Coffee review

Java beans Why special Java coffee Why special Java beans are special

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style) What makes Peaberry coffee so special? You can't make pies with these berries, but you can make your own delicious cup of coffee. If you've heard the word before, you might be wondering: What are pea flowers and what makes them so special? peaberry(also

Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style)

What makes Peaberry Coffee so special?

You can't make pies with these berries, but you can make your own delicious cup of coffee. If you've heard the word before, you might be wondering: What are pea flowers and what makes them so special?

Peaberry(also known as caracol, or "snail" in Spanish) is the natural variation of coffee beans in cherries. Normally, coffee beans grow into two fruits, spread out like two halves of a peanut, but interestingly, 5% of the world's coffee contains this substance, and a coffee bean is born as an only child.

Perhaps like the only child, Pean-Pea was spoiled for not having to share. They tend to be smaller, denser, and, let's face it, just a little cuter than their flattened cousins. Fans believe they taste significantly sweeter and more palatable than regular coffee beans; opponents insist they don't see the difference.

Because it is impossible to tell from the cherries themselves whether they are single or double, these small things need to be hand-sorted after picking and processing before they can be sold separately. So, in many cases, small peas are baked with regular peas. Occasionally, growers hand-pick tiny mutants for special sales, sometimes at high prices-not only because of their taste, but also because of the amount of work they involve and their relative rarity.