Coffee review

What is the third wave of coffee? a brief introduction to the third wave of coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, More information on coffee beans Please follow Coffee Workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) the third wave was at the end of the 20th century, when the Coffee Company (Third Wave Coffee) ventured to turn coffee into a handmade coffee, taking into account all stages of production to improve the quality of coffee. This requires the source and species of raw materials.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

The third wave

At the end of the 20th century, the third Wave Coffee Company (Third Wave Coffee) ventured to turn coffee into a handmade coffee, taking into account all stages of production to improve the quality of coffee. This requires a deeper understanding of the source, planting, processing, baking and brewing of raw materials to produce a refined drink that is essentially genetically constructed.

The quality of beans has become critical; there has been a new understanding of Arabica and Robusta coffee varieties and their efficacy, single-origin coffee has emerged, and light roasting is popular for its more complex and refined tastes. There has also been a revival of interest in brewing coffee. The third wave revived other methods, such as pouring coffee and siphon coffee, and scrutinized how the preparation process affected the final product in the cup. Grinding size, dosage, tamping pressure, temperature control, prepreg, brewing ratio, and brewing time are all essential ingredients for a larger espresso formula.

In this era, the value of coffee can be enhanced, and its complexity and profound cultural and traditional history can be compared with wine. It is about the map provided for it to achieve the gradient of coffee quality. The third wave leads us from a poor understanding of coffee to an ingenious, almost academic study to produce a fundamentally better drink.

That's the difference between bringing home a sad but effective microwave dinner and cooking a home-cooked meal with grandma's family recipe. The third wave of coffee provides an unparalleled experience, centuries of research and dedication, and we are only just beginning to appreciate it.