Coffee review

A brief introduction to the grindability of Yega Chevy hand sharing of brewing method

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Front Street Ethiopia-Red Cherry Coffee brewing method sharing Yega Xuefei Red Honey treatment production area: Yega Xuefei planting altitude: 2000-2200m treatment method: red Honey treatment Variety: local native species level: G1 Yega Xuefei rare Honey treated Coffee

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Qianjie Ethiopia-red honey red cherry coffee brewing method to share

Yejia Xuefei red honey treatment

Producing area: Yega Xuefei idido

Planting altitude: 2000-2200m

Treatment method: red honey treatment

Variety: native species

Grade: G1

Yega Xuefei's rare honey-treated coffee has a better sweetness, a balanced sense of acidity and sweetness, and retains its unique flower and fruit aroma. Because it is hand-brewed coffee, so the degree of grinding is based on the conventional thickness, both to the thickness of fine sugar as the standard; the thickness of the kettle needs to be adjusted half-scale, both thick and half-scale.


Parameter & technique: 15g powder / 1mm 15 ℃ / grindability BG-5R (60% pass rate of Chinese standard No. 20 screen)

28 grams of water is steamed for 30 seconds, directly injected into the center to 126 grams, then injected to 227 grams after the powder bed, the filter cup is removed from the powder bed, the total extraction time is: 1: 52 "

Flavor: it smells of ginger, lemon, sweet Chinese fir and honey, oolong tea and berries at the end, obvious sweet and sour feeling and distinct layers.

[French kettle]

Parameter & technique: 15g powder / 1mm 15 ℃ / grind BG-5R (60% pass rate of Chinese standard No. 20 sieve) pour powder, pour 230g of water, soak for 3 minutes, press out 340 ".

Flavor: lemon, ginger, cream, honey, tea, obvious sweet and sour taste, thin taste, the overall taste is relatively fresh and clean.

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