Coffee review

Coffee machine Who invented the coffee machine Who invented the espresso machine

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, In 1901, the owner of a manufacturing company invented the earliest version of the espresso machine, which included a boiler system that allowed water and steam to pass through the coffee into the cup. According to Ian Bersten's book Coffee Float, Tea Sink, there are records showing that in 19

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In 1901, the boss of a manufacturing company invented the earliest version of the espresso machine, which included a boiler system that allowed water and steam to pass through the coffee into the cup. According to Ian Bersten's book Coffee float, Tea trough, it is documented that other inventors tried to develop machines for similar uses before 1900, but Luigi Bezzera's patent in Milan on November 19, 1901 was widely considered to be the first.

Bezzera's invention is not ideal, although it can extract more coffee in less time than previous coffee machines, but his invention relies on steam, and the extracted coffee tastes bitter because of overheating. In spite of this, his invention has been highly praised by bar owners because it is not only efficient, but also makes coffee with a higher concentration. Bezzera's invention caused a stir among coffee connoisseurs, but Bezzera is not yet financially ready to explore a growing market. Bezerra's patent was then sold to Desidrio Desiderio Pavoni in 1903. Desidrio Pavone improved the early model and made his company La Pavoni a great success to this day.