Coffee review

Which brand of coffee is good? which brand is better? the brand of coffee recommended.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please pay attention to coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Qianjie coffee Yunnan Huaguoshan coffee Yunnan Huaguoshan Baoshan producing area water washing treatment 1200 meters above sea level varieties for Tibica flavor: entrance is obvious sour plum, brown sugar sweet, slight melon, a little cold will have an obvious sense of black tea. END

Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style)

Yunnan Huaguoshan Coffee of Qianjie Coffee

Yunnan Huaguoshan Baoshan production area

water washing treatment

altitude of 1200 meters

The variety is iron bika

Flavor: On the palate is a pronounced plum acid, brown sugar sweetness, slight honeydew melon, slightly cooled with a distinct black tea feel.