor.

In an anaerobic environment, the decomposition rate of pectin sugar is slowed down, and the ph value decreases more slowly, prolonging the fermentation time, thus developing a better sweetness and a more balanced flavor.

The temperature controlled by anaerobic fermentation must be lower than 10-15 degrees Celsius. Coffee beans should be fermented for three days without oxygen in a closed and clean stainless steel fermentation container. And put it on the scaffolding for sun treatment.

Semi-anaerobic impregnation allows coffee cherries to release carbon dioxide naturally during fermentation, while the weight of the top cherry crushes the bottom cherry, producing complex acidity. This treatment takes longer and is riskier.

The fermentation process of traditional treatment is relatively difficult to control, and there are too many variables in the process, so the risk is quite high, and it is difficult to replicate, which is one of the reasons why there are obvious differences in the quality of coffee beans between different batches. The anaerobic fermentation is similar to the fermentation in the process of wine production, not only the flavor and Body performance are more rich and complex, the key is that the subtle changes in the fermentation barrel can be monitored and adjusted, so as to replicate the operation and stabilize the production quality, which is the reason why anaerobic fermentation is sought after by more and more people.